Warren Mosler (The Real Progressives eta magister)

Warren Mosler eta The Real Progressives


Warren Mosler joins Real Progressives with Steve Grumbine to discuss the GOP Tax Bill, The Headline #Progressive Left’s failure to capitalize on the moment, and the rise of #Cryptocurrency and its implications on the #Macroeconomy


Warren Mosler, magister

Richard Murphy @RichardJMurphy


Modern monetary theory questions: what do you want to ask? https://shar.es/1N6a1Y  via @richardjmurphy

2018 urt. 14

Modern monetary theory questions: what do you want to ask?

(…) One of the things I have not done as a result is work on a the questions for a written Q& A on modern monetary theory with Warren Mosler, one of the founders of that economic school, which he has offered to do.

Then it occurred to me that I might as well open out the question setting process in advance. My aim for this is threefold:

a) To provide short answers to the theoretical basics – so short questions would also help;

b) To deal with the obvious issues that are raised in response to these basics;

c) To deal with the crass comments (from Venezuela / Zimbabwe / Weimar) onwards.

So fire away please. As many as you like. I will edit them though, and hope you will understand.


Dakienak badaki, ez dalienak baleki!

(Galdera zehatzak eta, Mosler-en eskutik, erantzunak plazaratuko direnean, itzuliko gara gai garrantzitsu hau ikusteko eta analizatzeko.)

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Update re the MMT questions


    The response to my call for questions on modern monetary theory (MMT) has been pretty big. There are 149 right now, and I suspect there will be more.
    Warren Mosler, who has agreed to answer the questions, and I exchanged mails on the next steps yesterday.
    The plan is threefold. First, I will assemble the questions into what looks like a logical order so that the whole issue of MMT can be worked through.
    Then Warren will respond over time to those questions, and the responses will be published in either batches, or singly, as appropriate.
    Third, this is bound to be an iterative process and so questions will be updated as we go along, especially on matters surrounding practical interpretation of MMT as it might be applied in the real economy.
    Finally, if the whole thing pans out into something useful an overall summary of the exchanges might be produced. But that is a long way off, as yet.
    In the meantime feel free to keep asking questions, but be aware that because of the sheer volume of them it might take a while to reach the one you asked. I offer apologies in advance, but if this is worth doing then let’s do it as well as we can.

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