Warren Mosler-ekiko e-posten trukaketa (2020)

(Congratulations, Zorionak)

Nork: joseba felix tobar-arbulu
Bidaltze-data: 2020(e)ko abuztuaren 6(a), osteguna 07:41
Nori: Warren Mosler <>
Gaia: Congratulations

Hi, Warren

Your interview with Alan Kohler is wonderful, just wonderful!

Here in our blog: Diruaren istorioa (Warren Mosler)

One correction:

This is what appears in the transcript (https://www.eurekareport.com.au/investment-news/the-money-story-told-by-a-father-of-mmt/148340 ):

Did all that come to an end when they created the Euro at the end of the 90s?


Then Draga came in and had to say, “We’ll do what it takes to prevent the fall.”


Then Draghi came in and had to say, “We’ll do what it takes to prevent the fall.”

Congratulations! Zorionak!

All the best.


Ps: Sorry, I don’t know Mr. Kohler’s email…


Nork: Warren Mosler <>
Bidaltze-data: 2020(e)ko abuztuaren 6(a), osteguna 11:47
Nori: joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es>
Gaia: Re: Congratulations


from my cell

On Thu, Aug 6, 2020, 1:41 AM joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es> wrote:

Hi, Warren

Your interview with Alan Kohler is wondeful, just wonderful!



Nork: Warren Mosler <>
Bidaltze-data: 2020(e)ko abuztuaren 6(a), osteguna 11:51
Nori: joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es>
Gaia: Re: Congratulations

from my cell

On Thu, Aug 6, 2020, 1:41 AM joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es> wrote:

Hi, Warren

Your interview with Alan Kohler is wondeful, just wonderful!

Here in our blog: Diruaren istorioa (Warren Mosler)

One correction:

This is what appears in the transcript (https://www.eurekareport.com.au/investment-news/the-money-story-told-by-a-father-of-mmt/148340 ):

Did all that come to an end when they created the Euro at the end of the 90s?

The ECB bought the other currencies at the fixed exchange rates


Then Draga came in and had to say, “We’ll do what it takes to prevent the fall.”

Prevent default


Then Draghi came in and had to say, “We’ll do what it takes to prevent the fall.”

Prevent default

Congratulations! Zorionak!

All the best.


Ps: Sorry, I don’t know Mr. Kohler’s email…

I don’t have it


Nork: joseba felix tobar-arbulu <josebafelix@outlook.es>
Bidaltze-data: 2020(e)ko abuztuaren 6(a), osteguna 12:27
Nori: Warren Mosler <>
Gaia: Re: Congratulations

Yes, everything is OK.

I understood without any problem at all.

The only point is the correction. Draghi instead of Draga…

It is one of the best interviews you have done.

Keep working so that we can keep  learning. 

Thanks a lot



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Nork: Warren Mosler <>
Bidaltze-data: 2020(e)ko abuztuaren 6(a), osteguna 12:36
Nori: josebafelix <josebafelix@outlook.es>
Gaia: Re: Congratulations

Many thanks, and always good to hear from you!

On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 6:27 AM josebafelix <josebafelix@outlook.es> wrote:

Yes, everything is OK.


Nire Samsung gailutik bidalia

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