Koronabirusa eta ekonomia (finantzaketa, bereziki) (segida)

Hasierarako, ikus Koronabirusa eta ekonomia (finantzaketa, bereziki)


Hego Korea


Brian Schatz@brianschatz

Korea did things that seemed like an overreaction, and now they seem smart.

Don’t focus on the blue line. Look at the green bars.

Txioa apaitu

Helen Branswell@HelenBranswell

South Korea’s success at battling back #Covid19 is extraordinary. Only 76 cases on March 14. Look at this curve. Amazing. Don’t focus on the blue line. Look at the green bars.


2020 mar. 15

Lan bermea eta koronabirusa

Pavlina Tcherneva: https://twitter.com/ptcherneva/status/1239264731124424713

Ikusi haria!

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva


Recession is sadly required to tackle the pandemic. As millions lose their jobs, we still need an army of ppl to disinfect, deliver essential meds, food, etc The solidarity economy is key. But we have no preparedness/protocol how 2 do this w/o putting ppl in harm’s way 1/n

2020 mar

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva


erabiltzaileari erantzuten

This is why we cannot rely on emergency responses. Going forward, preparedness in all aspects of public life must guide policy. So that we have the institutions and protocols for dealing with shortages in both equipment and human resources. 2/

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva

But imagine how much better the recovery would be if we had a #JobGuarantee in place. Imagine the peace of mind it will afford the most vulnerable famies who have no idea how long they’ll be out of work. Imagine the economic boost it will provide when living income is assured 3/

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva

Of course paid leave, measures to retain workers, free heathcare are desperately needed now. And they’ll be needed tomorrow. But a recession means mass unemployment & unemployment does not resolve on its own. It requires direct employment programs in every corner of the nation 4/

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva

This can be accomplished through mass public investment and mobilization to address neglected projects: Large scale infrastructure, green projects, clean water. But it also requires a #JobGuarantee for anyone who is looking for work for whatever reason. No questions asked. 5/

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva

Well before this pandemic, I argued that the #JobGuarantee must be organized like the CDC’s National Strategic Stockpile with on-the-shelf projects in every community! I explain in my forthoming book amazon.com/dp/1509542094 6/


Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva

We see today how vital it is for the Strategic Stockpile to be adequately stocked. The same will be true for the #JobGuarantee. But let’s not have any illusions There are countless essential tasks to be done. 7/

Pavlina R Tcherneva@ptcherneva

I hope that, as we contemplate our long term responses to the looming recession, we insist that a #jobGuarantee is part of the package and a permanent feature of our preparedness response to any recession and any cause of involuntary unempl in good times or bad /end

Diru Teoria Modernoa eta koronabirusa


Unai del Burgo@unai_delburgo

Interesgarria baino DERRIGORREZKOA ireki berri den garai berri honetan #MMT delakoaren BEHARREZKOTASUNAZ jabetzeko #LearnMMT




2020 mar. 16

Deskargatu liburua, dohainik:


Bill Mitchell-en artikulu ederra: Koronabirusak moneta jaulkitzaileko gobernuek egin ahal dutena birdefinituko du, azkenean

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude