The big Bluff (Bluff handia)

Bluff totala, erabatekoa.

Antonello Zedda‏ @AntonelloZedda1

Antonello Zedda(e)k Bertxiotua L’important

Capito perché la Grecia è stata distrutta e umiliata dalla troika?

Antonello Zedda(e)k gehitu du,

L’important‏ @Limportant_fr

Le mouvement de Yannis Varoufakis appelle à voter Macron … #Présidentielle2017

2017 api. 29

Annalisa Cotrozzi‏ @cotrozzi_lisa

@AntonelloZedda(r)i erantzuten

Che schifo..nn se ne salva uno

Paul Corrado‏ @paul6213

@AntonelloZedda(r)i erantzuten

Varoufakis viene pagato profumatamente, o direttamente da Berlino o da Brüssel. È temo che non sia l’unico. Imho.

Aurora‏ @fringuello

@AntonelloZedda(r)i erantzuten

@AlbertoBagnai @Limportant_fr il cavallo di Troia è sbarcato in Francia

Euskarazko eredu soil bat: Grezia: erabateko desastrea (eta 3)

(Hamaika eredu gehiago blog honetan, nahi den beste!)

Memoria gutxi daukazuenok, arren, eman begirada bat azken bolada luzetxo honetan Euskal Herrian Varoufakis-ez, aka, the big Bluff-ez, idatzi eta esan dena…



Financial Times:

Greece agrees deal with creditors on bailout reforms

The deal, which covers a wide range of fiscal and structural measures, from fresh cuts in pensions to liberalising Sunday trading, was completed during intensive talks over the past week after months of wrangling between Greek finance ministry officials and bailout monitors from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Differences over the size of cuts to be applied in 2019 on pensions already reduced by over 40 per cent since 2011 held up an agreement, according to people involved in the negotiations.


The further pension reduction was agreed at 18 per cent.

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