Koronabirusa: zenbait eguneraketa osasungintzaz eta finantzaketaz


Oriol Mitjà:

(1) Debate científico sobre cuál es la mejor estrategia para combatir el Covid-19


(2) El ‘crowdfunding’ per investigar el coronavirus bat rècords: 176.000 euros


El crowfunding que s’ha posat en marxa a Catalunya per la recerca sobre el coronavirus, impulsada per l’especialista Oriol Mitjà entre d’altres, està batent rècords: en 24 hores ha recaptat més de 176.000 euros.  

Oriol Mitjà està posant en marxa un programa d’investigació per actuar contra la transmissió del coronavirus. La proposta és pionera i es diferencia de la majoria d’assajos clínics perquè no té com a finalitat el guariment dels pacients, sinó impedir el contagi.

La investigació està impulsada per Oriol Mitjà i hi participa la conselleria de Salut.


a) Pavlina Tcherneva:

(In https://twitter.com/psliker/status/1240393871005188096)

The way we paid for all of the large-scale infrastructure investments during war, or after WWII, the way we paid for The New Deal. This is how we will be paying for any measure that we implement now [for #COVID19 economic stimulus] or else WE WILL BE PAYING STILL for the damage”

b) Europako Banku Zentrala (EBZ):

(1) El BCE anuncia un programa de compra d’actius per 750.000 milions d’euros


(2) Paul De Grauve


In my project-syndicate column I argue that the ECB will have to step in and directly finance the large increases in budget deficits of Eurozone countries. https://project-syndicate.org/commentary/ecb-needs-to-embrace-covid19-monetary-financing-by-paul-de-grauwe-2020-03

Here is the thread with the main arguments:

The ECB Must Finance COVID-19 Deficits | by Paul De Grauwe

Having witnessed the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent eurozone debt crisis, Europe’s policymakers should already realize what the COVID-19 pandemic could mean for the economy. To avert a…

Paul De Grauwe@pdegrauwe

The implosion of production and incomes will lead to an explosion of budget deficits and government debt levels. In countries with their own moneys (US, UK,..) the central banks are likely to be forced to step in and to finance the deficits. This is not obvious in the Eurozone

Paul De Grauwe@pdegrauwe

There is therefore a risk that the government debt levels in member countries become unsustainable. Countries most affected by the Corona crises will see their debt levels increase more than others. As a result, panicky investors may dumb these bonds and massively flee into..

Paul De Grauwe@pdegrauwe

“safe” bonds (e.g. German government bonds) thereby destabilising the bond markets in the Eurozone pretty much as happened during 2010-12. In order to avoid this the ECB should buy the newly issued government bonds that result from the Corona crisis.

Paul De Grauwe@pdegrauwe

By monetising this part of the debt, the debt to GDP ratios would not increase. Bond holders would not have to go into panic mode. I also discuss the possible inflation consequences and how to deal with the legal issues

2020 mar. 18

(c) Much better, askoz hobeto

The ECB to step in and to finance the deficits

Kostua zero da.

(d) Gogoratu ondoko hau, in Europe Is Saving the Financial Markets, But Not Coronavirus Victims

the ECB ought to be taking sides with Europe’s states, helping them to build up their protections against the epidemic by giving them a hand in financing public health care. For that’s the urgent task at hand. We could even imagine that in these exceptional circumstances, the ECB could cancel all the state bonds that it has bought up in recent years, as part of its quantitative easing policy, in order to give relief to states and provide them with more margins of financial maneuver. For once, money would go to the people and not to the banks.

Iruzkinak (2)

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude