BRICS eta Ukraina/ Errusia/ AEB + EB + NATO/ Txina (9)

Oharra: Zeienski-ri buruz jakiteko, joan #ZelenskyWarCriminal delakora…

Note: to learn about Zelensky go to #ZelenskyWarCriminal


Ikusi BRICS eta Ukraina/ Errusia/ AEB + EB + NATO/ Txina (1) —> Sarrera…

(Esan bezala, datu asko nire twitter-aren kontuan ikus daitezke: @tobararbulu)



Alfred de Zayas

Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

8 h


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

The report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released on 31 August reveals methodological and procedural problems that detract from its credibility.

Erakutsi haria


The so-called “assessment” of the situation in Xinjiang is woefully incomplete and does not take into account information supplied by many Chinese ngo’s that demonstrate a different picture.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

Unlike the very balanced end-of-mission statement of Michelle Bachelet at Guangzhou in May 2022, this OHCHR “assessment” is highly politicized and will feed into the dis-information campaign led by Washington.


This “assessment” was not mandated by the Human Rights Council and reminds me of the two OHCHR “assessments” of Venezuela, which when I was able to fact-check when I was the first UN rapporteur to visit Venezuela in 21 years.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has established a working group to cooperate with China to advance on numerous human rights issues. This is the way to go — not through defamation and disinformation.


International human rights cooperation is best served through sedate fact-finding, advisory services and technical assistance. “Naming and shaming” is counter-productive.


COUNTERPUNCH: Let’s revive FDR’s four freedoms and the Atlantic Charter


COUNTERPUNCH: Let’s revive FDR’s four freedoms and the Atlantic Charter




Link to original article:

The current US, UK , EU and NATO policies vis à vis Russia and China violate the letter and spirit of the UN Charter as well as many prior declarations and commitments and treaties which are at the basis of modern international law.

Western policies of “exceptionalism” and “unilateralism have fed directly into an atmosphere of intransigence and hostility, which makes reasonable discourse about dialogue and compromise sound like cowardly “appeasement” or even treason.

As it happens, “appeasement” is the only road humanity can take in the nuclear age.  It is the road that our ancestors mapped in the UN Charter, when “we the people” demanded measures to spare succeeding generations from the scourge of war. Our leaders, however, are simultaneously provoking two nuclear powers with vast stockpiles of nuclear weapons and means to deliver them.  This is highly undemocratic, because people do not want war and do not consent to needless provocation.  People want and are entitled to peace and prosperity. It is the corporate “elites”, the military-industrial-financial complex who want war. Indeed, there are too many war profiteers around us.

What is particularly preoccupying is that sedate voices like those of emeritus Professor Richard Falk at Princeton, Professor Jeffrey Sachs at Columbia University or Professor John Mearsheimer at the University of Chicago, are being drowned by the fake news and the propaganda disseminated by “narrative managers” in the mainstream media, who seem to prefer the role of  attack dogs over that of watchdogs.

The deliberate escalation of tensions against Russia and China entails multiple violations of the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations, ILO, WHO and UNESCO.  Moreover such escalation has led to violations of the Statute of Rome, namely aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The current US and UK administrations are acting in a manner incompatible with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms”, expressed in his state of the union address of 6 January 1941, and re-enacted, together with Winston Churchill, in the Atlantic Charter of 14 August 1941.

For instance, the massive censorship of Russian information sources including Sputnik and RT, violates FDR’s first freedom, namely freedom of speech, which necessarily entails the freedom to access all information, the freedom to know what is relevant so as to develop an opinion, our own judgment, that we can express.  Freedom of speech is not limited to echoing whatever nonsense we heard last night on CNN or BBC.

The draconian US sanctions policy is incompatible with the third freedom declared by Roosevelt – “Freedom from want—which, translated into contemporary terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world.” This means inter alia food security, access to water and sanitation, affordable energy, freedom to engage in trade and freedom of the seas. Among the obvious adverse impacts of US, UK and EU sanctions are famine, desperation and death.  The sanctions imposed on dozens of countries including Belarus, Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, Venezuela have already caused tens of thousands of deaths and constitute a crime against humanity within the meaning of article 7 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The US, UK, EU policies are also incompatible with FDR’s Fourth Freedom, “freedom from fear.  It is remarkable that human rights ngo’s like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have not focused on Peace as a Human Right.  This is what the Spanish Association for International Human Rights Law promoted in its “Declaración de Santiago”[1] of 10 December 2010, which built on General Assembly Resolution 39/11 of 12 November 1984 and eventually became the draft Resolution on the Right to Peace[2], adopted by the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council, subsequently torpedoed by the US, UK and EU delegations who argued in the intergovernmental working group on the right to peace that there was no such thing as a right to peace, and that the HR Council was in any event the wrong venue. The Resolution eventually adopted by the GA on 19 December 2016[3] was significantly less than what the GA had already recognized in 1984. Similarly, every initiative in the UN Conference on Disarmament has been disemboweled by the US, UK, EU and NATO countries, as if they were telling the world:  “we actually prefer war”.  In my capacity as UN Independent Expert on International Order I attended all meetings of the Human Rights Council working group and was appalled to hear the patently wrong arguments made by the US, UK and EU delegations, arguments that a first year law student would already recognize as “fake law”.

Freedom from fear” necessarily means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation should be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbour—anywhere in the world.  Article 6 of the Non Proliferation Treaty commits all States who possess nuclear weapons to negotiate in good faith toward nuclear disarmament.  But it seems like the nuclear powers, whether NPT members or not – including China, Russia, US, UK, France, Israel, India, Pakistan, are bent on imposing fear and terror on the rest of humanity.

The US, UK, EU and NATO sanctions policies against Russia and China are similarly incompatible with the principles laid down in the Atlantic Charter, namely:

1. Territorial adjustments must be in accord with the wishes of the peoples concerned (e.g. by referendum in Nagorno Karabakh, Crimea and Donbas).  If the ideological leaders of the Western powers refuse to recognize the fact that the vast majority of the Crimean population does NOT want to live in Ukraine after the unconstitutional 2014 putsch, they should invite the UN to organize and monitor a new referendum. Back in March and June 1994 I was the UN representative for the parliamentary and presidential elections in Ukraine.  Without a doubt, the population in Crimea and Donbas speaks and feels Russian).

2. All people have a right of self-determination (e.g. in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo — but similarly in Nagorno Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria).  This right of self-determination was incorporated into the UN Charter and countless Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions. It is also common article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

3. Trade barriers must be lowered. The sanctions regimes imposed by the US and its allies essentially have destroyed the benefits of globalization for millions of people and permanently dislocated the supply chains, and energy sources, leading to a drop in international trade, gross domestic product, bankruptcies and unemployment.

4. Global economic co-operation and advancement of social welfare must be the rule, not the exception.

5. All countries who endorsed the Atlantic Charter committed themselves to work for a world free of want and fear.

6. All countries committed to advance freedom of the seas in the sense of Hugo Grotius’ Mare liberum.

7. All countries agreed to the disarmament of aggressor nations and a common disarmament after the war.

It is the tragedy of the post-World War I generations that the noble principles contained in President Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points, were flouted in the Treaties of Versailles, St. Germain and Trianon, leading directly to World War II.  It is the tragedy of the post World War II generations that the goals proclaimed in the Four Freedoms and in the Atlantic Charter were abandoned.  It is the tragedy of our post-Soviet Union generation that our leaders did not keep their 1989-91 promises to Mikhail Gorbachev and deliberately chose the path of provocation and NATO expansionism, resulting in the tensions leading to Russia’s illegal aggression against Ukraine and the proxy war being fought by NATO against Russia – till the last Ukrainian.  Why did our leaders not heed the advice of George F. Kennan, Jack Matlock, Richard Falk, Jeffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer and Henry Kissinger?

In order to get out of the mess to which our leaders have brought us, bridges must be built – not only for the belligerents to escape, but for the belligerents to talk to each other.





Alfred de Zayas is a law professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and served as a UN Independent Expert on International Order 2012-18. He is the author of ten books including “Building a Just World Order” Clarity Press, 2021.  


Putin: The EU has lost its political sovereignty. European elites are pursuing policies that are detrimental to the welfare of their own people, businesses, and economies.

ira. 1

Putin: The EU has lost its political sovereignty. European elites are pursuing policies that are detrimental to the welfare of their own people, businesses, and economies.

Bideoa, hemen:


Another betrayal from France.

The permanent Representative of France to the UN said that he did not believe in the possibility of Ukraine to regain control of the territory.


?￰゚ヌᄋ?￰゚ヌᄋ?￰゚ヌᄎMacron:”Who wants Turkey to be the only power in the world, being a member of NATO, continuing to negotiate with Russia?

Bideoa, hemen:


Sarah Abdallah@sahouraxo

NATO chief admits that NATO allies have been training and arming Ukraine since 2014. Something to remember whenever Western media refers to an “unprovoked” invasion.

Bideoa, hemen:


I was in Russia in 1990. I was taken back by the anger of ordinary people at Gorbachev, whose ‘perestroika’ dismantled the USSR. Labour laws, key subsidies and pensions were thrown out, US ‘advisors’ took over and many Russians starved. ‘We’ didn’t have a clue and we still don’t.


‘Thank god I was captured’ Honen bidez:


‘Thank god I was captured’

#ukrainewar #nato #russia #ukraine #warinukraine #russiavsukraine #russiaukraineconflict #ukrainecri


L’#abondance avec #Macron c’est réservé à #ZelenskyWarCriminal

Txioa aipatu

Florian Philippot@f_philippot

abu. 24

Macron veut qu’on « soutienne l’Ukraine dans la durée »

Ça veut dire qu’on va se saigner a vie ? Dépouiller notre armée jusqu’à ce qu’il n’en reste plus rien ? Retourner à l’âge de pierre faute d’énergie ? Faire la guerre mondiale ? Pour les beaux yeux de Zelensky et l’OTAN ?!


Zelensky just rented out his luxury Italian villa to a Russian couple for $50,237/mo. A tad hypocritical considering Zelensky has called on the west to ban Russians from doing business, enrolling in university, playing sports, performing music & even visiting their countries.


#ThrowbackThursday to when @TulsiGabbard called out the CIA and FBI as the true threat to American democracy. #Truth #PassItOn



NATO, the world’s most dangerous cult:

Txioa aipatu

Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil@ivan_8848

abu. 31

German FM: I will put Ukraine first “no matter what my German voters think” or how hard their life gets.

Bideoa, hemen:

Erakutsi haria


Oh My Gosh Josh @JoshOhMyGosh2


US provokes China, US then sells $1.1 billion in weapons to Taiwan See how that works yet


Excellent recent @TulsiGabbard speech. Good from beginning to end. No one is more on point than Tulsi.

Tulsi Gabbard at Revolution 2022

Bideoa, hemen:






erabiltzaileei erantzuten

Russia won’t sell to unfriendly countries. That oil just goes to China or India or elsewhere. Then 3rd parties will sell it to Europe with higher expenses for shipping and more middlemen. Western leaders playing tough on Russia. It is all so ridiculous…


Ukrainian Nazis have added @TulsiGabbard to the Myrotvorets Purgatory List.

Eraktsi haria


Li Jingjing 李菁菁@Jingjing_Li

“One of the great tragedies of American history is that NATO was not dissolved,” said Col. Richard Black, former chief of the Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon & senator of Virginia, who was in #NATO and fought in numerous combats. Full interview:

Bideoa, hemen:


George Szamuely@GeorgeSzamuely

3 h

Gorbachev and James Baker’s “Not one inch to the east” pledge.

Bideoa, hemen:


Scott Ritter and Friends talk about Mikhail Gorbachev Honen bidez:


Scott Ritter and Friends talk about Mikhail Gorbachev

Scott Ritter and Friends talk about Mikhail Gorbachev



Davide 27@Davide262799331

#ZelenskyWarCriminal ma uno che fa bombardare la centrale nucleare del proprio paese non sta bene mentalmente o è un criminale assassino sotto effetto di droghe pesanti. Le bugiarde TV e giornali italiani lo nascondono dicendo che sono i russi ad autobombarsi


Frederick Encel @FredericEngel3

Général ukrainien Krivonos : “Les pertes de l’Ukraine dans la guerre contre la Russie se comptent déjà en centaines de milliers de morts.” #UkraineRussianWar #ZelenskyWarCriminal



#BREAKING for anyone with the brain bigger than a pea?￰゚ヌᆭsize, this was breaking news a month ago. This farce is coming to its natural conclusion. It’s not going to end well for #ZelenskyWarCriminal. He’s been commiting nuclear terrorism, the EU has to take it seriously.

Txioa aipatu

AFP News Agency@AFP

ira. 2

#BREAKING Ukraine says it bombed Russian base in town where UN inspectors are visiting Russian-occupied nuclear plant

Erakutsi haria



Oh this is nothing…. Just a video of Zelensky praising Stepan Bandera a literal N*zi. So when people say but “Zelensky is Jewish” you know it’s BS. #Zelenskydrugaddict #ZelenskyWarCriminal #UkraineRussiaWar #azov #jew #bandera #stepanbandera #fascist #FYP

Bideoa, hemen:

Erakutsi haria



ira. 2

This whole shit show flash mob was really cute today. Gotta distract from the completely failed Kherson counteroffensive and disastrous NPP takeover meat grinders somehow. Until the last Ukrainian for the Western overlords. #ZelenskyWarCriminal

Txioa aipatu

Boris Johnson@BorisJohnson

United Kingdom government official

· ira. 2



Filippo Maria O di B @Filippo60

Hundreds of children who died for a “symbolic gesture”. And then they say that the Russians are the Nazis #Ukraine #Russia #ZelenskyWarCriminal


WakeUpEurope @StandTallEurope

Suicide mission or so called #ukronazis offensive ended in a lot if pain and suffering for soldiers. It doesn’t have to be this way. #ZelenskyWarCriminal

Bideoa, hemen:



erabiltzaileari erantzuten

#Zelensky bombarde une centrale nucléaire, ment sur l’ attaque d’un hôpital, met en scéne des morts qui bougent sous des bâches, fabrique des photos truquées, se sert de civils comme boucliers humains…..


le menteur philosophe de pacotille #ZelenskyWarCriminal


Txioa aipatu


ira. 3

After 4 days of #KhersonOffensive #KhersonCounteroffensive #KhersonShitShow #Kherson counter offensive






erabiltzaileei erantzuten



erabiltzaileari erantzuten

Remember, when #ZelenskyWarCriminal handed out weapons to every Dick, Tom and Harry and a bunch of criminals in Kiev?




eta 13beste erabiltzaileei erantzuten

Bideoa, hemen:




erabiltzaileari erantzuten

@BHL et les crimes ukrainiens contre le Donbass, ils sont aussi archi documentés ? Le non respect des accords de Minsk par l’Ukraine, vous n’en parlez pas, alors que s’ils avaient été respectés Poutine ne serait pas intervenu ! #zelenskywarcriminal #fuckukraine


Txioa aipatu


ra. 2

That fool Boris told me it would be a piece of cake! I lost more than 300 highly trained commandos trying to seize the #Zaporizhzhia plant Now the IAEA has placed 6 inspectors permanently on site at the #ZaporizhzhiaNPP nuclear power plant, How to blow up the plant now? Sniff



A-Z @BB3141592653589

Au risque de paraître vulgaire (loin de moi cette idée mais l’expression parle d’elle même) : il faut quand même être sacrément couillue pour oser aller à l’encontre de la doxa bien pensante. Bravo Madame


#soutiensegoleneroyal #ZelenskyWarCriminal #Zaporijjia

Txioa aipatu

Margot ?￰゚ヌᄋ?￰゚ヌᄎ@Reine_Margot2

ira. 1

Un discours honnête sur la propagande du guignol #Zelinsky , ça faisait longtemps et ça fait du bien !

Bideoa, hemen:




erabiltzaileari erantzuten



#Ukraina #RussiaUkraineWar #NaziUkraine #ZelenskyWarCriminal ⚡️Per le strade di Nikolaev(#Ucraina) : “Chi sono? Davvero un difensore dell’Ucraina o un assassino di bambini?



Martin ?@MartinRides








erabiltzaileei erantzuten

Bandera is more alive than ever.



Nothing to see here… Except the sickening veneration of the #Ukrainian Fascist murderer with the blood of millions of #Holocaust victims on his stone-cold hands #Bandera #Nato #Russia

Txioa aipatu

tim anderson@timand2037

ira. 2

Veneration of Stepan #Bandera – key collaborator in the Nazi #holocaust of #Slavs, #Jews, #Poles and #Roma in #Ukraine️ – central #Lviv 2022.

Bideoa, hemen:


Txioa aipatu

tim anderson@timand2037

ira. 2

Veneration of Stepan #Bandera – key collaborator in the Nazi #holocaust of #Slavs, #Jews, #Poles and #Roma in #Ukraine️ – central #Lviv 2022.

Bideoa, hemen:


Mark Sleboda@MarkSleboda1

The Real Politick: Russophobia is not just the last socially acceptable form of racism and ethnic-hatred, it is actually promoted as public policy by Western governments, perhaps nowhere as obviously as in Latvia.

Russophobia: the Last Acceptable Form of Racism

Russophobia has become government policy and the last socially acceptable form of racism in the West, nowhere more on display that in Latvia.- The Real Polit…



Wall Street Silver@WallStreetSilv

That’s why we don’t see Putin on the news, His speeches are revealing too much about EU and USA monetary policies. ?

Bideoa, hemen:


President Joseph Biden: “This is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool. We do not encourage violence.” Senator Joseph Biden: “I was suggesting we bomb Belgrade. I was suggesting we send American pilots in and blow up all the bridges…”

Bideoa, hemen:



Tulsi Gabbard is exactly who I want to lead our nation. She has the experience, integrity & compassion we need. She’s an independent thinker who speaks truth to power who will put the needs of the PEOPLE FIRST & help UNITE our country.



Constituent @808constituent

Happy #AlohaFriday, y’all! Don’t give up hope, tell your friends about Tulsi Gabbard! #aloha



I love the sound of Italian!



In questo video si vede tanto orgoglio e tanta schifezza contemporaneamente. #Ukraine paese dei #NAZISTI nativi. Guardate come fanno il saluto romano le poverelle. Poveri bambini. Popolo senza speranza. Cosa ne pensi @Apndp? Sarà un montaggio? #UkraineWar #ZelenskyWarCriminal

Bideoa, hemen:



Txioa aipatu


ira. 2

? ALERTE INFO Guerre en Ukraine: Kiev affirme avoir frappé la ville où se trouve la centrale de Zaporijia


Adriano @Adry_Giro

Txioa aipatu

Loetitia ?￰゚ヌᄎ ن@LoetitiaH

ira. 1

Les habitants de Zaporijia ont remis au chef de l’AIEA, Rafael Grossi, leur lettre signée par 20 000 personnes demandant l’arrêt et la condamnation des bombardements de la centrale nucléaire par le régime de Kiev

Bideoa, hemen:


Txioa aipatu


ira. 2

?FLASH #Ukraine ?￰゚ヌᆭ Aujourd’hui l’état major des forces armées Ukrainiennes a reconnu qu’il y avait des centaines de milliers de soldats morts et a admis avoir tiré sur la centrale nucléaire de #Zaporozhye Des officiers de l’état major?￰゚ヌᆭ se rendent à l’armée russe depuis ce matin

Erakutsi haria

Bideoa, hemen:


vladimir poutaine@poutaine

Txioa aipatu

Patrice Gohier (PB)@gohierpatrice

· abu. 30

Zelensky a délibérément préparé l’écrasement du Donbass et menti à son peuple : il savait que la Russie allait intervenir et qu’il enclenchait une guerre. Que ce soit un des grands media allemands, le Berliner Zeitung, qui le révèle est de nature à changer la donne…




Txioa aipatu

Marquis de Dreslincourt@dreslincourt

ira. 3

L’ONU remercie la Russie d’avoir assuré la sécurité des inspecteurs lors de la visite de la centrale nucléaire de Zaporijia. Qui donc les menaçaient? Avez-vous une idée?


Great explanation for the extraordinarily rapid decline and fall of Boris Johnson.

Txioa aipatu

Tommy Sheppard MP@TommySheppard

ira. 1

Buy a new kettle and save £10 on your £3,549 energy bill, says Johnson. The Tories just don’t get it. Never have, never will. #YouYesYet?

Bideoa, hemen:



While tens of thousands are protesting the EU and NATO in Prague, thousands are doing the same in Paris today. Europeans are fed up with the blowback from Western imposed sanctions on Russia (read: skyrocketing energy prices). Take a look:

Bideoa, hemen:


#Novak: Gas price in Russia is 40 times less than the #European markets and it has enough gas for the coming winter


Latest $1.1bln of arms sales to #Taiwan is seen as dangerous provocation following #Pelosi’s visit to the island. Washington seeking to enhance the island’s military will only accelerate #China’s national reunification process: experts@globaltimesnews


Ajamu Baraka@ajamubaraka

These kinds of gatherings are happening across the EU. Even the ongoing organizing against NATO & U.S. led warmongering is growing. But,not a peep in the capitalist press. It is only on social media that a little of this can be circulated & is why capitalists want to censor it.

Txioa aipatu

Paweł Wargan@pawelwargan

ira. 3

70,000 people took to the streets of Prague in a mass protest against the EU and NATO. They demanded neutrality in the war and action on energy prices. This is the future for all governments that act against the interests of their people.

Bideoa, hemen:


A protest in Cologne, Germany against sanctions and to resume energy ties with Russia.

Bideoa, hemen:


In German Cologne, anti-government and anti-Ukrainian actions – protesters do not agree with the policy of the authorities supporting Kyiv #azov #war #nazism #ukraine #ukriane #zelensky #ukrainewar #russia #russen #odessa #ZelenskyWarCriminal

Bideoa, hemen:



Ouch… While you get hammered by RuAF artillery, #Kiev has a party… “Rich Man’s War, Poor Man’s Fight” #NaziUkraine #Zelensky #ZelenskyWarCriminal #UkrainianNazis #Kherson #KhersonOffensive

Bideoa, hemen:



The #Kherson #counteroffensive is going well. In just a couple of days, the Armed Forces of #Ukraine managed to occupy all the morgues from Krivoy Rog to #Odessa – confirmed by doctors from different cities in Ukraine #ZelenskyWarCriminal


US #LABORDAY: #Ukraine’s Anti-Worker Law “On Aug. 17 Ukraine’s President Volodymyr #Zelensky ratified Law 5371, which removes rights for workers at small and medium-sized companies.” #UkraineTerrorState #LaborDayWeekend #ZelenskyWarCriminal #ukronazis


Zelensky a cocaine addict? Here’s what experts have to say. #NaziUkraine #UkrainianNazis #ZelenskyWarCriminal #ZelenskyCocaineJunkie #Ukraine

Bideoa, hemen:




erabiltzaileari erantzuten

Cocaine is a helluva drug..#ZelenskyWarCriminal

Bideoa, hemen:


Matreshka @MatreshkaCB

‼️‼️The #Ukrainian Armed Forces have admitted this Friday that they have bombed targets of #Russian troops in the town of #Energodar, where the #Zaporizhia nuclear power plant is located.



#ZelenskyWarCriminal #Zelensky



Michael Millerman @M_Millerman

CORRECTION APPENDED (AUGUST 29, 2022) An earlier version of this article mistakenly stated that Putin said he was prepared to fight to the last Ukrainian. He instead stated that the West was prepared to fight to the last Ukrainian.


Max Blumenthal@MaxBlumenthal

“Fact-checkers” are now claiming this footage was taken out of context and even manipulated. I watched her full statement and the substance remained the same: Baerbock says German voters have no say in how much of their money is funneled into the pockets of Ukrainian warlords.

Txioa aipatu

Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil@ivan_8848

abu. 31

German FM: I will put Ukraine first “no matter what my German voters think” or how hard their life gets.

Erakutsi haria


How long until the “NATO left” who cheered on sanctions, expanding NATO, and defeating Russia pretend they never supported this class war against the global working class? The same way people deny supporting the Iraq war people going to pretend they didnt actively cheerlead this

Txioa aipatu

Fiorella Isabel@FiorellaIsabelM

17 h

Sanctions against Russia are working! Against the UK that is…?



The U.K just selected a worse candidate than Boris Johnson. Liz Truss is so anti-China & anti-Russia, she’ll bring the country further into economic chaos & inch the world closer to nuclear war. Her words on Russia were that it “must be met with strength.” Good luck U.K.

Erakutsi haria


Protestors in France demand an exit from NATO & the removal of Macron. Among the chants were “Macron get out”, “Macron destitution”, “Let’s leave NATO”, & “FREXIT”. France, Germany, & Czech Republic are among the countries in Europe with mass protests against economic conditions.

Bideoa, hemen:


Russia dominates #NuclearPower supply chain

Russia has almost 40% of the world’s #uranium conversion capacity

Russia has 46% of the world’s enrichment capacity

➡️?￰゚ヌᄎ?￰゚ヌᄈ⚠️By 2030, #China and #Russia will account for 64% of world’s #nuclear enrichment capacity


Tim Young@TimRunsHisMouth

They need another $13 billion you guys… things look dire there.

Txioa aipaiu

ira. 5

It’s a hoax fol@valeriekeane53

ira. 4

#Ukraine war zone. My heart bleeds for their suffering in Kiev.

Bideoa, hemen:


If Ukraine is a democracy, why does it have a hit list of critics that it wants to silence?



erabiltzaileari erantzuten

I’m not an American, but I really hope that you Americans choose a president who is not a slave to the establishment, unbossed and unbought, brave and free. For the sake of the WORLD. And then there’s only one choice: Tulsi Gabbard ?☮️?


While all eyes are on Ukraine, Joe Biden is escalating the illegal occupation of Syria by setting up a new US military base on Syrian soil to ensure the continuing looting of Syria’s oil.



Il volto di #ZelenskyWarCriminal Non nel mio nome sia chiaro. Blocco immediato per chi sventola il simbolo del #nazismo del nuovo millennio nel profilo ?￰゚ヌᆭ, a prescindere dal ruolo e orientamento politico. L’ #Ucraina è uno stato #terrorista.

“Right Sector” (Ukraine): the history, fascist ideology and role in…

The international movement “Essence of Time” and the international civil resistance

“” publish movie “The Right Sector”: the history, fascist i…



#GreenPass #ZelenskyWarCriminal #Russia #dugina #10settembre #corteo #manifestazione Sabato 10 Settembre a #Milano si terrà una manifestazione con corteo contro #NATO, #UE agenda #Draghi, rincari e terminerà con una commemorazione a #DariaDugina . Vi aspettiamo numerosi.




Another appeal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to President Zelensky. #azov #war #nazism #ukraine #ukriane #zelensky #ukrainewar #russia #russen #odessa #ZelenskyWarCriminal

Bideoa, hemen:



Txioa aipatu

Bastien Tell@bastien_tell

 ira. 3

Non seulement il faut soutenir #SegoleneRoyal, mais aussi rappeler que #Zelensky est un criminel de guerre corrumpu armant des néonazis. Ce sont les défenseurs de ce dernier qui devraient avoir honte, pour les valeurs qu’ils trahissent et le sang qu’ils ont déjà sur les mains.



Txioa aipatu

vanessa beeley@VanessaBeeley

16 h

One of the many abiding images of the racist Nazi policies sanctioned by Zelensky and #NATO in #Ukraine. All the dumb Ukraine flag profiles should be sieg heiling in solidarity. Idiots!



Dave Icke said that in 2014




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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude