Stephanie Kelton

Spotlight on Stephanie Kelton1

Lehen Stephanie Bell zen. Egindako lanak:

Stephanie Kelton-en webgunea:

Kelton eta DTM2

Kelton eta gobernua3

Kelton Washington-en4

Kudeatzen duen bloga, Bill Black-ekin batera:


… You should also have a look at her crystal-clear presentations. Click here for a talk on the role of government, here for her ideas on inequality, and here to hear about her thoughts on the Bernie Sanders movement. And if you want to know how all this applies to the Euro-zone, this piece she wrote with Randall Wray is a great resource.”

2 Ingelesez: “She explains how a government spends, and how confusion about debt and deficits have held America back. Shaking up democrats and republicans alike, she shows there is nothing inherently dangerous about a large budget deficit. We should aim for a balanced economy, not a balanced budget.”

3 Ingelesez: “… So long as a government is sovereign and has its own central bank, Kelton shows, it is the sole issuer of its currency. Being the sole issuer of its currency, it can never run out of money, and it will never fail to meet its debt obligations. It’s completely able to spend as needed.”

4 Ingelesez: “… more recently broke into Washington, where she served as Bernie Sanders’ chief economic advisor during his campaign. Providing the economic backbone behind Sanders’ plans to raise the incomes of the 99%, the vast potential of Kelton’s approach to fiscal policy gained recognition. Kelton still works with Bernie to further his movement and mobilize support across the globe.

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