Dolarrak, libra esterlinak, euskoak

Langabezia gizateriaren aurkako krimena da (Warren Mosler)

Langabeziak irauten duen bitartean defizit publikoak beharrezkoak dira, gutxienez urtero BPGren %8koak izanik.

Diru hori Banku Zentralak hornitzen du. Teklatuaren bidez. Kostua zero izanik.

Gobernu subirano batek, alegia bere moneta propioa jaulkitzen duen gobernuak, ez du inoiz moneta propiorik gabe geratuko, edozein delarik moneta hori.

(i) Dolarrak eta AEBko gobernua

Deficit Owls@DeficitOwls1

“But what if the US government runs out of US Dollars??? AHHHHHHHH!!!!”

2016 abe. 11

(ii) Libra esterlinak eta Britainia Handiko gobernua

Jane Haines@blue_sky_bubble2

Jane Haines(e)k Bertxiotua Deficit Owls

Equally the UK govt can never run out of pounds.

Jane Haines(e)k gehitu du,

Deficit Owls @DeficitOwls

“But what if the US government runs out of US Dollars??? AHHHHHHHH!!!!”

2016 abe. 12

(iii) Euskoak eta Euskal Herri independenteko gobernua

Euskal Herrian, zer?

Non dago dirua Europar Batasunean?

Banku zentralak (bi kasutan)

Ongi etorri euskoa!

Italia (eta Euskal Herria ere) bidegurutzean

Italia eta lira (berriro)

Euskoaren sormena, hutsetik

Hortaz, era berean, Euskal Herri independenteko gobernuak ezin du euskorik gabe geratuko.

Equally the Basque govt can never run out of euskos.

2016 abe. 13

Ekonomialariek, kazetariek, progreek, Urkullu jaunak, Ibarretxe jaunak, EHbildukoek ikasiko ahal dute!

Gehigarria langabeziaz:

Langabeziarekin bukatzeko lan bermeko programa sendo bat behar da, gobernuak finantzatuta (Langabezia eta lan bermea (W. Mosler eta B. Mitchell)), ez inongo errenta unibertsalik edo oinarrizko errenta, zeren azken hau neoliberalek bultzatutako (Errenta unibertsala: noizean behin zapatak garbitu behar) lapurreta (Errenta unibertsala edo oinarrizko errenta = lapurreta) baita, besterik ez.

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Neil Wilson says:
    Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 17:07

    “I cannot quite fathom though why the BIG is to be preferred over the JG unless it is “cheaper”?”
    It’s pretty simple really. It is the people advocating for the BI that are the ones that want it. The ‘help the poor’/’freedom’/TINA arguments for it are just convenient excuses used to persuade others.
    As I’ve shown Basic Income, if it is sufficient to live on, ends up with the individual getting paid twice in real terms. Once in terms of the output they are able to purchase and once in terms of their own daily labour which they can self consume. The Job Guarantee represents an exchange of labour hours for the output of others.
    The self consumption is seen by others as theft (or larceny if you prefer) and that leads to resentment and the dismantling of the scheme.
    What that means in terms of those still working is that the BI represents a lower pool of available output to those making the stuff than the Job Guarantee (it is down by those labour hours the BI recipients choose to self-consume).
    More money chasing less stuff available to buy at full engagement is the textbook definition of inflation.
    So you find the BI advocates deal with this in different way – largely by reducing the size of the cash grant so that you can’t live on it. The living wage in the UK is about £10 per hour representing a living wage of £375 per week on a standard work week. The BI proposals I’ve seen are talking about £70 or £80 per week cash grants – less than a quarter of what is required to live over the long term.
    Which means that BI has nothing to do with helping the poor and everything to do with providing a snowflake middle class with a nice cash bung so they can buy newer clothes for their very important social events. The poor will remain immiserated as they always have done.
    Similarly it is very difficult to see arguments for automation holding any sway when state retirement ages continue to rise. If there is technological unemployment then you just retire people earlier. That works because if you’ve been working a lifetime you’re seen by others as having contributed.
    You’ll never find that solution put forward by BI advocates, because it means that they would be excluded from the cash bung group and have to work for a living.
    Ordinary people want to work for a living, entrepreneurs want to work even though they are minted. Real people like working. So the problem is not enough to do. The wage people get then comes as a consequence of that.

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