Ukraina/ Errusia/ AEB + EB + NATO/ Txina (35)

Ia bukatuta?

Aipatu bezala, soilik daturik garrantzitsuenak edo eta nabarmenenak aipatuko ditut…

(Datu asko nire twitter-en kontuan ikus daitezke: @tobararbulu)

21 h

EU ?￰゚ヌᄎ foreign, defense and security policy today can be described in a single sentence. The European Union ?￰゚ヌᄎ became the 51st federal state of the United States ?￰゚ヌᄌ but without the right to vote.


eka. 8

Angela Merkel warned that isolating Russia isn’t possible long term even if President Vladimir Putin made a “big mistake” by invading Ukraine.  Agreed, so what happens if Russia decides to isolate itself from west? It is a two way street.


eka. 8

Must-read: Putin’s long interview in which he breaks down the reasons behind the ‘global shortage’ of major commodities. Warning: If you have CNN brain, this interview may cause you to self-combust. #Russia #Ukraine #wheat

(Ikus elkarizketa hori lan honen bukaeran)


eka. 8



Alan MacLeod@AlanRMacLeod

eka. 8

Wow. This new report from @KitKlarenberg based on leaked emails details how Paul Mason is purportedly secretly working with the national security state to censor, smear, deplatform and destroy virtually the entire antiwar left. A MUST read.


Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald

eka. 8

Joe Biden is headed to Riyadh in a few weeks to beg the Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman for more oil, and to reaffirm the importance of the decades-old US/Saudi partnership.

Txioa aipatu

Vice President Kamala Harris@VPUnited States government official

2019 urr. 3

It’s been 1 year since the horrific, premeditated murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabia. And Trump has yet to hold Saudi officials accountable. Unacceptable—America must make it clear that violence toward critics and the press won’t be tolerated.


eka. 9

US is threatening nations who are in receipt of Russian grain with sanctions. This is disgraceful behaviour.


eka. 9

Ousted Ukrainian Official Breaks Silence, Admits She Lied About Mass Rape By Russians To Garner More Aid/Arms


Mike Norman@mikenorman

eka. 9

Ukraine military MINED Odessa ports with underwater mines. That’s why grain cannot be shipped out.


eka. 10

Ukrainian Official Admits She Lied About Russians Committing Mass Rape to Convince Countries to Send More Weapons –


eka. 10

Denmark and the Netherlands are opposed to granting EU candidate status to Ukraine amid concerns about democracy, rule of law, human rights and protection of minorities. So what are they implying wrt Zelensky and his govt? Direct responsibility or a lack of any control?


Mark Ames@MarkAmesExiled

eka. 9

This is beyond shameless. Langley & NYT creating alibis—covering their asses by blaming Ukraine for tricking them—in case Ukraine losses get too out of hand & people start to ask why we were sold a narrative of imminent Ukraine victory/ Russian collapse.


eka. 10

US intelligence agencies know everything about the US proxy war they created in Ukraine. The fact that they are now pretending not to know what’s happening is a strong indicator that the war is going badly for Ukraine. Damage control won’t work just like it didn’t work with Iraq.

Txioa aipaiu

The New York Times@nytimes

eka. 9

Despite the flow of billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine, U.S. intelligence agencies have less information than they would like about the country’s war strategy and know far more about Russia’s military, according to officials.


eka. 10

Meanwhile the global south refers to it as it actually is, a multipolar world. Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine is accelerating a shift towards a bipolar “new world order” in which a bloc led by the U.S. faces off with one led by China.


Russians With Attitude@RWApodcast

eka. 10

Ukrainian presidential adviser Podolyak says that “between 100 and 200” Ukrainian soldiers are killed every day. Earlier, Minister of Defense Reznikov had said it was around 100; before that, Zelensky had said it’s between 60 and 100.


MI NEWS@SNMilitary

eka. 10

The FIRST China-Russia highway bridge, from Heihe, to the Russian city Blagoveshchensk, has opened to traffic on Friday. It will open a new global transportation channel between NE China and Russian Far East.



The Sirius Report@thesiriusreport

eka. 10

Indian delegation will take part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum next week at the ministerial level.


Ivan Katchanovski@I_Katchanovski

eka. 9

#Zelenskyy presidential office adviser states that #Ukrainian military casualties are now 100-200 killed per day. It equals 3,000-6,200 killed per month. Typical wounded ratio suggests that 500-1,000 are wounded per day that equals 15,000-30,000 per month.


eka. 11

If anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese Army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost”. – China MoD.


MI NEWS@SNMilitary

eka. 11

Western politicians are tired of Zelensky, who began to irritate them as a ‘monster’ that bites their own creators.” – Maria Zakharova.


The Sirius Report@thesiriusreport

eka. 10

So Beijing has made it absolutely clear to Washington that they would have zero hesitancy to go to war over Taiwan. China would be ruthless compared to Russia’s operations in Ukraine.


George Szamuely@GeorgeSzamuely

eka. 10

NATO clowns setting the stage for Russia’s next special military operation. Russia has already said that for Russia the issue isn’t Finland’s NATO membership, but the deployment of NATO military infrastructure.



eka. 11

An Embargo on Russian gas will FINALLY destroy the economy of Europe. – Viktor Orban.


eka. 11

Denmark and Netherland view Ukraine as “the Most corrupt country in Europe and one of the World’s most corrupt countries,” a clear obstacle for its EU candidacy. – Media


Alex Rubinstein@RealAlexRubi

eka. 10

You should have seen Kiev 2014 when 49 protesters & police officers were taken out by sniper fire and the leader of the sniper gang alleged by many to have carried out the attack went on to meet with your colleagues in Congress and command American volunteers on the battle field

Txioa apaitu

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez@AOC

eka. 10

Good Lord. The way it all comes rushing back into the body. It’s like it’s that day all over again. #January6thCommitteeHearings

Bideoa, hemen:


Economic Democracy Initiative@EDI_tweets

eka. 10

“China: A Global Economic Power on the Rise” Yan Liang (Willamette University)

@YanLian31677392 provides our students with insights on financing China’s economic development. #EDIworkshop2022




eka. 11

Serbian President A. Vucic appeared to rebuff pressure from Chancellor Scholz on Friday for Serbia to join EU sanctions on Russia: “As far as sanctions are concerned we have different position. We remember sanctions against Serbia and we do not think sanctions are efficient.


eka. 11

In a phone call with his Syrian counterpart, the Iranian Foreign Minister condemnend the Israeli bombing of Damascus International Airport, and affirmed Iran’s support for Syria. – Media.


Arnaud Bertrand@RnaudBertrand

eka. 10

The Pentagon just issued a press release stating that it had “provid[ed] support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades [with a focus] on improving public health?


eka. 10

Armed Forces Ukraine are preparing a new provocation in Odessa to blame Russia for It. – Russian MoD.


George Szamuely@GeorgeSzamuely

eka. 10

Um, but if we can’t trust the Ukrainians to tell the truth about themselves, why would we trust them to be truthful about the Russians?



eka. 10

JUST IN – Beijing will “not hesitate to start a war” over #Taiwan, China’s defense ministry tells the US counterparts.



eka. 10

Ukraine Is Blackmailing The Global South By Officially Demanding Weapons For Wheat – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Ukraine Is Blackmailing The Global South By Officially Demanding Weapons For Wheat – Andrew Korybko OneWorld


eka. 11

Several more documentation centres for #Russian citizenship to be opened in #Kherson, as the existing centers cannot cope with the growing flow of residents who want a Russian passport. #Ukraine has been made a failed state. TASS via


Bideoa, hemen:


eka. 12

Signatures are being collected in ITALY for investigating the crimes of the Armed Forces Ukraine in Donbass:An international investigation can finally show the World what really happened in Ukraine for Eight years” the document says. – RIA


eka. 12

Iran and Venezuela sign 20-year partnership agreement to bolster ties: “Venezuela and Iran have a common goal of fighting colonialism and imperialism across the globe.” – Nicolas Maduro.


eka. 11

The “Summit of the Americas” was just held in the US for the first time since 1994, with Biden as host, and it was boycotted by the leaders of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Bolivia, and El Salvador. Biden was excoriated by the leaders of Argentina and Belize. Seems under-reported

Erakutsi haria


eka. 11


15 h

There are many parallels between the failed US policies toward Russia and China — it is our inability to accept that Russia and China do exist, and they follow their own agendas, not ours. We must come to terms with the fact that Russia and China are here to stay.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

15 h

As Prof. John Mearsheimer has explained in many lectures, NATO bears huge responsibility for the Ukraine war. It is the intransigent US/NATO mindset that only we are right and “winner takes all“. On occasion it is necessary to listen to the other guy.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

20 h

Ludmila Denisova, the former Ukrainian human rights ombudsman, was dismissed precisely for spreading unverified reports of alleged atrocities by Russian troops in Ukraine. Such declarations only serve to poison the atmosphere and diminish the credibility of her office.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

20 h

Among the obstacles to negotiation is the dissemination of fake news and fake atrocity stories like that of mass rapes supposedly committed by Russian forces. Alas, the mainstream media echoes such fake news uncritically.


20 h

Enough is enough. Russian UN Ambassador Nebenzia had every reason to walk out of irresponsible statements by EU Council President Michel, who wrongly blamed Russia for an impending famine.  It is the Ukraine and the EU sanctions that are at the source of the crisis.


Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas

eka. 11

Sanctions are not accidental.  Everyone who loses his life as “collateral damage” of sanctions has been effectively murdered.  There must be penal responsibility in the US, UK, EU for those who impose killer sanctions.


eka. 11

US, UK, EU do not seem to realize that their sanctions policies are causing havoc with globalization, with the supply chains, and will result in famine.


AZ OSINT@AZmilitary1

eka. 11

‼️?￰゚ヌᄎ❌?￰゚ヌᆭUkraine is unlikely to become an EU member. This is too weak a country. Norwegian journalists described that Ukraine on its way to Europe is a very corrupt, nationalist country ruled by oligarchs and there are no working laws and state authorities.‼️

Erakutsi haria


AZ OSINT@AZmilitary1

eka. 11

Here is the UAF forces in a civilian house takng cover… When mainstream media tells that Russia bombs civilian buildings show to them this video???

Bideoa, hemen:


AZ OSINT@Azmilitary1

·eka. 12Ukraine has already done a lot for the rule of law,” Ursula von der Leyen


(Ikus irudiko hirugarren pertsona!)

Erakutsi haria

Zuk Bertxiotua


eka. 12

They have tradition of law reforms there


???? An elderly Russian partisan who was captured by German soldiers and bound to poles attracts sympathetic looks from people passing by on a busy street, Ukraine SSR, 1941.



Erakutsi haria


18 h

John Mearsheimer(the professor who predicted Ukraine crisis since 2015)-Russia is not a serious threat to the United States??? Stephen F. Cohen also predicted but he is not alive unfortunately to see that predictions came true THESE 2 PROFESSORS WERE CALLED KREMLIN AGENTS ONCE

Erakutsi haria


18 h


erabiltzaileari erantzuten


American Scholars Say The Real Threat To The U.S. Is Russophobia (HBO)

President Trump set off a roar of outrage when he defied U.S. intelligence agencies to defend Vladim

Bideoa, hemen:

American Scholars Say The Real Threat To The U.S. Is Russophobia (HBO)


16 h

?￰゚ヌᄃ Anti—Russian sanctions are ineffective. The West will not be able to ignore Russia’s interests because of its economic role – Daily Express The West should not underestimate the economic power that Russia possesses.

Erakutsi haria


16 h

The United States, the European Union and other countries are making a mistake by underestimating the importance of Moscow in world trade, the British DailyExpress states


58 min

It’s clear #Russia is winning in all fields, from economy to social cohesion, from currency strength to the battlefield. It’s time for the West to reach out to President #Putin in order to finally reach an acceptable compromise and avoid a huge embarassing defeat.


AZ OSINT@AZmilitary1

5 min

Exactly 8 years ago, Azov captured Mariupol. Every year the Nazis celebrated this day. Now the Mariupol “Azov” does not exist. Millions and millions of money into ”Azov” and years of training and they got DELETED in 3 months



Be the bird.


Scoot Ritter

The TRUTH is coming out in Ukraine and Zelensky is furious | Redacted with Clayton

They just CROSSED the line and Biden knows it | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris

Scott Ritter 2-Minute Topic: Bad Career Choices

“The giant humiliation of the US and NATO…” – Scott Ritter

Kiev is losing up to 200 troops every day

NATO…” – Scott Ritter

“Turkey’s created a huge problem right now” – Scott Ritter

HomeFront Rising Ep. 9: The Ritter Switcheroo


Scott Ritter – Ukraine Russia war Updat

“Russia is on the verge of accomplishing this” – Scott Ritter


Scott Ritter on 40 billion aid to Ukraine and M142 HIMARS


Vladimir Putin-i egindako elkarrizketa

Interview with Rossiya TV (Putin)

June 3, 2022


The President answered questions from Pavel Zarubin, a journalist with Rossiya 1 TV channel.

