Demokrazia ezin da ilegala izan

Anna Arqué Solsona‏ @anna_arque1

Under democratic circumstances Spain can’t block SelfdetRef without risking its place amongst democratic countries …

Catalonia sets date for landmark vote on independence from Spain

The autonomous region of Catalonia will have the decisive referendum on secession from Spain on October 1, the regional government announced on Friday. The move comes after a months-long standoff with Madrid, which decries the vote as illegal.”


2017 eka. 16

Marc Zen Time‏ @Marcgescat

Replying to @anna_arque @ICECintl and

Bona info ? 

?PeRfuM dE mAr‏ @CatalanaRepubli

Replying to @anna_arque @ICECintl and

Thanks Anna! As you clearly said ‘Democracy cannot be ilegal‘ As simple as that! The Catalan as a Nation have the right to self determination

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude