Eskoziako independentziaz eta moneta propioaz, eskoziar baten ikuspuntutik

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


The liberals have stopped Brexit

They will have also got rid of Corbyn as they forced him to change his position on Brexit which means never in a million years will he win a general election

Once he loses they now have the excuse to replace him with a neoliberal globalist

2019 mar. 27

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


It’s hilarious they complained for 30 years there was no difference between Labour and the Tories. When they finally get HUGE differences they all run into the arms of the neoliberals.

The centre ground that’s in the middle of the right wing spectrum.

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


There’s been no greater trick ever played on the British public than thinking you are voting for left or the right when you are really voting for the bankers.

WHO controls the money supply and WHO allocates the real resources. It’s neither the left or the right it’s the banks.

2019 mar. 27

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


The UK’s government budget deficit is 2% of GDP which means the non government sector surplus is now 2% of GDP.

So who holds this ever reducing surplus: Households/ Business or exporters to the UK ? This gives you an idea …

As you can see as Savings in the private sector begin to reduce more people in the private sector have to borrow more just to get by.

So who is winning and who benefits the most from reducing the govt budget deficit and thus the private sector surplus

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

This cannot continue without further dire consequences.

The only way the Tories know how to grow an economy is by pushing the private sector more and more into debt.

What’s left of the private sector “surplus” will be used to pay loans and the rent seekers = recession.

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Aislinn M-D

They’ll only lift austerity from Greece after they have privatised everything.

Then when govt budget deficits are alllowed to increase again the private sector surplus will go to the rent seekers.

The new owners of all of the used to be public services.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Aislinn M-D @aislinnmacklin

Austerity has left Greeks so poor that recovery is a distant dream “We hear increasingly explicit admissions by both the EU & IMF that their solutions to the crisis have exacerbated rather than ameliorated the economic hardships of the man in the street” …

18:04 – 2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Aislinn M-D

Hey Scotland,

Europe has a message for you !

Europe is open !

Once we are finished with you we will be kind enough to leave you Bass Rock. Everything else will be handed to the bankers and rent seekers.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Aislinn M-D @aislinnmacklin

Austerity has left Greeks so poor that recovery is a distant dream “We hear increasingly explicit admissions by both the EU & IMF that their solutions to the crisis have exacerbated rather than ameliorated the economic hardships of the man in the street” …

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Robin Monotti Graziadei

But, but, but. but……

The liberal left in the UK of the Neo persuasion and over 60% of all Scots think the EU is going to save them.

Talk about sleep walking into a nightmare of Faustian proportions.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Robin Monotti Graziadei @robinmonotti

“After the end of Communism in 1989, the EU became a geostrategic project, closely intertwined with the US’s geostrategy in relation to Russia.. the EU became a neoliberal empire” Professor Wolfgang Streeck, Cologne, Germany. …

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Paul Embery

None of the liberal left talk about the Yellow Jackets.

It destroys their false narrative

In truth we should all be out on the streets wearing them.

They say they love Europe but won’t stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends in France.

So much for the Auld Alliance.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Paul Embery @PaulEmbery

British trade union leaders will usually, in a heartbeat, pledge solidarity to workers across the world fighting back against the system. But which of them has uttered a syllable in support of the #GiletsJaunes? Ask yourself why this is so. …

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Simon

The liberal left refuse to believe it

A one eyed monster that only looks at what it wants to see.

a) Won’t look left on a balance sheet.

b) Won’t look at the other side of flexible exchange rates.

c) Does not recognise Austerity in Europe.

d) Won’t read the treaties

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,


The EU has prioritised multinational profits over the economic needs of Eurozone countries. With no sovereign currency with which to balance the score, Greece has become utterly subject to France, Germany, the IMF & the ECB” …

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Paul Kavanagh

If you think you are going to get Scottish Independence being at the centre of the EU as the SNP suggets and joining both the customs union and the single market which is what the SNP wants.

It’s delusional

It will be Indy in name only

See France, Italy and Greece for details

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Paul Kavanagh @weegingerdug

The fork in the road …

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua The National

It’s a fudge

Because they want to join the Euro.

The SGC is a blueprint for joining.

I’ll keep saying it until the SNP promise Indy voters the Euro will NEVER be used in an independent Scotland.

Why don’t the SNP categorically state the Euro is off the table ?

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

The National @ScotNational

Can Scotland’s future really be shaped fundamentally and for a generation after only a short debate at party conference? …

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


After losing the referendum SNP said to themselves what do we need to do to join the Euro

Went away and found out what’s needed to join then produced a report on their findings and put a stamp on it called it the Growth Commission

Only reason for such an abomination

2019 mar. 30

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Stephanie Kelton (MMT): Why the euro is a bad idea.


2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Euro Nations Are Not Monetarily Sovereign


2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


How To Start A Currency From Scratch (Short Version)


2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


National Job Guarantee by Professor Stephanie Kelton at the Sanders Institute – March 2018

If we left the EU this would then allow us to introduce a job guarentee and brexit would be a roaring success.


2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


If Scotland becomes independent and issue our own currency we can ask local communities across Scotland what needs done and provide it via the Job Guarentee.

Full employment from the Grass roots up which would stop people leaving their friends and family and moving to the cities

2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

Force businesses to compete for Labour and thus improve productivity and business could set long term goals knowing Scotland would be at full employment at all times. Which would also encourage Foreign direct investment,

None of this would be allowed under EU treaties

2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

Households in Scotland and businesses in Scotland would not be allowed to save more than 3% of GDP and as you can see from Scotland’s current budget deficit runnning at 8% Scottish people like to save a lot

The Scottish government could not meet the savings desires of the people

2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

Yet, despite of all of this the SNP want to keep the Scottish people at the heart of the Eurozone and sign up to these ridiculous neoliberal globalist treaties.

The Scottish people must make sure that never happens

2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

Staying in the Union is a thousand times better than being at the heart of Europe.

Being independent with your own currency and not being in the treaties is a million times better than being tied either to the union or the EU.

2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Angus Robertson


You are delusional if you think being at the heart of Europe will mean the Scottish people will be independent.

It will be independence in name only.

Please see Greece, Italy and France for details.

Or Ireland the HUGE tax haven with their $270bn at the FED.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Angus Robertson@AngusRobertson

New Opinion Poll: 63% majority believe Scotland will become independent. 61% agree there should be another referendum on Scottish independence. Details via @ScotNational and on @progressscot website #ProgressScotland …

2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Labour Leave

Larry Elliot has shown to be from the left over the last 2 years.

A lone voice from the left in the UK.

I don’t know how he can face going into work every day surely he has to work from home rather than surround himself with the neoliberal globalist left of the Guardian.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Labour Leave @labourleave

Pro Corbyn + Pro EU? Can only think “their radicalism is, like their lattes, mostly froth”. Guardian’s Larry Elliott at #LeftBrexitTour #brexit

2019 mar. 31

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


The Labour party have just committed electoral suicide

No Other country in the world signs up to ” free movement of People ” in a trade deal

Unless the neoliberal globalists in the EU say so

Japan, Canada the US infact all of them would have told the EU to get tae

2019 api. 1

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Scotland wins Indy with a hung Scottish parliment

a) No Indy

b) Soft indy

c) Hard indy

d) No deal indy

e) Ah, we can’t decide it will have to go back to the people as they didn’t know what they were voting for.

A vision of the future.

2019 api. 1

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Dirk Ehnts

Labour moves first

The SNP should have listened if only they had spoken with MMT Scotland’s advisory board

It will be a Green new deal in “name only ” as the EU treaties will never allow it. Deficts a lot higher than 3% will be needed never mind the competition rules

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Dirk Ehnts @DEhnts

Interesting development: “The campaign for a radical Green New Deal in the UK – Reshaping society for the many not the few” #GND Nice to see something constructive in UK politics for a change…

2019 api. 1

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Andrew Towers

It needs to go a lot further

We need to bring back national savings bank and strip back the rules implemented by the neoliberal globalist Mastricht Treaty on central banks

We need to open up the Ways and means account again and stop issuing debt all together.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Andrew Towers @_andrewtowers

Post neoliberalism (nice pun from @tribunemagazine there). Short piece from me on how Labour’s Post Bank proposals are part of a wider agenda for change …

2019 api. 1

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Independent Currency

Democracy ???

Don’t make me laugh.

The SNP was whipped today to overturn the Brexit result. They’ve never accepted the result

The silent majority the small C Conservatives there are millions of them are sharping their pencils as we speak.

They’ll show you what Democracy means.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Independent Currency @indycurrency

We have seen articles referring to our amendment as a “rebellion”. SNP leadership has been clear: the Growth Comm is not party policy. Conference is an opportunity for members to civilly discuss and decide what party policy will be. It’s not a rebellion – it’s democracy. #TeamSNP

2019 api. 1

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Brave New Europe

Of course it does

But the liberal left think the EU with their 3% deficts rule – 6 pack – 2 pack is going to save them.

Remainers never knew what they were voting for – The destruction of their hard earned ” savings ” so the banks can give out more loans.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,


Take this Sunday to finally grasp this very, very important economic point! New Economics Foundation – Government attempts to ​‘live…

2019 api. 2

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Paul Embery

Of course they don’t.

When you explain that the EU won’t allow a job guarentee because it will take LARGE deficits to do so never mind the competition rules and all the other neoliberal globalist treaties

They bury their heads in the sand and stick their arses in the air.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Paul Embery @PaulEmbery

Brilliant from the @RMTunion’s @EddieDempsey. “You cannot renationalise the railways inside the EU. Even when you show them the legislation in black and white, they still don’t believe you.”

2019 api. 2

LabourLad‏ @LadLabour


LabourLad(e)k Bertxiotua Labour Leave

Brexit is about the possibility of radical change, says @C_Lapavitsas@tfbrexit

LabourLad(e)k gehitu du,

Labour Leave @labourleave

As Greece showed, the EU will not allow radical programmes of change, it crushes them, even if they have a democratic mandate! @C_Lapavitsas at #LeftBrexitTour #brexit

2019 api. 1

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Labour Leave


The grassroots are trying to get amendments through at the SNP conference that the EU will laugh at.

Sorry won’t be allowed they break the EU rules. Go back home to think again.

Your private sector surplus of 8% call us when its down to 3% and you’ve slashed your pensions

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Labour Leave @labourleave

As Greece showed, the EU will not allow radical programmes of change, it crushes them, even if they have a democratic mandate! @C_Lapavitsas at #LeftBrexitTour #brexit

2019 api. 2

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Patricia

I’m a lexiter but now it’s not the time…”

Is code for……

I pretend I’m from the left but I’m really a liberal that wishes to be led from a higher power other than ourselves.

Brexit was the greatest oppertunity for the true left in nearly 50 years.

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Patricia @PatriciaNPino

Some ppl saying “I’m a lexiter but now it’s not the time…” When is the time? In 10, 20, 30 yrs? When Europe is ripping itself apart & we’re in the midst of environmental collapse?…

2019 api. 2

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Europe’s Transition From Social Democracy to Oligarchy

And most of us have known it for nearly a decade …

2019 api. 2

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

There has to be some remainers that voted for 3% deficits and permanant austerity on our European friends that are watching the extent the establishment are going too to overturn the result

An establishment that have treated each and every one of them like dirt for years.

2019 api. 3

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist

When is the penny going to drop and they realise they are on the wrong side of the arguement.

That they are permanently going to hand the creation of currency and allocation of real resources to the City of London, Wall Street and Frankfurt

2008 should have been a wake up call.

2019 api. 3

Abba P. Lerner‏ @Moneymonopolist


Abba P. Lerner(e)k Bertxiotua Kate Hoey

I can hear and see Gordon Brown saying the words in some future dystopia in Edinburgh There will have to be a years extension to Indy. Parliament cannot decide and we’ll have to have a people’s vote to break the deadlock

The offer will be

a) Soft, soft, soft Indy

b) Remain

Abba P. Lerner(e)k gehitu du,

Kate Hoey @KateHoeyMP

Wow. What a surprise. I am in shock ! …

2019 api. 3


Eskozia berriz eta aspaldiko akats teoriko berberak, berriro!

Eskoziaz, Kataluniaz eta Euskal Herriaz (gehigarriak)

Bill Mitchell-ek Eskoziaz, berriz (2)

E-posten trukaketa Robin McAlpine-rekin

Warren Mosler 2015ean, irratian

Iritzi sendo eta desberdinetako garaian bizi gara (4)

Eskozia independenteak moneta propioa behar du (the new Scotish pound)

Eskozia, adi!

Eskoziar batek (Derek Henry) dioena Diru Teoria Modernoaz

MMT Scotland

Azken oharra:

Eskoziaren ordez, Katalunia edo/eta Euskal Herria idatz daiteke, noski!

Iruzkinak (1)

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