Donald Trump-ez

(a) Bill Mitchell@billy_blog1

US election – the establishment neo-liberal elites have created their own nightmare. They thought life was cosy for them. Now less likely.

2016 aza. 8

(b) Naomi Klein @NaomiAKlein2

Naomi Klein(e)k Bertxiotua Paul Krugman

Paul, you did everything you could to sink Bernie. How dare you blame others for this debacle.

Naomi Klein(e)k gehitu du,

Paul Krugman @paulkrugman

Btw, Jill Stein has managed to play Ralph Nader. Without her Florida might have been saved

2016 aza. 8

(c) Bernie Sanders @BernieSanders3

I think the discontent of the American people is far, far greater than the pundits understand.

2015 uzt. 8

Gogoratzekoa: Aldaketa erreala

(d) Warren Mosler: Election comments4

Trump won largely because people couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Clinton, and not so much because anyone like him or his presumed agenda. And along the way he destroyed the Republican party, which may or may not sit so well with Republicans in Congress.

So it’s not like he has a mandate to do anything or that he can rely on Republican support for anything.

Regarding his proposed tax cuts, under current law bills can’t be introduced in Congress unless they are ‘paid for’, so, for example, to introduce a tax cut it has to be paid for by spending cuts. Yes, Congress could change the law or override it but that would require Senate approval, and that takes a 60% majority that Republicans don’t have.

So my point is that at best it’s going to take a very long time to get anything done. And the way all the charts are decelerating it could all get pretty ugly waiting for the kind of fiscal adjustment needed to reverse course.”

Iruzkinak (5)

  • joseba

    Starring: Paul Krugman as The Idiot & Justin Wolfers as The Hack

    “I guess my point is that guys like Krugman and Justin are false authorities yet are major players in setting and selling economic policy.  This phenomenon of appointing idiots and hacks to roles of policy setting is a true mystery.  Until we begin to replace the policy  making industry (and it is an industry) with people who actually understand the subjects for which they are setting policy we will continue to find ourselves waking up wondering what in the hell went wrong.”

  • joseba

    Pavlina Tcherneva-k Donald Trump-z:


    Economic consequences
    My own view is that the Democrats have not had an economic policy of their own for nearly half a century, just an ‘inferior’ version of what Republicans usually champion—tax cuts on the wealthy, dismantling the public safety-net, ‘fighting’ inflation by creating unemployment, market liberalization and deregulation across the board, which among other things brought us a colossal financial sector that has cannibalized the productive economy.
    Neo-liberalism on steroids
    The long-term prospects for the economy are dismal. While I do not foresee the economic Armageddon many are predicting in the immediate future, what we will see is another sequel of the structural forces that have brought us the economic ills, which produced this election result–outsized corporate power, unbearable inequality, and increased financial instability. The one bright spot could be his plan for over $Trillion in infrastructure investment. That is something we surely need. But remember, if it does not translate into genuine deficit spending, and Congress tries to ‘pay’ for these expenditures by slashing other Federal programs, there will be no ‘stimulus’. What one hand gives, the other will take away. And Mitch McConnel is already on record that infrastructure is not a priority. But if the deficit expenditure is there and Trump ends up “reviving our inner cities” and restoring infrastructure so “it’s second to none” (as per his acceptance speech), that will benefit the economy and create jobs (though it might come with a giant neon TRUMP sign on every new bridge).
    But no one should have any illusions. America elected someone very much from the wealthy elite, a privileged member of the establishment, who happened to be a better salesperson.
    A social plague
    Unfortunately, it is impossible to discuss the ‘economic consequences of Trump’ in an objective way because he has unleashed a plague on our society, from which we will suffer for many years. Trump has brought white supremacy out of the shadows and has normalized bigotry, misogyny, and hate in ways we hadn’t seen in decades. He has now given permission for the resurgence of overt racism. And while this may well have been already underway, racism and economic anxiety are deeply intertwined, and both seem to be reaching a new fever pitch.
    This cancer will stay with us for years to come and must be fought every step of the way. Whatever our gripes and differences about the economy, we must together collectively stand against acts of hate. Nothing will erode the social fabric more and undermine our ability to make progress on economic matters than this poison. Fear sells.
    As FDR warned us long ago:
    “We have come to a clear realization that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.” (FDR)
    Democracy didn’t fail. It did exactly what it was supposed to do. But:
    “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That in its essence is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.” (FDR)
    Looking ahead
    So while the mainstream pundits are burning their batteries trying to sort out what went wrong, we need to get to work—do something useful, say something inclusive, stand up to a bully, be safe and keep advocating and working for social justice.
    That’s what I intend to do. On Monday I will present at James Galbraith’s conference of the Economists for Peace and Security in Washington, D.C. (Register here). Peace and Security. Two things many of us do not feel right now. I cannot think of a better place to be, discussing more important topics, given these election results. I will be talking about youth unemployment. The election has exposed further our desperate need to design genuinely inclusive social policies.
    What we have here is a crucial moment to mobilize, to start drafting a Democratic progressive agenda from scratch, to shed the destructive neoliberal policies so wonderfully championed by Democrats and Republicans alike.
    An Economic Bill of Rights
    What might that look like? My preference would be to take inspiration from Franklin Delano Roosevelt and design policies around the Economic Bill of Rights – policies that create jobs for all, boost incomes, usher in a Green New Deal, transform our energy system, complete the safety-net with paid family leave, universal child allowance, strengthened social security, guarantee healthcare for all, invest in public education, provide debt relief for families, renew anti-trust policies and aggressive financial regulation, to name a few.  And save the environment.  Because if we don’t, none of the above will matter.
    Never let a good crisis to go to waste.”

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