Dirua eta Bankugintza (Money and Banking) (2)

Hasierarako, ikus Dirua eta Bankugintza (Money and Banking)


Ikus Money & Banking1

The following posts and textbook were written to provide alternative means to understand money and banking issues. While the post have been revised and edited somewhat relative to what was written in the spring, the textbook is a much better document. The textbook uses the posts but thoroughly edited and expanded them; everything is also formatted so that the material is easier to read.(…)”

Sarrera berriak:

Beginning with Part 18 below, these are new chapters for the upcoming book draft and at this time are not reflected in the ebook below.

Link to book is here.

Liburua: The financial system and the economy2


Aipatu bezala (ikus Dirua eta Bankugintza (Money and Banking)),

… Jende arrunta izango da Euskal Herriaren etorkizunaren jabe, baita arlo ekonomikoan ere.”

Helburua : (ikus Happy new year? Urte berri on)?)

Helburu pertsonala argi daukat: gustatuko litzaidake UEUren bitartez azaldu eta azalduko den lan guztia etorkizuneko euskal ekonomialari aurrerakoiko belaunaldiei ondare gisa uztea. Hala biz!”


Noizbait baten batek lan eder bat egingo du euskaraz DTM-ren inguruan. Segur naiz. Horretarako, gutxienezko bibliografia duin bat prestatu behar dugu.

Horrela, eta soilik horrela, gai izango lirateke hurrengo belaunaldikoak ondoko sei urratsak eman ahal izateko: Sei (6) urrats XXI mendean independentista izateko


Iruzkinak (1)

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