The President answered questions from Pavel Zarubin, a journalist with Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Pavel Zarubin: Mr President, we have just followed your meeting with the head of Senegal who is also the current leader of the African Union. He expressed, and actually in the past week many countries have expressed concern not so much about the food crisis, but they are afraid of large-scale famine because world food prices are climbing and so are oil and gas prices, These issues are interrelated.

Naturally, the West blames Russia for this, too. What is the real situation at this point, how is it developing? And what do you think will happen in the food and energy markets?

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Yes, indeed, we are seeing attempts to place the responsibility on Russia for developments in the global food market and the growing problems there. I must say that this is another attempt to pin the blame on someone else. But why?

First, the situation with the global food market did not become worse yesterday or even with the launch of Russia’s special military operation in Donbass, in Ukraine.

The situation took a downturn in February 2020 during the efforts to counter the coronavirus pandemic when the global economy was down and had to be revived.

The financial and economic authorities in the United States, of all things, found nothing better than to allocate large amounts of money to support the population and certain businesses and economic sectors.

We generally did almost the same thing, but I assure you that we were much more accurate, and the results are obvious: we did this selectively and got the desired results without affecting macroeconomic indicators, including excessive inflation growth.

The situation was quite different in the United States. The money supply in the United States grew by 5.9 trillion in less than two years, from February 2020 to the end of 2021 – unprecedented productivity of the money printing machines. The total cash supply grew by 38.6 percent. (Amerikar trilioi bat = europar bilioi bat)

Apparently, the US financial authorities believed the dollar was a global currency, and it would spread, as usual, as it did in previous years, would dissolve in the global economy, and the United States would not even feel it. But that did not happen, not this time. As a matter of fact, decent people – and there are such people in the United States – the Secretary of the Treasury recently said they had made a mistake. So, it was a mistake made by the US financial and economic authorities – it has nothing to do with Russia’s actions in Ukraine, it is totally unrelated.

And that was the first step – and a big one – towards the current unfavourable food market situation, because, in the first place, food prices immediately went up, they grew. This is the first reason.

The second reason was European countries’ short-sighted policies, and above all, the European Commission’s policy in regard to energy. We see what is going on there. Personally, I believe that many political players in the United States and Europe have been taking advantage of people’s natural concerns about the climate, climate change, and they began to promote this green agenda, including in the energy sector.

It all seems fine, except for the unqualified and groundless recommendations about what needs to be done in the energy sector. The capabilities of alternative types of energy are overestimated: solar, wind, any other types, hydrogen power – those are good prospects for the future, probably, but today, they cannot be produced in the required amount, with the required quality and at acceptable prices. And at the same time, they began to belittle the importance of conventional types of energy, including, and above all, hydrocarbons.

What was the result of this? Banks stopped issuing loans because they were under pressure. Insurance companies stopped insuring deals. Local authorities stopped allocating plots of land for expanding production and reduced the construction of special transport, including pipelines.

All this led to a shortage of investment in the world energy sector and price hikes as a result. The wind was not as strong as expected during the past year, winter dragged on, and prices instantly soared.

On top of all that, the Europeans did not listen to our persistent requests to preserve long-term contracts for the delivery of natural gas to European countries. They started to wind them down. Many are still valid, but they started winding them down. This had a negative effect on the European energy market: the prices went up. Russia has absolutely nothing to do with this.

But as soon as gas prices started going up, fertiliser prices followed suit because gas is used to produce some of these fertilisers. Everything is interconnected. As soon as fertiliser prices started growing, many businesses, including those in European countries, became unprofitable and started shutting down altogether. The amount of fertiliser in the world market took a dive, and prices soared dramatically, much to the surprise of many European politicians.

However, we warned them about this, and this is not linked to Russia’s military operation in Donbass in any way. This has nothing to do with it.

But when we launched our operation, our so-called European and American partners started taking steps that aggravated the situation in both the food sector and fertiliser production.

By the way, Russia accounts for 25 percent of the world fertiliser market. As for potash fertilisers, Alexander Lukashenko told me this – but we should double-check it, of course, although I think it is true – when it comes to potash fertilisers, Russia and Belarus account for 45 percent of the world market. This is a tremendous amount.

The crop yield depends on the quantity of fertiliser put into the soil. As soon as it became clear that our fertilisers would not be in the world market, prices instantly soared on both fertilisers and food products because if there are no fertilisers, it is impossible to produce the required amount of agricultural products.

One thing leads to another, and Russia has nothing to do with it. Our partners made a host of mistakes themselves, and now they are looking for someone to blame. Of course, Russia is the most suitable candidate in this respect.

Pavel Zarubin: Incidentally, it has just been reported that the wife of the head of our largest fertiliser companies has been included in the new European package of sanctions.

What will all this lead to in your opinion?

Vladimir Putin: This will make a bad situation worse.

The British and later the Americans – Anglo-Saxons – imposed sanctions on our fertilisers. Then, having realised what was happening, the Americans lifted their sanctions, but the Europeans did not. They are telling me themselves during contacts: yes, we must think about it, we must do something about it, but today they have just aggravated this situation.

This will make the situation in the world fertiliser market worse, and hence the crop prospects will be much more modest, and prices will keep going up – that is it. This is an absolutely myopic, erroneous, I would say, simply stupid policy that leads to a deadlock.

Pavel Zarubin: But Russia is accused by high-ranking officials of preventing the grain that is actually there, in Ukrainian ports, from leaving.

Vladimir Putin: They are bluffing, and I will explain why.

First, there are some objective things, and I will mention them now. The world produces about 800 million tonnes of grain, wheat per year. Now we are being told that Ukraine is ready to export 20 million tonnes. So, 20 million tonnes out of 800 million tonnes amounts to 2.5 percent. But if we proceed from the fact that wheat accounts for merely 20 percent of all food products in the world – and this is the case, this is not our data, it comes from the UN – this means that these 20 million tonnes of Ukrainian wheat are just 0.5 percent, practically nothing. This is the first point.

The second. 20 million tonnes of Ukrainian wheat are potential exports. Today, the US official bodies also say that Ukraine could export six million tonnes of wheat. According to our Ministry of Agriculture, the figure is not six but about five million tonnes, but okay, let us assume it is six, plus it could export seven million tonnes of maize – this is the figure of our Ministry of Agriculture. We realise that this is not much.

In the current agricultural year of 2021–2022, we will export 37 million and, I believe, we will raise these exports to 50 million tonnes in 2022–2023. But this is apropos, by the way.

As for shipping out Ukrainian grain, we are not preventing this. There are several ways to export grain.

The first one. You can ship it out via the Ukraine-controlled ports, primarily in the Black Sea Odessa and nearby ports. We did not mine the approaches to the port – Ukraine did this.

I have already said to all our colleagues many times – let them demine the ports and let the vessels loaded with grain leave. We will guarantee their peaceful passage to international waters without any problems. There are no problems at all. Go ahead.

They must clear the mines and raise the ships they sunk on purpose in the Black Sea to make it difficult to enter the ports to the south of Ukraine. We are ready to do this; we will not use the demining process to initiate an attack from the sea. I have already said this. This is the first point.

The second. There is another opportunity: the ports in the Sea of Azov – Berdyansk and Mariupol – are under our control, and we are ready to ensure a problem-free exit from these ports, including for exported Ukrainian grain. Go ahead, please.

We are already working on the demining process. We are completing this work – at one time, Ukrainian troops laid three layers of mines. This process is coming to an end. We will create the necessary logistics. This is not a problem; we will do this. This is the second point.

The third. It is possible to move grain from Ukraine via the Danube and through Romania.

Fourth. It is also possible through Hungary.

And fifth, it is also possible to do this via Poland. Yes, there are some technical problems because the tracks are of different gauges and the wheel bogies must be changed. But this only takes a few hours, that is all.

Finally, the easiest way is to transport grain via Belarus. This is the easiest and the cheapest way because from there it can be instantly shipped to the Baltic ports and further on to any place in the world.

But they would have to lift the sanctions from Belarus. This is not our problem though. At any rate, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko puts it like this: if someone wants to resolve the problem of exporting Ukrainian grain, if this problem exists at all, please use the simplest way – through Belarus. No one will stop you.

So, the problem of shipping grain out of Ukraine does not really exist.

Pavel Zarubin: How would the logistics work to ship it from the ports under our control? What would the conditions be?

Vladimir Putin: No conditions.

They are welcome. We will provide peaceful passage, guarantee safe approaches to these ports, and ensure the safe entry of foreign ships and passage through the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in any direction.

By the way, several ships are stuck in Ukrainian ports at this point. These are foreign ships, dozens of them. They are simply locked up and their crews are still being held hostage.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude