BRICS versus NATO + AEB + EB (16)



The seeds of BRICS


#China seeks #Europe to push for peace based on this map to ensure security for #Russia

Learn #MMT


It was an amazing honor to have hero @RealScottRitter attend the @RealCPIUSA

reception this evening after the @RageAgainstWar_rally. He spoke to a packed house. We ran out of chairs. So many other amazing speakers. Such a powerful night. A new anti-war movement is born!

Bideoa, hemen.


Again Carla@AgainCarlakak

Esattamente 9 anni fa cecchini addestrati dalla CIA commisero una strage di civili nell’ambito del colpo di Stato organizzato dagli USA che consegnò l’Ucraina alla metastasi nazista rappresentata oggi da #ZelenskyWarCriminal Ma il mondo sta prendendo coscienza… #IoStoConPutin



George Galloway@georgegalloway

When you start out with $20m buying out cadres in a small country like Hungary you can be sure there’s another $20m along the way. How the US is undermining the government Follow



Bideoa, hemen:

When you start out with $20m buying out cadres in a small country like Hungary you can be sure there’s another $20m along the way. How the US is undermining the government Follow @MoatsTV


#UN response #earthquakeinsyria shameful. Very few trucks crossed the border. This is not the time to politicize the response. Now in 6 days, when the response starts? Where are the supplies?

Txioa aipatu

Milan Sharma@Milan_reports

ots. 8

Just tears and prayers for this tiny heart ?￰゚マᄏ #TurkeyEarthquak

Bideoam hemen;


God helps us, God help Europe – The lunatics are taking over the Asylum…

Txioa aipatu

Arthur Morgan@ArthurM40330824

ots. 20

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas : #NATO countries must take control of #Moscow and rewrite the mentality of Russian citizens so that the #Russians will never be a threat again.


John Pilger@johnpilger

Watch the investigative journalist Seymour Hersh describe his revelation that the United States blew up Europe’s Nord Stream pipelines carrying Russian natural gas to Germany.


George Szamuely@GeorgeSzamuely

It’s interesting that so few pay attention to the kinds of people who comprise the great NATO partnership. The partnership is packed with psychotic haters such as this one.

Txioa aipatu

Arthur Morgan@ArthurM40330824

ots. 20

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas : #NATO countries must take control of #Moscow and rewrite the mentality of Russian citizens so that the #Russians will never be a threat again.


Dear U.S Citizens: Your government mocks you. That you aren’t furious Biden flew to Ukraine to commit to more money & support for a corrupt country with paramilitary Nazis in charge instead of helping poisoned citizens of East Palestine, Ohio, says it all. Wake. The. Hell. Up.




Consortium News@Consortiumnews

@DenisKucinich at Rage Against the War Machine “In blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, this government has deliberately circumvented Article 1 of the US Constitution: the authority of Congress to make war. It has violated international criminal law… committed an act of war”

Bideoa, hemen:


Inside the meeting halls of the luxury Bayerischer Hof hotel in Munich, world leaders today pledged to step up military support for Ukraine. But right outside on the street, tens of thousands are rallying in a call for them to stop this madness!!

Bideoa, hemen:


Mick Wallace@wallacemick

Vast majority of Politicians don’t want the War to stop. Vast majority of Mainstream Media don’t want War to stop. Vast majority of the people of Europe do want the War to stop. All War is stupid – It’s time for people to take to the streets and oppose this #US #NATO Proxy War…

Txioa aipatu

Peter Dooley@PeterDooleyDUB

ots. 19

All out on the Streets #AntiWar



This is what happens when corporations control your government, and lobby (read: legally bribe) politicians to oppose regulations: “There are approximately 1,700 train derailments in the US each year” Railroads are the most profitable industry in the US

Erakutsi haria


Mick Wallace@wallacemick

UN figures say over 400,000 citizens have been killed in #Yemen and 16 million are struggling for food – This incredible destruction of a nation by #Saudi #UAE has only been possible thanks to the unconditional support of #US Empire and its Allies #UK #France and #EU

Txioa aipatu

Declassified UK@declassifiedUK

ots. 20

⚠️While Rishi Sunak was abhorring Russian war crimes in his speech in Munich, his air force was training with Saudi forces which have been accused of war crimes in Yemen over 8 years. These obvious comparisons just cannot be reported in UK national media.


I’m nailing it in this clip! Thanks for posting!!

Txioa aipatu

Post-Left Watch@PostLeftWatch

ots. 20

Jimmy Dore says that Putin isn’t the bad guy and that he’s acting rationally, that the invasion was provoked by NATO and the West, Russia wants peace but Ukraine and NATO don’t, and that Ukraine has killed 15,000 people in the Donbas because they identified more with Russia.

Bideoa, hemen:


It just keeps getting more ridiculous. Seymour Hersh says the U.S. military shot down a federal funded weather balloon from the University of Alaska. “That’s what was shot down was one of those units that is sent up by the University but paid by the government” ?????

Bideoa, hemen:


This is a catastrophe for NATO. NATO is not going to survive this experience. It will crumble. That’s already happening behind the scenes. And Germany, of course, sits at the center of all of this. And the Germans have no interest in a war with Russia.” — Col. Douglas Macgregor

Bideoa, hemen:


the Lemniscat@theLemniscat

On Blinken’s comments on China sending weapons to Russia China’s Wang Wenbin: “It is US who has continuously provided weapons to the war. US isn’t qualified to issue orders to China. We don’t accept US finger-pointing on China-Russia relations, let alone coercion and pressure.”

Bideoa, hemen:

Erakutsi haria


New DNA – ?￰゚ヌᄍ?￰゚ヌᄎ?￰゚ヌᄈ?￰゚ヌᆴ?￰゚ヌᄎ?￰゚ヌᄈ@wyziwig

ots. 20

The recognition that the #Ukraine has lost the war is creating a panic in those quarters that are committed to ‘western’ uni-polarity. The Economist warns of the loss of the ‘West’s authority’:” All this something the neocons & Warhawks were too dumb to see coming. Sad.

Txioa aipatu

Moon of Alabama@MoonofA

ots. 20

New on MoA: Recognizing The War Is Lost The ‘West’ Seeks An Exit


16 Feb John Mearsheimer: “You can tell all sorts of stories about how it [the Ukraine war] ends. Almost all of them are horror stories … This is why I’ve argued for a long, long time that the United States should not push NATO expansion into Ukraine”

Bideoa, hemen:



The Russian frigate “Admiral Gorshkov”, carrying Zircon hypersonic missiles, entered in the South African port of Durban. It’s preparing to participate in joint exercises with the ships of China and South Africa.

Bideoa, hemen:


Black in the Empire@blackintheempir

They tried to say Russia did it, but that was so ridiculous that they couldn’t even get the average Western citizen to believe it They then went to media blackout to make it go away The lack of interest by the EU and the US in getting an answer, is the answer. The US did it

Txioa aipatu

Mick Wallace@wallacemick

ots. 17

When #NordStream Pipeline was attacked @vonderleyen said there would be “strongest possible response”.The brilliant Journalist Seymour Hersh has just said the #US did it – Does #EU care.? Did ye ask the US if they did it.? Or have ye become so subservient that ye dare not ask..?

Bideos, hemen:


After nearly a century of constant warfare, the Anglo-American Empire has finally reached a period of reckoning! This is the end of NATO! This is the end of colonialism! #Z

Bideoa, hemen:


Africa Archives ™@Africa_Archives

BBC is widely known for their Fake News propaganda that made Muammar Gaddafi to be seen as a bad dictator worldwide. Their Fake news propaganda played a big role in justifying NATO invasion in Libya that led to thousands of innocent civilians to get killed by NATO bombs in Libya

Erakutsi haria


There was a time when the US at least pretended to insist that it was not waging war against Russia by proxy, and any suggestions to that effect were just “disinformation.” As of today they’ve officially given up the pretension: the commander-in-chief has entered the war zone


The Sirius Report@thesiriusreport

The great energy rotation continues as we stated would happen, at the onset of Ukraine war, when sanctions were announced: Russian oil exports to China have risen to another record high in January.


The foreign ministers of the US, Germany, and Ukraine told the world, “Neutrality is not an option” in the West’s proxy war against Russia. They were implicitly criticizing the Global South, which is neutral, and represents 6+ billion people. Full video:

Bideoa, hemen:


Consortium News@Consortiumnews

WATCH: Sy Hersh on CN Live! — ‘American Sabotage’


Jimmy Dore: “Do you know we can end this war today through diplomacy? But our politicians want to enrich weapons manufacturers, so they keep donating to them to the tune of $100 billion.”

Bideoa, hemen:


America is the world’s terrorists, this guy kills people for corporate profit. They did it in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and now Ukraine. The United States are the murderous animals you thought we were fighting. And now they’re starting a nuclear war. Your government is evil.

Txioa aipatu

Michael McFaul@McFaul

ots. 20

I am so tired of the “blaming the victim” takes on my feed. Ukraine did not threaten Russia. NATO did not provoke Putin to invade. And if Putin uses a nuclear bomb, it will be his fault!



Moldova?￰゚ヌᄅ asks for liberation. #StandWithRussia?￰゚ヌᄎ


Brazil supports expanding the BRICS bloc, if there is a consensus, Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said He said BRICS is a “very important group” He added that BRICS is more than economic; it includes collaboration on science, health, education, technology


This means that The Russian military has destroyed more than 400 #NATO tanks plus 1500 infantry fighting vehicles. #StandWithRussia?￰゚ヌᄎ


George Bush is probably responsible for killing more people than any living human (Kissinger aside).


Aaron Maté@aaronjmate

Ukraine War Was ALWAYS About Dividing Russia & Germany via


Ukraine War Was ALWAYS About Dividing Russia & Germany

The establishment media and politicians would have us believ


Rage Against The War Machine protesters chant “blowing up pipelines is a war crime” as they march to the WH.

Bideoa, hemen:


Send this to @maddow!


pocalypsis pocalypseos ?@apocalypseos

Biden, having received security guarantees beforehand, finally went to Kiev. He promised many weapons and swore allegiance to the neo-Nazi regime to the grave.” — Medvedev

Bideoa, hemen:


?￰゚ヌᄈ?￰゚ヌᄎ?￰゚ヌᄌ?￰゚ヌᆭ?￰゚ヌᄎ“China is deeply concerned that the crisis in Ukraine is constantly escalating and may even get out of control,” – Chinese Foreign Minister


MintPress News@MintPressNews

Thousands of protesters for peace in Ukraine marched through Washington, D.C., over the weekend at the Rage Against the War Machine protests.

Bideoa, hemen:



Is a straight up psychopathic warmonger. That’s actually not hyperbole. She’s pretending that NATO & The U.S. did not intentionally provoke this war. And she focuses on some rando holding Russia flag to discredit peace rally. Of course she did.

Bideoa, hemen:


?￰゚ヌᄌ?￰゚ヌᆭ?￰゚ヌᄎ CIA warned Zelensky that the West can cut military aid if there is no progress on the Ukrainian side – Politico.

Erakutsi haria


?￰゚ヌᄌ?￰゚ヌᄈ?￰゚ヌᄎ?￰゚ヌᆭ“Weapons on the battlefield are continuously supplied by the United States, not China. US has no right to give orders and orders to China, and we will also never accept instructions and even threats and pressure from the US regarding Russian-Chinese relations. -Chinese FM


Two pathetic servants of the doomed neocon cabal.

Txioa aipatu

Boris Johnson@BorisJohnson

ots. 20

Great to see my good friend @AmbJohnBolton today. We discussed the importance of defeating Putin and championing freedom around the world.


BREAKING: Tucker Carlson says the Jan 6 footage he has seen directly contradicts what we’ve been told. It was all a lie.

Bideoa, hemen:


Clare Daly@ClareDalyMEP

The explosion of the #NordStream pipelines is one of the biggest acts of economic sabotage carried out on the #EU. So it is very, very strange that there is no appetite for investigation no appetite for accountability, or restitution, nearly no discussion of it here at all!

Bideoa, hemen:

Txioa aipatu

Clare Daly@ClareDalyMEP

ots. 15

Kapsulatutako bideoa

I find it jaw-dropping the complete lack of curiosity among EU elites as to who is reponsible for an act of sabotage against the infrastructure of an EU Member State and the livelihoods of our citizens. Where is the discussion? Where are the questions?


Jimmy Dore@jimmy_dore

War Pig Rachel Maddow will never tell her audience the CIA instigated a Coup of Ukraine in 2014 & installed a puppet aligned with actual Nazis & then blew up the Nordstream Pipeline. Instead she lies about Peace activists so her audience stays Pro-War:

Bideoa, hemen:


CIA trolls were working overtime today to leave pro-Azov mentions all over Twitter. Check out this sad CIA troll attack against one of my tweets about Putin’s outstanding speech. This is how they try to manipulate public opinion.

Bideoa, hemen:


The warmongers are trying to drag us into WW3, which can only end in one way: nuclear annihilation and the suffering and death of all our loved ones. Zelensky, Biden, NATO, congressional and media neocons are insane. And we are insane if we passively allow them to lead us into… Gehiago erakutsi

Bideoa, hemen:


Garland Nixon@GarlandNixon

So the US pays the salaries of all government employees, the pensions of all citizens, arms and controls the military of Ukraine…. but Ukraine is an independent sovereign democracy?


The #EuropeanUnion today is sacrificing the interests of its own citizens in order to slavishly promote the interests of #US Imperialism. These are worrying times for Europe…

Txioa aipatu

IRAN in Ireland@DublinIran

ots. 21

The more the #EU dodges such serious questions and proves incapable of answering them, the more European people come to realize that their vital interests are compromised by their own leaders.…


Vladimir Putin will address the Federal Assembly in the capital’s Gostiny Dvor at noon today (Moscow time) with a message that will determine the course of the war. The military and officials arrive at Gostiny Dvor, 90 minutes before Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly.

Bideoa, hemen:


pocalypsis pocalypseos ?@apocalypseos

Western attempts to save the Nazi regime in Kiev are futile.” —Lavrov

Bideoa, hemen:

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude