Katalunia: eta ekonomian, zer?

Demagun Katalunia errepublika independente bilakatzen dela, zenbat eta lehenago hobe, noski!

Gogoratu, Mosler-en bidetik, Kataluniak daukan aukera:

Vocale Europe delakotik ICEC-Euskal Herria delakora

(a) Plan A is to work with the EU to expand fiscal limits.

(b) A credible Plan B is essential to achieving Plan A.

Noski, job guarantee delakoaren bidez, aka, lan bermearen bitartez, Transitions Jobs are also necessary.

Gainera, zorrari buruz, azpi-aukera bat gogoratu behar dugu: Mosler bonoei dagokiena.

Izan ere, Bulgariari buruz aipatu dugunez, ikus Bulgaria eta euroa. Mosler bonoak:

Zorra eta Mosler bonoak

Mosler Bonds are designed to be sufficiently attractive to private investors and ensure the funding of government at very low rates of interest. They’re identical to existing municipal bonds, with one exception. The “default clause” in the bond indenture is replaced by the following statement: “In the event of non payment, principal and interest, which continues to accrue, [the bond] can be used for the payment of taxes to the government.”

In the event of non-payment, investors are not dependent on payments from the government for debt repayment—instead, they’re compensated by reductions of tax payments. Mosler Bonds function as interest-bearing government tax credits. The elimination of default risk dramatically lowers interest rates. They can be used to immediately fund payments of interest and principal on existing debt. Banks and other investors will compete for Mosler Bonds, thereby driving down the interest rate for Bulgaria. The government can issue Mosler Bonds at low rates of interest and fund its public corporations at the same yield. Mosler Bonds are not a substitute for monetary sovereignty, but they’re the smartest funding scheme for currency user governments.

Hortxe dauka Kataluniak, eurogunearen barruan egonez, irtenbide duin bat.

Bestela, badakizue, Catalexit eta EFTA (European Free Trade Association, euskaraz Europako Merkataritza Libreko Erkidegoa), Islandia, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Suitza eta agian laster Britainia Handia…

Iruzkinak (1)

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