Pentagonoaren azken triskantzak (27)


Learn #MMT

Warren Mosler


Randall Wray

Randall Wray: Dirua hasiberrientzat

Randall Wray: Egin al dezakegu diruak guretzat lan egin dezan?

Randall Wray:

Jadanik aipatuak:

Randall Wray: dirua hasiberrientzat (elkarrizketa)

Whaever is doable is financially affordable”, alegia, “Egingarria den edozer eskuragarria da finantzen aldetik.”

Randall Wray: nola MTM-k mundua salba dezakeen (elkarrizketa)

Whar matters is resoursez, not money”, alegia, “Axola duena baliabideak dira, ez dirua.”

Hona hemen informazio pixka bat gehiago:

a) Randall Wray: Nola MTM-k mundua salbatu dezakeen

b) Randall Wray: MTM hasiberrientzat. Politikari baten gida

Segida MTMz:

Warren Mosler, 1996

Comments on the Current U.S. Budget Debate


The assumptions underlying the current budget debate are erroneous….

It is only after the deficit begins to expand again that the economy recovers. The historical correlation is 100%….

Contrary to general perception, fiat money is driven by the fact that taxpayers need the government’s money to pay their taxes. … so it can obtain the real goods and services it desires via the spending of its currency.

…. Treasury spending is a reserve add. Selling securities, by the Fed or Treasury, is simply a reserve drain, a monetary operation. This underlies the empirical evidence that nations can run any debt ratios they want, in their own fiat currencies, and still “fund the debt.”

How large a deficit is prudent? …., the government could offer a job to anyone who wanted one, at some minimum rate of pay deemed appropriate, and let the deficit float. This would end unemployment and unemployment compensation, eliminate the need for minimum wage laws, and promote price stability,

The Federal debt is all the money spent but not taxed. …

The current budget debate is based on erroneous assumptions. Washington does not understand fiat money. Until it does, efforts to reduce the deficit will continue, and the economy will continue to underperform.


Randall Wray (segida)

Randall Wray: Diruak guretzat funtziona dezan eginez (3)


Randall Wray: Diruak guretzat funtziona dezan eginez (1)

Randall Wray: Diruak guretzat funtziona dezan eginez (2)


Monday’s blog post (18/09) is now posted (13:28 EAT) – Claiming the European Union is close to full employment defies the meaning of language –


pocalypsis pocalypseos ?@apocalypseos

?￰゚ヌ﾿ Thousands of protesters rallied in the Czech Republic’s capital city of Prague on Saturday to demand the country’s pro-Western government resign, criticizing its support for the war in Ukraine and its economic performance.

Bideoa, hemen:


Russian Embassy, UK@RussianEmbassy

MFA Spox #Zakharova: A year ago, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that the use of cluster munitions was a war crime. She said this clearly and openly. There are videos of her saying this. Less than a year later, the US sent cluster munitions to the Kiev regime. Well, do they regard this as a war crime and themselves as war criminals? No, of course not. Anyone but them can be declared a war criminal.

Read the latest briefing in full:


So this French tv host asks John Kerry if there isn’t a double standards between the US’s position on Putin for his “war of aggression” and the fact they don’t think those standards apply to Bush for Iraq. John Kerry, embarrassed,replies Iraq wasn’t a war of aggression. ????

#Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussianWar

Bideoa, hemen:


“At a time when others are attempting to redefine the world order”..? Redefine whose world order, the ‘world order’ of #US Empire + Allies..? 80% of the world’s people want no more of the world order of Imperialists + Neocolonialists, they are tired of the endless Exploitation…


Josep Borrell Fontelles@JosepBorrellF

ira. 17

As of today, I am in New York for the UN General Assembly. At a time when others are attempting to redefine the world order based on illiberal values, the need for the EU and the UN to come together has never been higher. Read my new blog post:!fcvc9r


Glenn Diesen@Glenn_Diesen

Why would the US ever end this war? How many American leaders have now argued about the great investment opportunity to weaken Russia as a strategic rival by fighting to the last Ukrainian?

Bideoa, hemen:


What Assange said about Afghanistan is at least as true about Ukraine today

Bideoa, hemen:


Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський@ZelenskyyUa

ira. 16

Kapsulatutako bideoa

86 leading defense companies from 21 countries have already confirmed their participation in Ukraine’s first Defense Industries Forum. The event will help Ukraine’s defense industry integrate with those of our NATO allies and other partners, ramp up production, and establish new…


The Sirius Report@thesiriusreport

Germany continues to fall apart:

Volkswagen is planning to cease production at its Dresden plant after more than 20 years.


Because Ukrainian nationalists and DC’s uniparty wouldn’t accept Ukraine’s constitutional commitment to neutrality; the elected President overthrown in 2014; the 2015 Minsk accords; and an April 2022 peace deal with Russia, the comedian elected on a peace platform is now a proxy war salesman:


Square profile picture60 Minutes@60Minutes

ira. 18

“We are fighting … a nuclear state that threatens to destroy the world,” says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

If Ukraine falls, what will happen in ten years? … If [the Russians] reach Poland, what’s next? A third world war?”


The G77+China summit in Cuba, with countries representing 80% of the world’s population (!), called for a new global order and an end to the current “exclusive, unfair, unjust and plundering international order”

If the world were democratic, this would happen since it is was the overwhelming majority of the world’s population wants.

But the West, led by the US, under the Orwellian guise of a fight of “democracy vs autocracy” is committed to prevent this from happening and sustain the West-led global order.

Meaning the fight they brand “democracy vs autocracy” is essentially all about sustaining an autocratic, unfair and plundering world order.


Regardless of what you think about the @DailyMailUK they should be applauded for allowing dissenting voices and open debate on Ukraine a very rare commodity in the “Free” British Press


‘If Ukraine doesn’t defeat Russia, Americans will have to die for Ukraine’ -Mike Pence #UkraineRussianWar #Ukraine #Russia

Bideoa, hemen:


Zhang Heqing@zhang_heqing

On September 18, 1931, Japan launched the War of Aggression against China. 14 years, 35 million Chinese were killed by Japanese fascists. We cannot forget all of this. We dare not forget all of this. We will always remember all of this. #TheSeptember18thIncident

Bideoa, hemen:


Going Underground@GUnderground_TV

NATO’s Stoltenberg: Russia?￰゚ヌᄎ conveyed before February 2022 that war could be avoided if NATO membership for Ukraine was off the table, and if NATO committed to no further expansion.

Yet the masses in the US, EU & UK are told this war was unprovoked, despite over a decade of warnings from many voices that NATO membership for Ukraine and NATO encircling Russia would eventually cause a war


?￰゚ヌᄌ?￰゚ヌᆭ?￰゚ヌᄎThe [West] has been for years and continues to wage war against us using Ukraine’s hands and bodies. No matter what they say, they are running this war. They supply weapons, ammunition, intelligence, and satellite data. They are waging war against us.” — Lavrov

Bideoa, hemen:


When will Americans finally leave their delusional bubble and realize that the overwhelming majority of the world’s population doesn’t consider the US-led world order “the free world” but the very contrary of it.

In fact most countries firmly believe that the alternative multilateral world order that China calls for is immensely more free, fairer, and more democratic in nature than the US’s “rules based order”.

As a matter of fact, the G77+China, representing 80% of the world’s population (!) just met this weekend in Cuba to call for an end of what America calls “the free world” and ask for a genuinely free world…

Thinking about it, this guy’s call to “excise” the Chinese (a medical term that means to surgically remove a malign object like a tumor) from the “free world” is extremely characteristic of their “free world”: a world where the Americans decide everything based on their collective paranoia of the day, the rest of the world and their interests be damned.


General Spalding@robert_spalding

ira. 16

No. We cannot go to war with China. I’ve tried to make this clear, but there are a bunch of neocons who think otherwise. To go to war with China is to doom the human race with nuclear armageddon. That said, we need to excise them from our society. What does that mean? A Cold War, where we do not let them have access to ANY aspect of the free world. They (the CCP) will eventually crumble because humans do but thrive in top down systems. Only by leveraging other systems can they survive. We hold the key to their (the CCP’s) survival. Never forget that!


Russian Embassy, UK@RussianEmbassy

MFA Spox #Zakharova: NATO Northern Coasts 2023 exercise confirms once again that NATO is an aggressive military organisation which is constantly looking for enemies in order to justify its existence, its multi-billion-dollar arms purchases, the complete mess on Bankovaya Street and Ukraine’s strange relations with the West.

Read the latest briefing in full:


Rebecca Chan@RebeccaYChan

Babies are born with birth defects in the Philippines where the U.S. squatted for decades. And birth defects are also prevalent in the former Yugoslavia where the U.S. used depleted uranium and destroyed the country. It’s what America does.



ira. 8

?￰゚ヌᄊ MORE THAN A decade and a half after the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, a new study found that babies are being born today with gruesome birth defects connected to the ongoing American military presence there.


Desolation Angel@realityisralph


Rebecca Chan@RebeccaYChan

BREAKING: Check out where the province of Taiwan is located. Any and all fights around China will be around Taiwan. Western Presstitutes seem to forget this fact

The Spectator Index@spectatorindex

ira. 18

BREAKING: Taiwan says it has detected 103 Chinese military aircraft around the island


Geoffrey M. Young@GeoffYoung4KY

Gaddafi was right in 2005.


pocalypsis ?pocalypseos ?￰゚ヌᄎ ?￰゚ヌᄈ ?@apocalypseos

ira. 17

?￰゚ヌᄎ?￰゚ヌᄒWhy is NATO pushing towards Russia? It’s the same goal as Napoleon and Hitler: to get their hands on Russia’s oil, gas, coal and metal. Russians at the highest levels told me. They are aware of this. NATO would invade Libya for the petrol and oil.” — Gaddafi (2005)

Bideoa, hemen:


Europe, under pressure from their U.S. “Allies”, scrapped all commercial dealings with Russia. Meanwhile, according to the US Statistics Service, the U.S. increased purchases of Russian fertiliser to a record $944 million, making Russia their second biggest fertiliser supplier






DD Geopolitics@DD_Geopolitics

Read this headline…. then read it again. “We can NO LONGER HIDE the TRUTH…” “We are admitting we’ve been lying to you for the duration of this and it’s getting too obvious….”


?“Blood PR” by


concerned by collapse of so-called “counter-offensive”, in which the most combat-ready brigades of #Ukraine‘s Armed Forces trained with #NATO support were decimated.


Now that’s all Pensioners need – To find themselves depending on the next War to make sure

that their pension payments keep coming. So they’d like the people living out the last of their years to be promoting War as well…?


the Lemniscat@theLemniscat

ira. 18

The great Ukraine heist continues 17 Sept 2023 Chair of NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, wants pension funds and banks to invest in weapons for Ukraine

Bideoa, hemen:


Geoffrey M. Young@GeoffYoung4KY

Sean Penn, you’re so heavily propagandized and ignorant that you think Russia is the bully and Ukraine & America are interested in democracy, freedom, peace & self-defense. Watch “The Day After” movie, Sean. Your attitude might change. Everyone loses in a nuclear war. Everyone.


Turncoat Don@TurncoatD

mar. 2

Sean Penn’s critique that we have an over cautious concern related to nuclear weapons needed some perspective.

Bideoa, hemen:


Rebecca Chan@RebeccaYChan

Americans will fight to the last Ukrainian in their proxy war against Russia. They brag that Ukrainians cost pennies on the dollar compared with “American blood and treasure”. Japanese, Koreans and Filipinos: You are up next. You are also worth pennies on the dollar to Americans


Alex Christoforou@AXChristoforou

ira. 18

These vehicles got obliterated by Russia in the opening days of the super duper counter offensive. The French MIC told Ukraine to stop using the AMX the way it was meant to be used and to just have it sit back, fire from a distance, and remain intact. Ukraine is holding back donated NATO tanks and vehicles to protect MIC sales and instead sending soldiers forward on foot. Russia daily loses all time low. Ukraine daily loses all time high.

Forbes: The Ukrainian marine corps is using its French-made AMX-10RC reconnaissance vehicles as artillerydeploying them behind the front line and leisurely aiming their 105-millimeter guns at Russian positions. It’s obvious the AMX-10RCs aren’t in much danger from return fire. They’re far enough from the enemy that they can shoot and scoot before anyone shoots back.




@RobertKennedyJr talks to Russell Brand about how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history:

“The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military. When Operation Warp Speed made its presentation to the FDA committee called VRBPAC…

It shocked everybody because it wasn’t HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, or a public health agency. It was the NSA,

a spy agency that was the top agency that led Operation Warp Speed, and the second agency was the Pentagon.

The vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH. The patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or by Moderna.

They were manufactured by military contractors, and basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. This was a military project from the beginning.

One of the things I uncovered in my book is twenty different simulations of coronavirus and pandemics that started in 2001. The first one was right before the anthrax attacks, and the CIA sponsored them all.

The last one was Event 201, which was in October 2019. One of the participants was Avril Haines, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, who has been managing coverups her entire life. She did the Guantanamo Bay and others.

She is now the Director of National Intelligence, which makes her the highest-ranking officer at the NSA, which managed the pandemic… All of these simulations were about how you use the pandemic to clamp down on censorship. How do you use it to force lockdowns.”

Bideoa, hemen:



Necessity is always the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants….. (Former New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern says free speech is a weapon of war, and censorship is necessary to protect free speech)

Bideoa, hemen:


ira. 19

Grozny today. Where Chechen-Russian harmony is the standard, not the exception. Ukraine might want to take note. So, too, the Baltics.



NOW – Canada’s Trudeau is accusing the government of India of being behind a fatal shooting on Canadian soil — CNC

Bideoa, hemen:


Dagny Taggart@DagnyTaggart963

Ukraine and its allies, including the United States, may have set too high expectations for a counteroffensive”

– ​​New York Times “Ukraine is fighting against one of the most powerful armies in the world.” Oh now it is “ one of most powerful armies in the world” lol .


Black in the Empire@blackintheempir

Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland are 3 people who worked hard to prove that if given the chance at a powerful position a woman can be every bit the psychopathic murderer as a man


Matt Wallace@MattWallace888

? Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, & Prince William are Meeting For A Summit in New York To Discuss Creating Youth Reeducation Camps ? ⚠️ THEY WANT TO BRAINWASH TEENS ACROSS THE WORLD INTO JOINING THEIR WOKE CULT ⚠️ ❗️NONE OF THOSE 3 SHOULD BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE NEAR CHILDREN❗️


#Zakharova: After the bombing of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya & after a 20-year-long “experiment” in Afghanistan, the #US initiatives such as Summit for Democracy look more than cynical ☝️ Praising Washington as the global leader in the defence of democracy is inappropriate & obscene


African Stream@african_stream


Today is the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In those 75 years, the agency has wreaked havoc across the world, especially in Africa. To the CIA, revolutionary Pan-African leaders like Kwame Nkrumah were a threat that needed to be ‘neutralised’. Even their words were perceived to threaten the U.S. establishment – don’t take our word for it; take it from Kwame Nkrumah’s editorial assistant, June Milne. She says his book ‘Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism’ spurred the U.S. into sponsoring the coup that removed him. It caused such a stir on its release that America cancelled its aid to Ghana before the CIA sponsored a coup to remove Nkrumah from office.

Bideoa, hemen:


The tragedy in temporarily occupied Ukraine, Konstantinovka, which killed 17 people, occurred due to an abnormal launch of a Ukrainian 9M38 anti-aircraft missile from the Buk air defense system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Experts and analysts at The New York Time came to this conclusion. Or maybe these scum launched the missile on purpose; for Bandera’s followers, all residents of Donbass have always been strangers.




presentation Modern Monetary Theory #MMT insights for the UK 1 September 2023

GIMMS Presents Warren Mosler, London 1st September 2023

The GIMMS team is delighted to present its event at which Warren Mosler, one of the contributors to the recently launched book Modern Monetary Theory: Key In…



Dirk Ehnts@DEhnts

The pandemic, with its big increases in government spending, has confirmed the major insight of #MMT: a federal government cannot run out of its own currency. (This has even applied to the Eurozone, where the ECB acts as DoLR and deficit limits were off).


Dirk Ehnts@DEhnts

For more than 200 years, federal government spending in the US has been rising. Because the government cannot run out of money and US citizens prefer to save part of their income, a parallel rise in “public debt” results. There is nothing to worry about.



Joseph Brown@heresyfinancial

ira. 19


The national debt ~doubles every 10 years 1993

  • $4 trillion 2005 – $8 trillion 2013

  • $16 trillion 2023

  • $32 trillion 2033

  • $64 trillion 2043

  • $128 trillion 2053

  • $256 trillion 2063

  • $512 trillion 2073

  • $1 quadrillion+


@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Learn #MMT



ira. 18

Total US Debt surpasses $33 trillion for the first time. For those keeping tabs, the US added $1 trillion in debt in three (3) months.



Hi Warren, @wbmosler

Happy birthday!

This way you were introduced to our Basque Country:

a) Zazpi gezur politika ekonomikoan (1):

b) Zazpi gezur politika ekonomikoan (2):

Zorionak! Congratulations!

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude