Bill Mitchell-ek Bernie Sanders-i buruz



Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 6:37

Dear Steve_American and all (at 2020/02/25)

The Sanders Campaign released a Fact Sheet on February 24, 2020 entitled How Does Bernie Pay for His Major Plans? – which confirms he is not operating AT ALL in the MMT paradigm and is using the framing and language of the neoliberals.

Sanders, after all is a fiscal conservative.

best wishes


(a) How Does Bernie Pay for His Major Plans?


Real Progressives@RealProgressUS

#16: (Why) Not Sanders!!!

“What’s wrong with nominating Sanders?” Man, these Neoliberal Dummycrats are sure freaking out about Bernie Sanders right now. Wish they’d been this worried …


2020 ots. 26

Gehigarria, bat askoren artean:

Bernie Sanders on the right track but need to address the main game



I like the way that Bernie Sanders is attempting to redefine the public policy debate and have sympathy for many of his positions and values.

But I don’t think it helps when progressive voices make simple mistakes that, ultimately, ply into the hands of those who have created the mess the world economy is now in.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude