Excursus: Israel/AEB (gehi EB plus Pentagonoa eta NATO) versus Palestina

Palestina, Hamas,  bideoa:

Our Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, [@hzomlot], highlights the hypocrisy present in Western and Israeli media. “I refuse to answer the question, because I refuse its premise.

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711143225493234113

Bideoa, espainieraz: https://ezdubs-vod-api.com/result/1711143225493234113_en_es


Husam Zomlot@hzomlot

Same, same. US mainstream media obsessed with the blame game and anything but tackling the root cause of an occupied people who for decades have been denied their rights to freedom and self-determination. On @CNBC

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711740058410127525


It is a disgrace that for decades the entire world has watched and condoned how Israel has flouted hundreds of Resolutions of the General Assembly, Human Rights Council and the 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice.



WAR. AND PEACE? – MOATS with George Galloway Ep 280

Give Super Thanks!Follow me on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/GeorgeGallowayOfficial05:45 Introduction #Gaza #Palesti

Bideoa: https://youtu.be/lxQBFWaRBkc


3 h

President Vladimir Putin: #NATO is trying to destroy an open and inclusive cooperation architecture in the Asia-Pacific region and in South Asia. In Europe NATO has been pursued an aggressive policy of expansion for decades.oOooooo

George Galloway@georgegalloway

4 h

An official announcement of a War Crime, a Crime against Humanity.


Going Underground@GUnderground_TV

5 h

BREAKING: Israel’s Defense Minister orders total blockade on Gaza, says there will be ‘no electricity, no food, no fuel’


3 h

? #LIVE: Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit hold a joint news conference following talks in Moscow

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit hold a joint news conference


3 h

Israelis killing #Palestinians every day is fine, barely worth reporting, not to mention condemning – Palestinians fighting back is the end of the world, every Palestinian should apologise for thinking they have the Right to Resist – No Justice, no Peace…


Middle East Eye@MiddleEastEye

12 h

Husam Zomlot, the head of the Palestinian Mission to the UK, blasted the BBC over its biased coverage during an interview in which he was asked whether he would condemn the unprecedented military attack by Hamas on Israel

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711209375979749677


Thomas Fazi@battleforeurope

3 h

This is a war crime. Article 33 of the Geneva Convention: “No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited”.



4 h

@disclosetv erabiltzaileari erantzuten

Israel orders total Gaza siege: “We are fighting human animals.” https://timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry


Vanessa Prevost@vanessa_p_831

Saudi Arabia ends “all negotiations” on normalisation with Israel. Saudi Arabia has informed the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, that it is “ending all negotiations” on normalising relations with Israel, reports the Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post, echoed by the…

Gehiago erakutsi


Boban Driçlek@tintouche92i

urr. 9

L’#Arabie_Saoudite met fin à «toutes les négociations» sur la normalisation avec #Israël.

L’Arabie Saoudite a informé le secrétaire d’Etat américain, Antony Blinken, qu’elle «met fin à toutes les négociations» sur la normalisation des relations avec Israël, rapporte le journal israélien The Jerusalem Post, repris par le média saoudien The Saudi Post, édité aux Etats-Unis.

#Riyad a indiqué, dans un courrier adressé à l’administration Biden, que «le caractère extrémiste du gouvernement israélien de droite sape toute possibilité de rapprochement avec les Palestiniens et, de ce fait, avec les Saoudiens».

Cette information confirme l’existence de contacts entre Saoudiens et Israéliens sous l’égide de Washington, comme cela a été rapporté par #Algeriepatriotique dans plusieurs articles.


23 h

Israel conducted hundreds of air strikes against Syria in the past decade, including on Damascus and Aleppo International Airports. Israeli officials confessed that they have supported al-Qaeda terrorists against the Syrian Army. Where was your outrage, back then?

Bideos, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711285365871407538


West will no doubt remain silent on this matter. Anyone who is not outraged by this statement needs to take a long hard look in the mirror:

Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant:

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly.”



pocalypsis pocalypseos ?@apocalypseos

Lavrov: We are ready to ensure the security of all countries in the Middle East without exception including the State of Palestine, the establishment of which is required by the decision of the Security Council.

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711315454072111180


INTERVIEW: Where was the world when they murdered our children? Journalist Abdel Bari Atwan, who grew up in Gaza, calls out the hypocrisy of the west in a gripping and emotional testimony Follow


#AbdelBariAtwan #Gaza #al-Aqsa #Israel #Hamas

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1yoKMwvEqdNJQ


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

The good offices of the secretary-general of the United Nations are more needed than ever.  Politicians like Nikki Haley should stop pouring oil on the fire. Her call to Nettanyahu to “finish them” constitutes a criminal call for genocide.


Norman Finkelstein’s comprehensive book Gaza explains the root causes of the conflict and lays out a plan of action to solve the decades-long struggle.  Noam Chomsky and Alan Pappe have done their best to clarify the issues. But no one listens in Washington or Tel Aviv.


President #Putin: ?￰゚ヌᆭcrisis is not a territorial conflict Russia is the world’s largest country in terms of land area, we have no interest in conquering additional territory ☝️ The issue is much broader & more fundamental, it is about the principles underlying the new intl order


Scott Ritter@RealScottRitter

He makes a good point…

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711335595711119736


Solutions have been formulated by many well-meaning professors and institutions.  But the continuing blockade of Gaza, eviction of Palestinians, expansion of Israeli settlements, endemic Apartheid policies have eroded the once obvious two-state solution.


Alan MacLeod@AlanRMacLeod

Reports of Israel using white phosphorus on the civilian population of Gaza last night. Banned under int’l law, white phosphorus burns anything it touches, including human skin.

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711289739104391412


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

The Security Council must be ready to take necessary actions to promote dialogue & restore peace. The on-going conflicts between Palestine & Israel are due to the fact that the Middle East peace process has not been conducted in good faith. A “culture of cheating” is evident.


Russian Embassy, UK@RussianEmbassy

Maria #Zakharova:

Russia is gravely concerned over a sharp escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

❗We would like to reaffirm our principled & consistent stance that this conflict cannot be resolved by force and can be settled only by political & diplomatic means


? Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov and Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit


Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711314856974971215


Samira from Iran⁩Middle East without the west@samira6868


erabiltzaileari erantzuten


Younis Tirawi | يونس@ytirawi

urr. 9

Our Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, [@hzomlot], highlights the hypocrisy present in Western and Israeli media.

I refuse to answer the question, because I refuse its premise.”

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711143225493234113


Eva Karene Bartlett@EvaKBartlett

Remember this?




Only the good faith implementation of the self-determination right of all peoples, anchored in the UN Charter and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights can bring durable peace.


Black in the Empire@blackintheempir

urr. 9

After the horrors of the Holocaust, what made some people think it was then okay to go into an already occupied land, kill their people, steal it and then create an apartheid State?


Chay Bowes@BowesChay

21 h

Turn a country into a vast Prison, abuse, undermine and dispossess its inhabitants for decades, demonise their Religion, cultivate violent factions within their society and when the inevitable, brutal backlash occurs, Use this to licence the utter destruction of their homeland.


Declassified UK@declassifiedUK

Two years ago we found that 1/3 of the UK cabinet had been funded by Israel’s government or affiliated lobby groups.

It’s similar today. Just over one third of Rishi Sunak’s cabinet has been funded by

Conservative Friends of Israel or lobby groups


All parties directly and indirectly concerned must exercise maximum restraint, avoid further escalation and implement a ceasefire as soon as possible.All parties must abide by international law and refrain from attacking civilians and destroying civilian infrastructures.


The coming full destruction of Gaza was calculated by “the Resistance” and is part of the plan – it will be used to raise anger in the Arabic world. And Western shills are very usefull in fulfilling that plan. The understandable cry for revenge for the all out attack is becoming a two edged sword. It won’t end well for a lot of innocent lifes – on all sides.


Elijah J. Magnier ?￰゚ヌᄎ@ejmalrai

urr. 8

Before jumping to conclusions, people should understand that #Gaza has nothing to lose. #Israel destroyed it before. The population lives suffocated, with a strict minimum. The attack against the illegal settlements expresses the limits Palestinians have reached.


Stop Israel’s war crimes in Gaza

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711311992118739453


Prevention of armed conflict is the core function of the UN.  This requires confidence-building to enable timely solution of grievances.  Implementation of pertinent UN Resolutions on Palestine would have prevented the tragedy, including Security Council Resolution 242 of 1967


Chris Hazzard MP@ChrisHazzardSF

Israel’s leading newspaper Haaretz putting the blame for political violence squarely at the feet of Netanyahu and Israeli Govt policies of “annexation & dispossession” BBC et al take note


Nathan J Robinson@NathanJRobinson

urr. 9

Editorial board of Haaretz, Israel’s leading newspaper, says Netanyahu himself is squarely responsible for the disaster, having ignored the potential consequences of escalating aggression toward Palestinians.



After giving two standing ovations to a Nazi, Canada’s Parliament pays homage to an apartheid regime.


Speaker of the HoC@HoCSpeaker

urr. 9

In light of the recent events in Israel, the #PeaceTower is illuminated in the colours of the Israeli flag, and the National Flag of Canada is flying at half-mast from now until sunset tomorrow.



@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Scott Ritter: Are Hamas fighters using American weapons meant for Ukraine? — RT World News https://rt.com/news/584413-ha


No tears for 243,000 killed in the Afghanistan

No tears for 1,120,000 killed in Iraq

No tears for 613,407 killed in Syria

No tears for 1,500,000 Dead and Injured in Ukraine

Only tears for Israel


FM #Lavrov: I am confident that Russia & Arab League can and must contribute to stopping the bloodshed, establishing sustainable peace in #MiddleEast and ensuring the security of all countries in the region, incl. the state of #Palestine, which creation is required by the #UN.


President Putin: Unfortunately, we see a sharp escalation of the situation in the #MiddleEast

. ☝️ This is an example of the US failed policy in the region. It tried to monopolise the settlement process, but was not concerned with finding compromises acceptable to both sides.


George Galloway@georgegalloway

There a New World Order and if Iran gets drawn into the conflict, that’s it, it’s over. The oil stops.The economy comes to a screeching halt



#Iran #USA #Israel #Gaza #oil

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OyKAWPgWeWJb


The Apartheid State of #Israel is carrying out brutal collective punishment against the citizens of #Gaza

– This is a Crime against Humanity which the #EU and #US are supporting

– Some lives Matter more than others…



18 h

Netanyahu told people to leave Gaza then bombed the only possible crossing they could leave from…


Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711752898151899499


Ben Norton@BenjaminNorton

9 h

When you see the ridiculous rumors demonizing Palestinians without a shred of evidence, don’t forget the US government did the exact same thing to smear Gaddafi, as NATO destroyed Libya in its 2011 war. The lies were later debunked. This is orientalism in service of imperialism.






Clare Daly@ClareDalyMEP

Israel Defense Minister: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.” With the support of


. A disgrace. She does not speak for us.


Ursula von der Leyen@vonderleyen

urr. 8

We stand with ?￰゚ヌᄆ


The Sirius Report@thesiriusreport·

If you intentionally cut off the water supply to 100s of thousands of people in Gaza that in the context of Israel’s declaration of war, is a war crime. This is irrefutable. Imagine if Russia did that in Ukraine and the Western response? The silence of the Western media and governments is a disgrace which is hard to quantify given the magnitude of what this can cause.

Water is the essence of life itself.


urr. 10

Gideon Levy writing about our common humanity in Haaretz: “We now have to cry bitterly for the Israeli victims, but we should also cry for Gaza”:

“Behind all this lies Israeli arrogance; the idea that we can do whatever we like, that we’ll never pay the price and be punished for for it. We’ll carry on undisturbed. We’ll arrest, kill, harass, dispossess and protect the settlers busy with their pogroms. We’ll visit Joseph’s Tomb, Othniel’s Tomb and Joshua’s Altar in the Palestinian territories, and of course the Temple Mount – over 5,000 Jews on Sukkot alone.

We’ll fire at innocent people, take out people’s eyes and smash their faces, expel, confiscate, rob, grab people from their beds, carry out ethnic cleansing and of course continue with the unbelievable siege of the Gaza Strip, and everything will be all right.

We’ll transfer half an army from the Gaza border to the Hawara border in the West Bank, only to protect far-right lawmaker Zvi Sukkot and the settlers. And everything will be all right, both in Hawara and at the Erez crossing into Gaza.

It turns out that even the world’s most sophisticated and expensive obstacle can be breached with a smoky old bulldozer when the motivation is great. This arrogant barrier can be crossed by bicycle and moped despite the billions poured into it and all the famous experts and fat-cat contractors.

We thought we’d continue to go down to Gaza, scatter a few crumbs in the form of tens of thousands of Israeli work permits – always contingent on good behavior – and still keep them in prison. We’ll make peace with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and the Palestinians will be forgotten until they’re erased, as quite a few Israelis would like.

We’ll keep holding thousands of Palestinian prisoners, sometimes without trial, most of them political prisoners. And we won’t agree to discuss their release even after they’ve been in prison for decades.

We’ll tell them that only by force will their prisoners see freedom. We thought we would arrogantly keep rejecting any attempt at a diplomatic solution, only because we don’t want to deal with all that, and everything would continue that way forever.

Once again it was proved that this isn’t how it is. A few hundred armed Palestinians breached the barrier and invaded Israel in a way no Israeli imagined was possible. A few hundred people proved that it’s impossible to imprison 2 million people forever without paying a cruel price.

Just as the smoky old Palestinian bulldozer tore through the world’s smartest barrier Saturday, it tore away at Israel’s arrogance and complacency. And that’s also how it tore away at the idea that it’s enough to occasionally attack Gaza with suicide drones – and sell them to half the world – to maintain security.

On Saturday, Israel saw pictures it has never seen before. Palestinian vehicles patrolling its cities, bike riders entering through the Gaza gates. These pictures tear away at that arrogance. The Gaza Palestinians have decided they’re willing to pay any price for a moment of freedom. Is there any hope in that? No. Will Israel learn its lesson? No.

On Saturday they were already talking about wiping out entire neighborhoods in Gaza, about occupying the Strip and punishing Gaza “as it has never been punished before.” But Israel hasn’t stopped punishing Gaza since 1948, not for a moment.

After 75 years of abuse, the worse possible scenario awaits it once again. The threats of “flattening Gaza” prove only one thing: We haven’t learned a thing. The arrogance is here to stay, even though Israel is paying a high price once again.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bears very great responsibility for what happened, and he must pay the price, but it didn’t start with him and it won’t end after he goes. We now have to cry bitterly for the Israeli victims, but we should also cry for Gaza.

Gaza, most of whose residents are refugees created by Israel. Gaza, which has never known a single day of freedom.”



George Galloway@georgegalloway

Honesty at last. Though not from his western supporters! “Damage not precision”. Remember those words.


Haggai Matar@Ha_Matar

urr. 10

Israeli army spokesperson: in attacking Gaza “our focus is on (creating) damage, not on precision”


Mick Wallace@wallacemick

Why doesn’t #EU fly #Palestinian flag? Why do EU so often take side of the Oppressor but not the Oppressed.? Israel stole their land, threw them out of their homes, now they’re scattered in Ghettos, surrounded by barbed wire + repeatedly attacked. And EU are with the Oppressor..?


Ursula von der Leyen@vonderleyen

urr. 8


The full scale of the brutality of the Hamas terror attack leaves us breathless.

Defenseless people, brutally murdered in cold blood on the streets.

We stand strong with Israel and its people.

Today the EU and Israeli flags fly side by side.


BREAKING: Israel is now dropping internationally-prohibited white phosphorus bombs on South Lebanon.

White phosphorus burns and incinerates upon contact.

Another blatant war crime committed with U.S. backing.

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711776100169191790


Pepe Escobar@RealPepeEscobar


Hollywood: good guys and bad guys.

Ukrainians are the good guys because they are liberating territories “occupied” by Russia.

Palestinians are bad guys because they want the return of their lands stolen and occupied by Israel – recognized by the UN itself as Palestinian.


Mario Nawfal@MarioNawfal


“Water is not being provided to Gaza. There’s no electricity, it’s not being provided.

“We don’t know about the condition of hospitals, are they able to function?”

“Unfortunately, places of worship, hospitals, schools, they are all being ruthlessly targeted; the world remains silent as these happenings unfold. No one is saying anything.”

“What happened to human rights?”

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711838995167035561


Empire Of Lies@berningman16

Where is the outrage? Where is the international community? Why is there no call for sanctions on Israel for committing these heinous war crimes?

And why is the United States allowing their client state Israel to run wild? And murder innocents in Gaza?


DD Geopolitics@DD_Geopolitics

urr. 9




Rebecca Chan@RebeccaYChan

6 h

It is against human nature to support what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. That is why the Empire has to control the narrative on legacy media. You can see the overwhelming support for the Palestinians once they learn the truth. Most people are inherently good.


Shahid Bolsen


urr. 9

The Great Divide

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711474473977983189


Sameera Khan@SameeraKhan





Jackson Hinkle ?￰゚ヌᄌ@jacksonhinklle

18 h

?￰゚ヌᄆ?￰゚ヌᄌ The “journalist” @Nicole_Zedek is already beginning to walk back the claim that 40 babies were beheaded, stating she has not even witnessed the alleged atrocities.



When you SUPPORT the Zionist State. THIS is what you’re supporting.

A leaked footage of Benjamin Netanyahu speaking with Israeli settlers. He didn’t realise it was being recorded & not much has changed since. THIS was in 2001. He is THE DEVIL.

Please share this. Palestine

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711683741075087595


Russian Embassy, UK@RussianEmbassy

FM #Lavrov: The developments in #MiddleEast, #NorthAfrica and the world are increasing the urgency of the foreign policy coordination btw the Arab League and Russia, especially in the context of the latest developments in #Gaza and all other Palestinian territories.


?￰゚ヌᄆ?￰゚ヌᄌ The “journalist”

@Nicole_Zedek is already beginning to walk back the claim that 40 babies were beheaded, stating she has not even witnessed the alleged atrocities.


?￰゚ヌᄎ?￰゚ヌᄌ “If you cannot sleep because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, here is some advice…imagine Ukraine is Palestine.” – Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov (2022)

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711803510558277938


vanessa beeley@VanessaBeeley

When you talk about “innocent settlers” remember this is how they live, in luxury overlooking the slums of the people whose land they occupy. Would your conscience allow you to do that? #Palestine


Afshin Rattansi@afshinrattansi

? REPORTS: ?￰゚ヌᄃUK-?￰゚ヌᄇUS-?￰゚ヌᄎEU-armed Israel on Tuesday drenches phosphorus chemical weapons not only on densely populated Gaza, burning children, but across agricultural land in Lebanon’s Mari Plain & Shebaa farms.


Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711797381551849663


Israel literally just murdered 6 members of his family and the first thing out her mouth is:

“But do you condone the actions of Hamas?” These people are not journalists. They are robots with no soul or humanity. Ghouls who can’t stop repeating the same shite.


In Context@incontextmedia

18 h

Head of the Palestinian Mission to the UK, Husam Zomlot, lost 6 family members in Israeli strikes on Gaza. BBC: “Sorry for your personal loss, can I just be clear though, you cannot condone the killing of civilians in Israel, can you?”


Husam Zomlot@hzomlot

This is why we refuse the condemnation paradigm repeated by mainstream media for decades including on @BBCNews last night.

Bideoa, hemen: https://twitter.com/i/status/1711387200804315348


Husam Zomlot@hzomlot

There… right there: All you need to know about how western mainstream media

dehumanises the Palestinian people.

Palestinians “die.” Israelis “are killed.”


(Segituko du)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude