“It must be clear that the true objective to reach is not ‘income for all’ but ‘work for all’” @Pontifex
Albistea: Pope Francis in Genoa: Work essential to human flourishing2
“It is necessary, therefore, to look fearlessly and a sense of responsibility on the technological transformations of the economy and of life, he said, “without resigning ourselves to the ideology that seems to be gaining a foothold wherever one looks, which envisions a world in which only a half or maybe two-thirds of employable people actually work, and the others maintained with a welfare cheque.”
“It must be clear,” Pope Francis continued, “that the true objective to reach is not ‘income for all’ but ‘work for all’.”
2017 mai. 27
Replying to @ndrea_terzi @wbmosler @Pontifex
With the convergence of AI, I don’t believe full employment will be possible in the future, making universal income a necessity. #mmt
That’s an illogical statement. Unemployment is about unspent income, not productivity.
Thomas Paine Revisit @TomRevisited1
Perhaps. On the other hand, you’d have a hard time explaining that to a factory worker replaced by a robot.
True. And this is why a full employment policy is needed. And training. And education. And fiscal adjustment when needed.
In a good economy business competes for people and provides training.
Replying to @ndrea_terzi @Pontifex
Pope John Maynard I 🙂
Replying to @ndrea_terzi @AnnPettifor @Pontifex
labour camps for all?
Participation & a sense of contributing > an allowance from daddy for being good
Thomas Paine Revisit @TomRevisited1
Replying to @ndrea_terzi @Pontifex
And worthy work –at least new types of employment— (not primarily in the service sector ) at tat. { 🙂
Replying to @ndrea_terzi @AnnPettifor @Pontifex
I get the worth of work, but aren’t we going to need some form of contemporary Ludites to achieve that? We need to be more creative.
Replying to @ndrea_terzi @TomRevisited1 and
In a good economy business competes for people and provides training.
Replying to @TomRevisited1 @RephInbar and
Agreed, but ask him if he’d rather have his children be factory workers or software engineers.
Replying to @RephInbar @ndrea_terzi @Pontifex
Policy need only provide a funding channel for the always unlimited things people want done- alwys more to do than people to do it.
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