Warren Mosler: lan-berme federala

Warren Mosler: Federal Job Guarantee

Johnny Akzam, Fight For FJG Facilitating Director, hosts Warren Mosler to discuss the benefits and nuances of the Federal Job Guarantee.

Warren Mosler is an American economist, hedge fund founder, engineer, professional automotive designer, and politician. He was the founder of Mosler Automotive and a co-founder of the Center for Full Employment And Price Stability at University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Warren is a proponent and research financier of Modern Monetary Theory. He was awarded a Doctor h.c. by the Franklin University Switzerland, and in 2014 was appointed Visiting Professor at the University of Bergamo, Italy.

#FightForFJG is a socioeconomic movement to educate leaders and voters on the best available proposal on the table and refute any neoliberal or Centrist attempts to water down Federal Job Guarantee legislation.

Bideoa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqOkfeR7heA

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