Twitterrak finantzaketaz, koronabirusaz eta politikaz
(a) Scott Fullwiler
A payroll tax cut isn’t the direct approach to supporting incomes/meeting pmt obligations needed in the current environment … BUT … at the same time “payroll tax cut threatens future of Social Security & Medicare” is the WRONG argument against it …
Txioa aipatu
Scott Fullwiler@stf18
2018 eka. 8
1/n There are 3 separate issues regarding ability to provide SS/Medicare in future years—financial ability to pay, legal authority to pay, & productive capacity to provide increasing standard of living to future workers & non-workers.
Erakutsi haria
2020 mar. 17
Ikus hari hori ondoko linkean: Twitter-en haria: finantzaketaz, legalitateaz eta ahalmen produktiboaz
(b) Nazioarteko afera
Alfred de Zayas eta koronabirusa
(c) Alfred de Zayas eta koronabirusa (segida)
Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas
The whole world — not just a single country — is suffering a “humanitarian crisis”. Responsibility to protect requires immediate lifting of sanctions and financial blockades #COVID2019
FDR told us “the only thing to fear is fear itself”, Seneca too Timendi causa est nescire — the cause of fear is ignorance. #COVID2019
Although common sense dictates that in a world-wide emergency countries should cooperate, I do not see the US lifting its sanctions against #Iran, #Cuba, #Venezuela, etc. #COVID2019
Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas
When all of humanity is at risk, it is time to recognize commonalities and put aside old grudges and rivalries. #COVID2019
Surely if the Earth were being attacked by an extra-terrestial enemy, we would join forces in international solidarity. Why not to combat Covid-19? #COVID2019
When misfortune strikes, people try to pin the blame on someone — the old scapegoating syndrome.
Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas
Conspiracy theories are comforting because they allow us to postulate “good guy/bad guy” scenarios.
Conspiracy theories do not help — preventive measures do.
Austerity measures should start with the military — the criminal waste of resources entailed in wars, war-propaganda and research into lethal autonomous weapon systems.
Alfred de Zayas@Alfreddezayas
Covid-19 should teach all governments that “austerity measures” in the health sector are dangerous — and morally wrong.
The US is reacting to Covid-19 as amateurishly as it countered the Katrina disaster in Louisiana or the Houston floods in the wake of Hurricane Harvey
Today’s public health emergency should have been foreseen and preventive measures should have been in place. Our governments have the wrong priorities.
(d) Pavlina Tcherneva
Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva
What should the post-pandemic stimulus include and how shall we pay for it.
Ikus bideoa twitterraren barnean
2020 mar. 18
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