Laboristak eta Brexit, neoliberalak nagusi

Sarrera gisa, ikus Brexit sasi-ezkertiarrentzat


Bill Mitchell-en And then we get echoes from British Labour’s past – and it isn’t pretty


(i) N. Kinnock laborista1

(ii) Stop Brexit, behin eta berriz2

(iii) Neoliberalak nagusi, Kinnock laborista ez da salbuespena3

(iv) Gezur neoliberala, NHS delakoa versus Brexit4



At my talk in Melbourne last Friday (I should be able to publish audio soon), I emphasised that progressives have to first reeducate themselves to avoid falling into the neoliberal frames and to be able to refute them.

Zenbat dira Euskal Herrian Brexit onartzen duten ezkertiarrak?

Sega, boga, laga, higa, biga, baga?

Ala are gutxiago?

Ingelesez: “Neil Kinnock was Labour leader in Britain between 1983 and 1992 following a 3-year period when left-winger Michael Foot was the leader.

Kinnock moved on some time later to become a European Commissioner (1999 to 2004), so he has taste for the good life as a senior official at the European Commission.

He also continued the promotion of neoliberal ideas and policies within Labour that James Callaghan had started in the 1970s and as Labour leader he ratified Britain’s membership of the European Economic Community, reversing the policy under Michael Foot’s leadership to withdraw from the EEC upon election.

So Kinnock is part of the Labour tradition Callaghan, Blair, Brown – who were neoliberal to the core and set back the British Labour Party and allowed the likes of Cameron and May to rule in chaos.

Kinnock’s latest entreaty into the public debate shows he should (…) intent on maintaining the neoliberal myths about macroeconomics that are blighting governments around the world.

Ingelesez: “He told the UK Observer at the weekend (February 18, 2018) – Neil Kinnock warns Jeremy Corbyn: ‘Stop Brexit to save the NHS’ that:

we should stop Brexit to save the NHS …. Meanwhile – vitally – Brexit has already diminished, and will continue to depress, the revenues on which the NHS depends …

The truth is that we can either take the increasingly plain risks and costs of leaving the EU or have the stability, growth and revenues vital for crucial public services like the NHS and social care. Recognising that, we should stop Brexit to save the NHS

Note his use of the word ‘vitally’, to give his statement some gravitas.

Hey, everyone, I know what I am talking about, listen to me, it is vital – or else you will die sort of emphasis.

And also the well-worn strategy of politicians with nothing valid to say – repeat the lie a few times (“stop Brexit to save the NHS”).

3 Ingelesez:”And while on the topic of the ‘non sequitur’, the neoliberals continually create them to hide their true motives.

Kinnock is no exception.

He knows British people cherish the NHS – understandably.

So tie in something they voted for (Brexit) for something they cherish (NHS) and set them up as competing ends. That is a non sequitur if ever there was one.”

Ingelesez: “As I wrote in this blog post (November 23, 2017) – The lame progressive obsession with meaningless aggregates – the idea that the NHS is intrinsically dependent on the revenue that the British government takes out of the economy via taxation is a base neoliberal lie.

The British government could, at its indulgence, make whatever monetary resources are necessary to restore the long-term viability of the NHS as a first-class, public health system available to all no matter what their own circumstances.

It might have to alter a few voluntarily-imposed accounting rules that stop it spending before there are pounds in some account (earmarked with the accounting entries from the taxation authority).

But if it wanted to oversee a first-class, public health service it could – as long as the real resources were available to achieve this goal (staff, equipment etc).

To claim that Brexit will alter that is a base neoliberal lie.

I note that the Remainers in Britain try to occupy the ‘high ground’ by claiming that the Brexiters lied about various things in the lead up to the referendum in June 2016.

But with guys like Kinnock still parading around trying to remain relevant and spreading these sorts of myths, the ‘high ground’ is more like an underground sewer.

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