Eskozia, twitter-misterioa?

Hasierarako, ikus Eskoziako independentziaz eta moneta propioaz, eskoziar baten ikuspuntutik

Geroago ‘Abba P. Lerner‏’ horrek bere twitter-kontu guztia (Abba P. Lerner‏@Moneymonopolist) ezabatu du:

Zer gertatu da?

Ikus dezagun hemen: , eta bertan Lara batek idazten duena:


Michelle Graham  @MichelleGr4h4m api. 6

Michelle Graham (e)k Bertxiotua

This fkn idiot has got a wee bit of an obsession going on here!! The fkwit is blocked!! Definitely not normal behaviour!! 

Michelle Graham(e)k gehitu du,

Txio hau ez dago eskuragarri (‘Abba P. Lerner‏’-ena).

I don’t understand why he reacted like this, due to your comment about tax avoidance. He starts rambling on about MMT and making stupid jibes about you. My guess: he is/was drunk.

Who is it, Lara – don’t know if it’s someone I interact with and can’t work out who ‘he’s is?

Lara‏ @Lara_Scotland

Hauei erantzuten: @TheDafferz @MichelleGr4h4m

Ooooh! He’s deleted his account!!!!! Hahahahahaha. It was a guy calling himself Abba P Lerner, under handle @Moneymonopolist who advocated MMT Modern Monetary Theory.

2019 api. 7

Hauei erantzuten: @Lara_Scotland @TheDafferz

Has he ???? Well that speaks volumes doesn’t it ?


Michelle Graham

Michelle Graham@MichelleGr4h4m


Michelle Graham(e)k Bertxiotua

I have no words ?¬タヘ♀️ …

Michelle Graham e)k gehitu du,

Txio hau ez dago eskuragarri.(‘Abba P. Lerner‏’-ena).

2019 api. 6



Txioa ez dago erabilgarri (‘Abba P. Lerner‏’-ena)

In other words; he can’t answer Michelle Graham’s point so he turns to ad hominem insults.

  • Txioa ez dago erabilgarri (Abba P. Lerner‏’-ena)

As I said: Can’t answer Michelle Graham’s point so he resorts to ad hominem insults.

  • Txioa ez dago erabilgarri (Abba P. Lerner‏’-ena)

It seems he just can’t help himself with the ad hominem attacks & insults. Anything to avoid answering Michelle Graham’s original point.

  1. Txioa ez dago erabilgarri (Abba P. Lerner‏’-ena)

Davie74‏ @Davie742

Honestly, the sooner we’re out of this shit….the better, why do they assume our thoughts are “anti English”…….

2019 api. 7


Txioa ez dago erabilgarri (Abba P. Lerner‏’-ena)

How ’bout that?‏ @How_bout_that


But ur taxes are “”recreated” when the gov spends. And gov spending, is based -in large part – by the amount collected in tax [Ez, okertuta]. This is a highly technical point and easily çonfuses non MMT’ers… keep it simple till they can grasp the foundational stuff…;-)

2019 api. 7



a) ‘Abba P. Lerner‏’ ez-izen bat da

b) Falta zaizkigu ‘Abba P. Lerner‏’-ek ezabatutako twitter guztiak

c) Segur aski twiterretan zergapetzea eta gobernuaren gastuak desberditzen ditu

d) Eskozian badago, egon, DTM-ko (Modern Money Theory delakoa) erakunde bat: MMT Scotland

e) Ez dakigu Derek Henry Abba P. Lerner‏’ ez-izen horren atzean ote dagoen: Eskoziar batek (Derek Henry) dioena Diru Teoria Modernoaz

f) ‘Biak’, zein bere aldetik, DTM-ren aldekoak dira

Azken finean, ezjakintasuna oso ausarta da, ausartegia.

Eskoziaz, ikus

Eskozia, Katalunia, Euskal Herria… independentziarako bidean? Diru politikaren garrantziaz

Eskozia, Katalunia, Euskal Herria… independentziarako bidean? Diru politikaren garrantziaz (gehigarria, 2017ko abenduaren 22 arte)

Ikasiko ahal dugu noizbait!

Iruzkinak (3)

  • joseba

    Bai, dudarik gabe:

    Derek Henry‏ @DerekHenry1970 = Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

    Biak daude orain ezabatuta.

  • joseba

    Bill Mitchell-en Ridiculous MMT critiques distorting Scottish independence debate


    Derek Henry

    Excellent Bill !
    I can’t wait to read what you write about Scotland leaving the Union and being at the heart of Europe which is SNP policy and the indy at all costs brigade.
    The national newspaper all Easter Weekend narrative has been the EU must be the centre piece of Scottish independence. Over 60% of the population will lead them into that nightmare.
    A 10 step guide of how to replace one currency master with another – a by far worse master than London.
    The Richard Murphy guide of how to attack the deficit rules of the Growth Commission but completely ignore the deficit rules and neoliberal treaties of the EU. That will keep Scotland in a straight jacket.
    Richard refuses to talk about those. He’s deluded enough to believe Scotland will hold all the aces when they sit down to cut a deal with the EU and wants Scotland to join the customs union and single market anyways. Showing his very little grasp of MMT and how he has bastardised MMT the same way his mainstream friends did to Keynes.
    I sincerely hope the Common Weal don’t pay him for his work.

  • joseba

    Abba P. Lerner, @money monopolist


    Lara‏ @Lara_Scotland
    Hauei erantzuten: @TheDafferz @MichelleGr4h4m
    Ooooh! He’s deleted his account!!!!! Hahahahahaha. It was a guy calling himself Abba P Lerner, under handle @Moneymonopolist who advocated MMT Modern Monetary Theory.
    06:09 – 2019 api. 7

    1. Mr Malky‏ @MrMalky api. 7
    Hauei erantzuten: @Lara_Scotland @TheDafferz @MichelleGr4h4m
    Friend of mammoth whale



    Cameron Archibald@MammothWhale ‏

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