Joseluis Txillardegi (segida)

Hasierarako, ikus 2006ko Txillardegi


Orain dela ia 30 urte, lagun askotxoren artean (Joseluis bera, Jesus L., Joseba G., Manex G., Andolin E.,…) jorratu genituen gaiek zutik segitzen dute, malgré progre gehiegi.

Autodeterminazio eskubidea zen gure artean jorratutako gai potoloa, baita martxan erakunde bat jarri ere: Herrien Liga (HERRIEN ESKUBIDE ETA ASKAPENERAKO EUSKAL HERRIKO LIGA (EHLI).

Horretarako, oso berezi eta estimagarria izan zen kataluniar batzuen laguntza, Aureli Argemi buru zelarik. Bi erakunde ezagutu genituen: Ciemen eta Conseu (hasieran Conseo zena).

Bi erakundeek zutik diraute (ez dute lurperatu Euskal Herrian Herrien Liga-rekin gertatu zen bezala!).

Joseluis-ek argi zeukan hizkuntzaren afera: barrurako (hau da, Euskal Herri osorako) euskara (batua) eta kanporako (mundu osorako) ingelesa. Hortaz, nahiz eta informazioa katalunieraz ere egon, noski, ingelesezko bertsioa dago behean:


… A third noteworthy initiative, in which CIEMEN was a pioneer, was the communcal gathering, co-organised with representatives of various stateless nations, in front of the headquarters of the UN in Geneva in 1996. Here they handed over a letter addressed to the Secretary General in which they urged him to act to have a ruling passed in the General Assembly which would prioritise the exercising of the right to self-determination of currently marginalised nations, as a contribution to the peace and understanding between peoples.”

… CIEMEN began to set up the Conference of Stateless Nations of Europe (CONSEU), an intersectional platform for reflection and debate, to bring together different groups with the aim of channelling their struggles in favour of the rights of peoples within European society and throughout the world.”


What is the CONSEU? (en)

CONSEU (Conference of European Stateless Nations) acts as a forum for political, cultural and civic organisations to discuss and exchange ideas, with the collective aim of building a Europe that respects national, linguistic and cultural diversity and consequently the basic collective rights at its core. CONSEU endeavours to bring together the various nationalist sensibilities in Europe, from autonomist movements in regions with linguistic or cultural particularities to movements demanding full sovereignty over a particular area. CONSEU is guided by the principle that peoples should have the right to self-determination. Though acting as a forum for nationalist movements with a wide variety of political ideologies, CONSEU seeks to ensure that the principles of democracy and self-determination are respected at all times.

CONSEU aims, in general terms, to:

1.Promote the principles of democracy, the recognition of diversity and respect for the collective rights of European peoples.

2.Share experience and information relating to the varying status of Europe’s stateless nations.

3.Facilitate collaboration between different organisations while respecting the independence of each organisation, fostering the principles of solidarity and co-operation.

4.Act as a pressure group and to lobby at local, state and european level.

5.Develop joint proposals for a Europe of Peoples and to present them to the various European institutions and bodies.

6.Support initiatives aimed at protecting the identities of each culture and nation that forms part of today’s Europe.

7.Support organisations that experience forms of discrimination or aggression on account of their attitude towards defending collective rights.”

Aipatu bezala, martxan jarri genuena lurperatu zuten. Ondorioz, 25 urte galdu dira (Euskal Herria: 25 urte galduta).

Baina, harrigarria bada ere, autodeterminazioa ‘modan’ jarri da (dute!), non eta Mundu osoan zehar (Autodeterminazioa modan dago Munduan).

Gainera, Europarako badago autodeterminazioaz aritzen den erakunde ‘gazte’ bat: Europar Hiritarren Nazioarteko Komisioa (EHNK).

Bertan, beste batzuekin batera, Josu laguna dago buru belarri sartuta.

Segur aski horrelako erakundean parte hartzea nahi izango zukeen gure Joseluis-ek.

Ene ustez, Joseluis-en oroimenean erakunde europar berri horretan egon beharra daukagu, zeren berak behin eta berriz aldarrikatu zuen moduan, autodeterminazio eskubideari atxiki behar baikenion, nahita ez.

Nire aldetik, eta lagun eta adiskide minari nolabaiteko jarraipena eman nahiz, bertan egongo naiz.

Horixe duk, bost urte eta gero (Ez adiorik, Joseluis), hitaz gogoratzean, nire omenaldi apurra. Gora hi!

Iruzkinak (1)

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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude