Bill Mitchell-en La Distopia del euro liburuaren aurkezpenak

Mitchell-en Madrid presentation video and travel1.

Ukitutako puntuak:

(i) Gehiago idatziko du, Australian egongo denean

(ii) Emaitza interesgarri bat, Espainiako hauteskundeak direla eta2

(iii) Alberto Garzon-ekin bilera, ikuspegi kezkagarri batzuk eztabaidatzeko3

(iv) Euroaren aldeko Podemos-ekin ere egondakoa4

Esan bezala, hurrengo astean berri gehiago emango du Mitchell-ek

Euskal Herriko ekonomialariek, politikariek, kazetariek eta progre guztiek argi daukate Eurolandia zer-nolako Paradisua den, austeritatea zertan datzan, ekonomian TINA dela marko nagusia (TINA: There Is No Alternative), ez dagoela ezer berririk entzuteko, are gutxiago ikasteko…

Hortaz, lasai. No problem!

PS: Ikus liburuaren aurkezpenen ondoko bideoak eta elkarrizketak:

William (Bill) Mitchell-en La distopía del euro liburuaren aurkezpena Madrilen

Bill Mitchell Badajoz-en

Bill Mitchell Bartzelonan


Ortodoxiak ongi kobratzen du

Bill Mitchell: Brexit?

1 Ikus

2 Ingelesez: “The upcoming national election on June 26 this year after the first election (December 20, 2015) failed to consolidate a government, is shaping up to be a very interesting outcome. Last Monday, Podemos and the United Left (IU) coalition (involving many organisations) signed off on a formal alliance to run a list together in the election. It is anticipated that this coalition will have a strong chance of winning power.”

3 Ingelesez: “The leader of IU Alberto Garzón, the head of the Communist Party of Spain, wrote the forward to the Spanish translation of my book – La Distopía del Euro (with his brother Eduardo). I am meeting with Alberto in Madrid today to discuss various policy issues. The agreement that this coalition has signedCambiar España: 50 pasos para gobernar juntoshas some disturbing aspects, which I hope to discuss with Alberto at our meeting.”

4 Ingelesez: “I also have a dialogue going with economists in Podemos at the moment, which I hope will lead to a shift from their pro-Euro position.

Iruzkinak (1)

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