Ron Paul eta Katalunia

Ron Paul, amerikar liberal bat: Ron Paul – Wikipedia

Anna Arqué Solsona‏ @anna_arque1

Anna Arqué Solsona(e)k Bertxiotua Catalans Lliures

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Anna Arqué Solsona(e)k gehitu du,

2017 mar. 19

Catalans Lliures‏ @Cat_Lliures

El mestre @RonPaul sobre Catalunya: “If people cared about individual liberty, they should be supportive of secession & self-determination

2017 mar. 13


Ron Paul-en Catalonia Vote – Will They Secede?2

September 26, 2015


Ron Paul: Good. There’s a special vote coming up on Sunday and it’s not in the United States. It’s a little state over there in Spain, but it’s still very important. Catalonia’s having an election, but it’s also going to serve as a referendum on whether or not the people of Catalonia would like to secede from the government of Spain. What do you think of this? Does this sound like a good deal for them” What do you think is going to happen?


Ron Paul: This debate has been going along for a long time and I think there was a debate like this a couple of hundred of years ago when a few colonists decided that they didn’t like to be under the King and a lot of people are critical of us when we talk about secession and they always refer to what they see as a very negative about the secession of the south and yet what did we do? The colonists seceded from the British. It’s separation, it’s independence. So, secede has became a negative word for a lot of people, but it’s separation, it’s independence, it’s self-determination and we always give lip service to self-determination.

(…). Maybe this whole notion is good, so I’m really pulling for those who like independence, because I believe self-determination is good, but like you said there will be people who are going to argue the case and put fear into the hearts and minds of these people and say don’t do it, the world will come to end if we separate ourselves from the central government.


Ron Paul: It’s sovereignty they are talking about and I like to talk about the sovereignty of the individual and that’s really should be made the goal around the world today. This is not Catalonia. There are 22 significant areas in the world and just in Europe are trying to break up these monoliths and I think this is really great. Of course even in our hemisphere in Quebec they’ve talked about separating. (…)

Ron Paul: In a way this issue of Catalonia should be a Spanish issue, but it’s interesting that others like Cameron and others have something to say about it, because they know themselves this message could spread. More people would like their independence; more people would like their freedom back again and get rid of this monolith. (…)

I want to thank everybody today for tuning in to the Liberty Report and this is an interesting discussion about Catalonia’s vote this Sunday. Hopefully the people there will speak out and say that independence is a good idea. I think the principle of secession is a good principle; it’s basic to the freedom of all individuals. This is what created the United States, the idea that we could secede from the British Empire. If people cared about individual liberty, they should be very supportive of independence and self-determination. (…)”

Freedom, self-determination, independence, secession…

The principle of secession is a good principle…

Amerikar eskumako liberala den Ron Paul-ek esaten duena ez du gaur egun Euskal Herriko inongo progrek, ezta ezker abertzale ofizialeko inongo arduradunek esaten…

Ala bai? Non? Nork? Zein taldek?

Autodeterminazioa, eskumakoa ote da?

Independentzia politikoa, eskubikoa ote da?

Sezesioa, eskumako leloa ote?

Askatasuna, eskubikoa ote?


If people cared about individual liberty, they should be very supportive of independence and self-determination.


Ongi. Non daude Euskal Herri osoan, independentzia eta autodeterminazioa sostengatuko dituztenak?

Ez al dago Euskal Herri osoan, hortik zehar, baten bat ondokoa, “the principle of secession is a good principle” aldarrikatuko duenik?

Non daude gurekin, Herrien Ligako kideekin, 1990eko hamarkadan egon ziren hainbat abertzale independentista? Denak galdurik? Den-denak mandangaz aritzen?


Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude