Gaur egungo aukerak Europan

EB (Europar Batasuna), euroa moneta nagusia, Eurolandia, via Espainia eta Frantzia: ondorioz, autonomismoa eta neoliberalismoa, inolako dudarik gabe.

Ezinezkoa da EB ‘erreformatzea’, Eurexit nahitaezkoa da

Caveat (Kontuz):

Eurozone Dystopia

Baina, 2023an, oraindik ere:

The Eurozone fictions continue to propagate (

Bill Mitchell-ek dioenez, “none of his arguments provide the case for the superiority of the Eurozone eagainst currency-issuing independence. Currency-issuing government can certainly introduce poor policy – often because the policy makers refuse to acknowledge their own capacity and think they have to act as if the nation doesn’t have its own currency. But the negative consequences that flow from testify to the poor quality of the polity rather than any disadvantages of the currency independence. The Euro Member States are being bailed out by the central bank and if that stopped the system would demonstrate the inherent dysfunction of its monetary architecture and nations would fail1.”

Hortaz, aukera bakarrra, neoliberalismotik at eta autonomismo mota guztietatik kanpo:

Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World on JSTOR

(edo, italieraz, Sovranità o barbarie | Facebook)


a) Moneta propioa erabili behar da: horretarako monetak nola funtzionatzen duen jakin behar da

b) Monetaren izenak ez du axola, garrantzitsua monetaren funtsa da, Banku Zentrala eta Altxor Publikoa beharrezkoak dira

c) Lan bermeko programa bat nahitaezkoa da, hasiera-haieratik

d) Zergapetzea ez da erabiliko inolako inbertsio berri finantzatzeko, zergapetze progresiboak beste helburu bat dauka

e) Politikoki autodeterminazioa da bidea

f) EFTA ala BRICS? Hauxe da eztabaida bakarra gaur egun2

g) EFTA interesgarria da ekonomikoki baina azken bolala honetan argi ikusi dugunez, NATOren menpe dago3

Hemen Mitchell-en ondorioa:


None of his arguments provide the case for the superiority of the Eurozone against currency-issuing independence.

Currency-issuing government can certainly introduce poor policy – often because the policy makers refuse to acknowledge their own capacity and think they have to act as if the nation doesn’t have its own currency.

But the negative consequences that flow from testify to the poor quality of the polity rather than any disadvantages of the currency independence.

The Euro Member States are being bailed out by the central bank and if that stopped the system would demonstrate the inherent dysfunction of its monetary architecture and nations would fail.”

3 Ondorio gisa, ikus ondokoa: EFTA-tik BRICS-era

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude