BRICS eta Ukraina/ Errusia/ AEB + EB + NATO/ Txina (20)


Ikusi BRICS eta Ukraina/ Errusia/ AEB + EB + NATO/ Txina (1) —> Sarrera…

(Esan bezala, datu asko nire twitter-aren kontuan ikus daitezke: @tobararbulu)

Oharra: Aipatu bezala, hemendik aurrera, soilik Zelenski super heroia aipatuko dut, baita BRICS delakoari zuzenean dagozkionak ere… Modernoaz (MTM-z), Neil Wilson:

Neil Wilson Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 16:52 Wray, L. R., … and N. Wilson (eds.) (2023), Modern Monetary Theory: Key Insights, Leading Thinkers, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Why listen to so-called ‘experts’ that were so wrong about Brexit? –


Neil Wayland, hots, Neil Wilson-en azken lan batzuk


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The Job Guarantee – More Money, Less Tax | New Wayland (

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The UK Energy Crisis: an MMT Analysis | New Wayland (

HM Treasury sets the price, not The Market

HM Treasury sets the price, not The Market | New Wayland (

All Government Spending Is Borrowed, Every Day

All Government Spending Is Borrowed, Every Day | New Wayland (

How Much Is Government Borrowing? A Critique

How Much Is Government Borrowing? A Critique | New Wayland (

UK Sectoral Balances

UK Sectoral Balances | New Wayland (

How to fix the government’s borrowing costs

How to fix the government’s borrowing costs | New Wayland (

Gilt issues considered harmful

Gilt issues considered harmful | New Wayland (

Whole of Government Accounts: some juicy quotes

Whole of Government Accounts: some juicy quotes | New Wayland (

UK Employment Stats

UK Employment Stats | New Wayland (


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Former U.S. Secretary of State Kissinger assesses the meeting between Biden and Xi in Bali as necessary “bridge building” between the world’s two biggest economies. Even more urgent would be a deescalation between NATO and Russia  in Ukraine.


International economic cooperation is necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, prevent famine and tackle climate change.  The US sanctions policies violate WTO principles of world trade and sabotage supply chains and globalization.


Let’s get serious.  Kiev’s new idea of ‘public’ negotiations is a non-starter.  What we need is quiet diplomacy to keep the propaganda and irrationality out and concentrate on implementable solutions.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

“Public” negotiation over the Ukraine sounds like an attempt to turn diplomacy into a TV show or “reality” TV.  Every quid pro quo is painful and should be mediated rationally, without fanfare.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

In the emerging multipolar world, India will play an increasingly important role. As Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said at the National Defense College, a peaceful world order is possible with wisdom and good faith.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

International Seminar on Counterterrorism, De-radicalization and Human Rights ProtectionPeace as a Human Right

International Seminar on Counterterrorism, De-radicalization and Human Rights ProtectionPeace as a…

25 Principles of International Order to ensure sustainable peace Alfred de Zayas The motto of the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, Pax Optima Rerum[1], peace is the highest good, reminds us that even a…


As an American citizen I again say NO to weapons deliveries to Ukraine. I propose a referendum in the United States on the question whether the US should stop arms deliveries and facilitate diplomatic negotiations.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Intransigence is the enemy of reason, the enemy of common sense. All Americans should stand up and say : No to provocation, no to missiles, no to drones: “not in our name”.


As an American I protest against the US, NATO, the Ukraine and Poland putting the fate of the entire world at risk of nuclear war. Forget about “victory”. What we urgently need is modesty, an imperfect deal, a compromise, a quid pro quo.


We need more whistle-blowers, more Wikileaks, more investigative journalism. We Americans must demand answers with regard to the exact level of US involvement in the blowing up of Nordstream and in the many “false flags” in Ukraine.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

The US has been caught red-handed with false flag operations in the Middle East and all over the world.  What was our involvement in the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge? In the assassination of Darya Dugina?


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

The US must cease its dis-information about Ukraine, and stop provocative false flags.  Every escalation takes us closer to nuclear waar. Restraint must be the order of the day for NATO, Ukraine and Poland. There are no winners in this conflict – only losers.


I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” is attributed to Albert Einstein. Whether true or apocryphal, it is worth assessing its relevance to today’s crises.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Brzezinski bears considerable responsibility for US and NATO’s miscalculations.  In retrospect his book “The Grand Chessboard” was a recipe for disaster.


Andrij Melnyk, who was recalled as Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany after paying tribute to Stepan Bandera and denying the OUN’s genocide against the Jewish and Polish people, is now Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Former Czech President Vaclav Klaus delivered a constructive speech at the international conference hosted by the Crans Montana Forum in Geneva


Leninka or the Lenin State Library now known as The Russian State Library (will forever be Lenin in our ?) is looking lit. It’s the largest library in Russia & 2nd largest in the world. It holds 47 million books, documents & artifacts. A statue of Dostoevsky stands in the front.


George Szamuely@GeorgeSzamuely

UN General Assembly, which sat on its hands during the years of US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, votes to demand Russia pay reparations to Ukraine.

Bideoa, hemen:


Tampoco expulsó la FIFA a la Alemania de Hitler en 1938, estos son jugadores alemanes haciendo el saludo nazi en el partido de inauguración del Mundial celebrado el 4 de junio en el estadio Parque de los Príncipes de Paris. Ahora van de dignos contra Rusia, los sinvergüenzas.

Erakutsi haria


Más defensores de la libertad y el mundo libre con sus parches de defensores de la libertad y el mundo Libre


Putin grants Russian citizenship to US whistleblower Edward Snowden

Putin grants Russian citizenship to US whistleblower Edward Snowden

Former NSA intelligence contractor was given asylum in Russia after leaking secret files in 2013



Anti NATZO@amerikkkakillz

#scottritter #OUN “B” “Bandera was one of the most odious characters in history”

Bideoa, hemen:


‼️‼️Please watch, #ScottRitter said the quiet part out loud, “#Freenald, the deputy Prime Minister of #Canada is a #Banderite….this is disgusting, disgusting”. #freelandmustgo #TrudeauMustGo #BBC #CNN Read more here

Bideoa, hemen:


As always Scott Ritter is right on point. Ukraine is running out of time and it knows it

Txioa aipatu


aza. 17

The clock’s running out of Ukraine. #ZelenskyWarCriminal

Bideoa, hemen:


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

The ruling of the UK Supreme Court on a Scottish self-determination referendum is contra legem.  Nearly all referenda are conducted against the wishes of the State, e.g. the 1962 Algerian referendum, the Kosovo 1991 referendum.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is clear that the rights holders of the right of self-determination are ALL people and the duty-bearers are the States. It is not a State prerogative to grant or deny the right to hold a referendum.


A State cannot unilaterally forbid a referendum without violating article 1 of the ICCPR, which lays down self-determination as a jus cogens right — and article 19 ICCPR, which stipulates the right to freedom of expression.


Fiorella Isabel@FiorellaIsabelM

Fiorella Isabel@FiorellaIsabelM

If only more had the brass knuckles of Clare and stood not for what was popular but for what is right. Unfortunately the EU parliament is mostly a band of criminals covering each others’ tracks.

Txioa aipatu

Clare Daly@ClareDalyMEP

aza. 23

Naturally, there is a big pre-match media build-up on today’s vote “on recognising the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism.” Nice to see Irish media taking an interest in what happens here. I will be voting against this proposal.

Erakutsi haria


Fiorella Isabel@FiorellaIsabelM

This is real in case you couldn’t believe it


Dan Kovalik@danielmkovalik

Angel Alley in Donetsk City, memorializing the over 160 children killed in Donetsk by the Kiev government in 2014.


Here we go again. So we’ve had the Russians about to use biological weapons, then it was nuclear weapons. Now it’s chemical weapons. And the media cheerfully regurgitate this nonsense.


“Abusing the unanimity vote.” How dare Hungary disagree with idiotic EU decisions such as imposing oil and gas “price caps” and sinking billions of euros in the corrupt hellhole of Ukraine?

Txioa apaitu

European Parliament@Europarl_EN

aza. 24

Parliament insists that the EU must freeze funding to Hungary. Press release:


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Far from being the source of conflict, self-determination is a condition for living together. Far from being a source of anarchy, it is a building-block of civilized governance.

Erakutsi haria


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Democracy is another word for self-determination.  Freedom means self-determination, the individual and collective right to shape one’s future.


Even more than natural law, self-determination is an inborn impulse, an instinct for freedom, a sense of identity, individualism, self-fulfilment.

Erakutsi haria


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Self-determination is much more than a codified human right :  It is fundamental natural law as recognized by Francisco de Vitoria already in the 16th century.

Erakutsi haria


COUNTERPUNCH: Revisiting the Goals of Sustainable Development

COUNTERPUNCH: Revisiting the Goals of Sustainable Development

BY ALFRED DE ZAYAS NOVEMBER 25, 2022 Photo credit: ©2018 Huib J. Lirb On 8 September 2000, full of optimism and resolve, the United….


There’s no legal framework for #EU to recognise a State Sponsor of Terrorism – Even the #US have refused to apply label to Russia. The idea that anyone from a blood-drenched #NATO State would label anyone else a sponsor of Terrorism before calling out their own State, is absurd..

Bideoa, hemen:


A Ukrainian citizen (speaking perfect Russian since most “Ukrainians” don’t speak Ukrainian) addresses #ZelenskyWarCriminal. Calls him a ?… “walrus dick”… ? People are starving/freezing and he doesn’t want to negotiate. #UkraineNazis #UkraineWar #Ukraine Ukraine war ?￰゚ヌᆭ??￰゚ヌᆭ?

Bideoa, hemen:


Un néo-nazi a été arrêté à Tula Un fan de slogans contre la Russie a été saisi par les forces de l’ordre locales.Le corps de “l’ukro-patriote”portait des symboles que lon peut souvent voir dans les rangs des forces armées ukrainiennes #ukronazis #ZelenskyWarCriminal #NaziUkraine


We’ve given over 90 BILLION so far to Zelensky and the majority of Ukrainians have no water, electricity, or heat What seems to be wrong with that picture?

#ZelenskyWarCriminal #UkraineWar #FTXScam #MoneyLaundering



Kiev. Lunghe file per la distribuzione dell’acqua. #ZelenskyWarCriminal inizia a pensare al bene del tuo popolo. È questa oggi la tua priorità.


Txioa aipatu

Black Diamond@blackdiammon

aza. 26




Loredana Lore @LoredanLore




erabiltzaileei erantzuten


Hard to enumerate all of the ways in which this is one of the most repugnant tweets ever to have appeared on Twitter.

Txioa aipatu

Ursula von der Leyen@vonderleyen

aza. 26

90 years after the Holodomor, the Kremlin is again using food as a weapon. We stand with Ukraine to guarantee global food security. Under President @ZelenskyyUa’s Grain from Ukraine initiative, the @EU_Commission will pay to ship 40,000 tons of Ukrainian grain via two boats.

Erakutsi haria

Bideoa, hemen:


Kim Dotcom@KimDotcom

How utterly incompetent are EU leaders? First they join suicidal sanctions against their #1 energy supplier. Then they join a proxy war against their #1 energy supplier. Then the pipelines of their #1 energy supplier are destroyed. Now they pay 4 times more for gas from the US.


?￰ンルノ?￰ンリᄐ ☭@EasternTankie

Vaya vaya las famosas Femen, apoderándose de la lucha feminista para inyectar fascismo. ¿Como puede ser una NAZI presidenta de un colectivo feminista? Rápido!! Me haré la sorprendida!!


Catedral de San Andrés de Kiev.


COUNTERPUNCH: Principles of International Order

COUNTERPUNCH: Principles of International Order

Photograph Source: I, Aotearoa – CC BY-SA 3.0 NOVEMBER 28, 2022 BY: ALFRED DE ZAYAS The United Nations Charter is our only “rules


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

“Rules based international order” is another propaganda slogan to sweeten the basic rule: “You had better obey us, or we will sanction you”.


The formula “rules based international order” deliberately leaves out existing international law and the UN Charter. It’s just United States rules.


A “rules based international order” is yet another scam to mean Western rules, Western imperialism, neo-colonialism, hegemony.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Merriam-Webster just chose “gaslighting” as word of the year.  Yes, our politicians and the mainstream media are constantly gaslighting us. And we let them get away with it.


Gaslighting is a neologism going back to the 1944 Ingrid Bergman movie where the victim begins to question the validity of her own thoughts, perception or reality and even her own memories.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

In a way we have been gaslighted with regard to our understanding of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the 2007/8 financial meltdown, the war on terror, and more recently the Ukraine conflict.  We are swimming in an ocean of lies.


Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude