Brexit, zipriztin batzuk

(i) Europar Distopia

Sara Holland #MMT@sarahollando552



erabiltzaileari erantzuten

The millions of nameless unemployed workers who have been denied the opportunity to live fulfilled lives by the implementation of flawed Neoliberal economic policy abetted by orthodox economists who unfortunately bear non of the costs of their folly”


#EU #Groupthink


Bill Mitchell

2020 urt. 29

(ii) Distopia eta demokrazia

@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu


Europar distopia eta demokrazia!

Patricia@PatriciaNPino .urt. 31

Happy silver lining day.


2020. ots. 1

(iii) Brexit eta autodeterminazioa

@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu


Ikasiko ote dugu inoiz?

Dudatan nago!

Brexit eta autodeterminazioa

2020 ots. 1·

(iv) Brexit eguna

Allegro Misantroppo@Boncopdefail


Avui és un bon dia per recordar que el Regne Unit ha aconseguit la seva independència de la Unió Europea amb un referèndum guanyat amb el 51,89% de suports i se n’ha respectat el resultat fins a les últimes conseqüències.

Channel 5 News@5_News

Brexit Party MEPs have left the European Parliament for the final time – carrying the Union Jack “home” to the UK. Led by Anne Widdecombe, the collective were played out by a bagpiper and carried a ‘Brexodus Express’ sign. #BrexitDay |


2020 urt. 31

(v) Sasi-ezkertiarrentzat

@tobararbulu # mmt@tobararbulu


Sasi-ezkertiarra, ikus eta entzun:


Brexit: The (animated) Movie

@YouTube bidez

Brexit: The (animated) Movie

Hello, I’m Matt. I’m a British animator and have created this short animation making the case for why Britain should leave the EU. I think it is very importa…

2020 urt. 31

(vi) Pride, harrotasuna





Orgull absolut pels britànics, que avui s’han alliberat de la UE. #BrexitDay

2020 urt. 31

(vii) Eskozia, nora hoa?





Bona sort als escocesos que volen independentitzar-se per entrar a la UE. Quines ments brillants.

2020 ots. 1

(viii) Brexit eta Bill Mitchell

Bill Mitchell@billy_blog


The UK progressive forces now have a political terrain free from the corporatist, neoliberal cabal of the EU. If they start forming RejoinEU movements they will be lost for a further generation. Now they have to stop Boris accepting trade deal with the Single Market as the core.

Thomas Fazi@battleforeurope · urt. 31

Today is a historic day. Today the UK breaks the TINA (there is no alternative) spell that has been the main driving force behind the neoliberal anti-democratic monster that is the EU. Today the wheels of history are set in motion again. There is always an alternative. #BrexitDay


2020 urt. 31

Eta Katalunia?

Eta Euskal Herria?

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude