Brasil: Garapenerako Finantza Funtzionaleko Institutuaz

Bill Mitchell-en Announcing the Instituto de Finanças Funcionais para o Desenvolvimento


(i) Sarrera gisa: What the Hell is Going On

(…) I have to travel most of the day and present to a large financial markets gathering in Sydney tonight. My theme tonight will be ‘What the Hell is Going On’, as a challenge to the mainstream who haven’t a clue about what is happening and summarise their lack of awareness and the dissonance that is creating for them by screaming about inflation. The mainstream macroeconomists are so far off the mark these days that they must be like the flat earth theorists who watched ships successfully sail off the edge of the globe only to come back around the other side. They are lost and can only interpret the current events in terms of ‘duh, central banks buying bonds, too much money in the system, duh, must be inflationary’. (…)

(ii) Brasil-eko albiste interesgarria

Creation of a new Institute in Brazil

Last week, Randy Wray and I joined some scholars from Brazil, who have established the – Instituto de Finanças Funcionais para o Desenvolvimento – or Institute of Functional Finance for Development or IFFD for short.

This was their inaugural event and both Randy and I were really pleased to be invited as speakers at their launch.

This is a great initiative and I hope they can create change in the economics debate in Brazil, which is obsessed with issues pertaining to currency instability and debt.

That obsession has constrained public policy and prevented millions from escaping the interminable poverty that the application of mainstream economics creates.

Here is their – Manifesto (in Portuguese).

This video documents their launch. Most of it is in Portuguese but from 10:53 to 27:00 you can see some of the contribution Randy and I provided to the discussion in English.

Anyway, to Simone and Daniel and Co, good luck with your venture.


PS: Euskal Herrian ez dago inongo kezkarik DTM-ko autore horiekin zein beste batzuekin (W. Mosler, P. Tcherneva,…) eztabaidatzeko.

Hemen dena dago argi eta garbi: mandanga, oinarrizko errenta unibertsala, errenta banatzea, lanpostuak banatzea, Robin Hood-en iraultza finantzarioa inbertsioak gauzatzeko, neo-autonomismoa, neo-karlismoa eta Madril-era joatea (Espainia salbatzearren!), Iparraldeko ‘eusko’ sasi moneta erabiltzea (alegia, sasi diru hyper beltza!).. . . eta (noski!) Eurolandian, nahitaez!, egon nahi izatea (hots, Distopiarik nabarmenenean)… gehi abar luzetxoegia!

Iruzkinak (1)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude