Britainia Handiko esportazioak


Inportazioak ONURAK dira, esportazioak KOSTUAK

Inportazioak mozkin errealak dira eta esportazioak kostu errealak.

(Ikus DTM: Zazpi gezur politika ekonomikoan)

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua James Melville


The UK don’t get paid in $’s they get paid in Euro’s

And now lets look at EU exports to the UK and they get paid in £’s

Or look at how many $’s. Yes I did say $’s that Ireland hoards at the FED 

So yes I do see the problem James hasn’t a clue

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

James Melville @JamesMelville

UK exports in 2018 ($): EU ?￰゚ヌᄎ $356.5 billion USA ?￰゚ヌᄌ $64.4 billion…

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua James Melville

When you look at it through the lens of skills and real resources being used and what really matters.

How many skills and real resources are the UK wasting just to send away goods and services over the channel just to get Euro blips in return on a spreadsheet at the ECB

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

James Melville @JamesMelville

UK exports in 2018 ($): EU ?￰゚ヌᄎ $356.5 billion USA ?￰゚ヌᄌ $64.4 billion…

Oharra: amerikar bilioi bat = mila milioi europar

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