Koronabirusaren aurka, medikuntzaz eta lan bermeaz


Oriol Mitjà



@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Mitjà, investigador: ‘Cuando salgamos entre un 5% y un 15% de la población tendrá inmunidad’


@DebatAlRojoVivo bidez

Mitjà, investigador: “Cuando salgamos, entre un 5% y un 15% de la población tendrá inmunidad”

Oriol Mitjà, investigador de enfermedades infecciosas del Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, asegura que tras la cuarentena el coronavirus “continuará estando y continuará siendo igual de agresivo” por…


2020 api. 1


@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

"Hamar egun dauzkagu berrogeialdi ondorenerako prestatzeko" https://argia.eus/albistea/oriol-mitja-zientzialaria-hamar-egun-dauzkagu-berrogeialdi-ondorenerako-prestatzeko


Oriol Mitjà zientzialaria: “Hamar egun dauzkagu berrogeialdi ondorenerako prestatzeko”

Espainiako La Sexta telebista kateak, “Al Rojo Vivo” saioan, Oriol Mitjà zientzialari eta ikertzaile katalana elkarrizketatu du. Konfinamendua bukatu eta hurrengo egunerako


2020 api. 1



@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu

Coronavirus | Mitjà crida a crear un “DNI víric” quan acabi el confinament via elnacionalcat

Coronavirus | La proposta de Mitjà per quan acabi el confinament – ElNacional.cat

El metge investigador sobre malalties infeccioses Oriol Mitjà, ha crida aquest dimarts a crear una DNI víric per quan acabi el confinament


2020 mar. 31




La OMS confirma que la mascarilla es ineficaz: el coronavirus no se transmite por el aire

La OMS confirma que el coronavirus no se transmite a través del aire

Cuando ya nos hemos acostumbrado a ver el paisaje desolador de nuestras ciudades desiertas, sólo salpicado por unos cuantos vecinos que pasean al perro o cargan bolsas de la compra


2020 mar. 30


#Aclaramos Un estudio publicado por la OMS analiza las formas de transmisión del virus que causa el Covid-19, y concluye que el coronavirus se transmite únicamente por contacto con las gotitas respiratorias que una persona contagiada proyecta al estornudar o al toser.

2020 mar. 30


mar. 30


erabiltzaileari erantzuten

El estudio detalla que no hay evidencia de transmisión por aire, más que en situaciones de tratamiento, y hace énfasis en “el uso racional de los equipos de protección, no sólo mascarillas”. Por eso, deberían estar reservadas para los sanitarios.

Ricard Gotarra Julià@Ricard24_6




erabiltzaileei erantzuten

@oriolmitja ue et sembla aquest titular?


2020 mar. 30

Oriol Mitja@oriolmitja

mar. 30





erabiltzaileei erantzuten

El benefici no prové de filtrar l’aire pels sans, sinó de cobrir la boca de persones infeccioses -que expulsen gotes amb virus quan parlen o tussen- i així que les gotes no contaminin superficies publiques.

Lan bermeaz

Pavlina Tcherneva



Aaron Maté@aaronjmate

Why is the US losing more jobs (and the healthcare that comes with it) relative to other nations?

@ptchernevajoins me to discuss: https://youtu.be/B1ps1BxRXBg via @PushbackShow TheGrayzoneNews

Corporate coronavirus bailout threatens prolonged economic pain

Pushback with Aaron Maté The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of US workers without a job and the healthcare that comes with it. Economist Pavlina Tche…


2020 mar. 31


Corporate coronavirus bailout threatens prolonged economic pain

2020(e)ko mar. 31(a)

Pushback with Aaron Maté

The coronavirus pandemic has left millions of US workers without a job and the healthcare that comes with it. Economist Pavlina Tcherneva discusses how the Congressional bailout prioritizes corporate profits instead of building on the successful legacy of the New Deal.

Guest: Pavlina Tcherneva, Associate Professor at Bard College and author of “The Case for a Job Guarantee.”

Bideoa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1ps1BxRXBg&feature=emb_logo


Grant Michael Hill

Soaring Jobless Claims Signal Long-Term Economic Impact


An economist says the massive job losses we’re seeing now will require a totally new approach.


The new stimulus package will extend unemployment benefits and make those available to more people — but economist Pavlina Tcherneva said the damage to the economy is going to require a totally different approach.

“It will be a way of maybe reducing the hemorrhage. But we need to think bigger and bolder to deal with this moment,” Tcherneva said.

What does that mean? Well, think Great Depression-style work programs. But instead of Rosie the Riveter, she’d be more like Maria the Mask-maker.

“So, you know, whether it is production of vital equipment and medication, we really need to start thinking about concrete policies to crank up the sectors that are necessary to produce the medication, the vaccines, whatever is necessary to address the health care problem,” Tcherneva said.

Unemployment insurance is not going to address the long tail of massive job losses, she said.

“I call unemployment a quiet and silent epidemic, not just because, you know, one person was unemployed, kind of throws another one out of work unintentionally, but because we have very good research that tells us that unemployment brings big costs to families, to communities, and not just to the unemployed, but their children and their spouses. So, you know, it’s not an exaggeration to say that unemployment is deadly,” Tcherneva said. 

She says there’s no shortage of work that needs to be done. 

“We can put our resources to rebuild our infrastructure, employ folks, do some real good when this is all over,” Tcherneva said. 


Pavlina Tcherneva

Unemployment: The Silent Epidemic



This paper examines two key aspects of unemployment—its propagation mechanism and socioeconomic costs. It identifies a key feature of this macroeconomic phenomenon: it behaves like a disease. A detailed assessment of the transmission mechanism and the existing pecuniary and nonpecuniary costs of unemployment suggests a fundamental shift in the policy responses to tackling joblessness. To stem the contagion effect and its outsized social and economic impact, fiscal policy can be designed around two criteria for successful disease intervention—preparedness and prevention. The paper examines how a job guarantee proposal uniquely meets those two requirements. It is a policy response whose merits include much more than its macroeconomic stabilization features, as discussed in the literature. It is, in a sense, a method of inoculation against the vile effects of unemployment. The paper discusses several preventative features of the program.

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