Kapitalismoa eta Demokrazia

John Keane-ren hiru lan interesgarri:

(i) Capitalism and Democracy [part one]1

(ii) Capitalism and Democracy [part 2]2

Part two of this series on capitalism and democracy introduced the unusual idea of ‘democracy failure’. Instead of seeing democracy as the hapless victim of capitalist markets, as Marxists and others have typically done in the past, it examined the way market failures happen when the power-humbling mechanisms of monitory democracy are not applied to capitalist markets.”

(ii) Capitalism and Democracy [part 3]3

This third part extends the point. It probes Jane Mayer’s recent fine book Dark Money to understand how democracies such as the United States are not only ruined when the wealthy try to buy their way into political power, but also why plutocracy is preparing the way for further market failures.… “

“… Jane Mayer’s excellent book shows, for the case of the United States, that the genuinely alarming trend is the way private wealth is fast becoming the single currency of democratic politics. Dark Money is muckraking journalism at its finest. It’s equal to anything written by Ida Tarbell, Nellie Bly and the best of the influential female muckrakers of the Progressive era a century ago. Meticulously researched and elegantly written, it shows how things have slipped, and why there’s now so much new muck to be raked.

Gehigarriak: Jane Mayer eta Jane Mayer – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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