Katalunia eta Euskal Herria (O tempora, o mores!)

«Nazioartearen jarrera aldatuko da Katalunia Europan arazo denean»1



Nazioartetik babes gutxiegi jaso al du Kataluniak?

Gobernuak lan handia egin du azken urte eta erdian, hedabideetan ateratzen dena baino askoz ere urrutiago doana. Nire tesia da Katalunia Europan arazo bilakatzen denean nazioartearen jarrera aldatuko dela.


Nola baloratzen duzu Euskal Herriak izan duen rola?

Kataluniak betidanik mirespena sentitu izan du Euskal Herriaren erresistentzia izaerarengatik; batez ere, diktaduran eta trantsizio garaian. Baina egun dugun sentsazioa da euskaldunak beti berera zoaztela. Kontzertu ekonomikoaren erosotasuna dago, eta, hortik aurrera, Kataluniako prozesu independentistari kanpotik begiratzen diozue. Hori bai, ziur naiz Kataluniakoak arrakasta izango balu Euskal Herria aurki batuko litzatekeela. Zintzoki esanda, Euskal Herriaren jarrerak prozesuarekiko frustrazioa sortu du Katalunian. Kanpotar batek ez luke ulertuko estatu beraren barruan helburu bera duten bi herri egon eta elkartasunik ez egotea.


Ikus Politika arlotik ekonomia arlora… —> lehen partea

Iruzkinak (1)

  • joseba

    Ben Wray-ren The European Union towards the New Old (http://www.vocaleurope.eu/european-union-towards-new-old/)

    … there is the ambivalence with which Brussels appears to hold for the rights of minorised People, and the way in which referenda – an important democratic forum for the expression of public consent – is treated with contempt. Catalonia’s independence referendum in November 2014 was snubbed by the EU Commission in June via technocratic reference to the Spanish constitution (1978). This reference failed to take account of articles 10 and 96 which ratify all international treaties defending the Right to Self-determination of People which were formally signed by the Kingdom of Spain in 1977. This was to get the Spanish State accepted as a Western democracy after the death of the facist dictator Franco.

    This is chance for the EU at this crucial stage in its development to stand by its founding democratic values of Justice, Equality and Peace by supporting the official Catalan referendum about independence scheduled for the 1st of October (supported by elected President Puigdemont and the absolute majority of Catalan Parliament with the massive support of the 80% of Catalans). We’ll see if once again, any concern for the consent of the people is secondary to meeting the needs of those with power in the EU.


    The key to break out of this false dichotomy (…) is to do what neither currently offer: diversity and democracy.

    First on diversity. There needs to be an acceptance that the EU cannot be a homogenous institution, and that an asymmetric union with a patch-work of positions would be a sign of strength not weakness. It is known that Brussels is no fan of the Switzerland EEA [European Economic Area] deal, but perhaps this is the direction of travel needed – to manage the tension between the need to collaborate and the need to respect that we all have a sense of place and cannot squeeze over 500 million people into one governance model. Do all EU states really have to be part of the common agricultural policy? I’m not convinced.
    On democracy, we need to be willing to extend and enhance the idea of democracy much deeper into the veins of our economy and society. The EU appears as if it to treat democracy as, at best, that bit that is done once every four or five years before the elected dictators take over. Workers democracy, community democracy, popular e-based participation in big EU-wide decisions, and yes referendums, including respect the rights of nations to self-determination, should be at the heart of the EU’s values, not something it treats as a threat.

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