Eskuina? Ezkerra?

Eskuinekoa, gainera gogorra omen, hemen:

May langile klaseari mintzatu zaio lehen ministro karguan eginiko estreinako hitzaldian


Zuzenduko dudan gobernua ez dute bideratuko pribilegiatuen interesek, zureek baizik. Ahal dugun guztia eginen dugu zure bizitzaren gaineko kontrola izan dezazun. (…)

Europako Batasuna uzten ari garen honetan, munduarekin eduki beharreko harreman positibo berria eraikiko dugu, eta Britainia bilakatuko dugu gu guztiontzako lan eginen duen herrialde bat, eta ez soilik pribilegiatu gutxi batzuentzat. (…)

Langile klaseko familia arrunt batekoa bazara, Westminsterko [parlamentuko] jendeak uste duena baino gogorragoa da bizitza…

Demagogia? Agian! Segur aski!

Baina, … hona hemen gure Bill Mitchell-ek aipatzen duena (in EBZ: hedakuntza fiskala behar da!):

Bank of England governor Mark Carney gave a speech last week (June 20, 2016) – Uncertainty, the economy and policy – which was a post-Brexit attempt to calm people down.

Carney had previously claimed a Leave vote would be a disaster, now, in the cooler air, he shifted from political spin doctor for the Remain campaign (and all the vested elite interests that supported that quest), to central banker:

The result of the referendum is clear. Its full implications for the economy are not. The UK can handle change. It has one of the most flexible economies in the world and benefits from a deep reservoir of human capital, world-class infrastructure and the rule of law. Its people are admired the world over for their strength under adversity.

So uncertainty with a lot of confidence in the future replaced his political claims before the vote that the outcome would be a disaster!

But cynicism aside, Carney also admitted that while the “near-term challenges facing the UK economy can’t be wished away … they can be addressed” by policy makers who adopt a “clear plan” and implement policy measures “with resolute determination”.

No free market here – a clear policy plan based on resolute intervention!

His speech then continued to describe how the Bank of England would be dealing with the uncertainty and to reassure everyone that the Bank:

will not hesitate to take any additional measures required to meet our responsibilities as the United Kingdom moves forward.

But while the Bank of England was prepared to be part of the plan, Carney emphasised that

Part of that plan is ruthless truth telling. And one uncomfortable truth is that there are limits to what the Bank of England can do.In particular, monetary policy cannot immediately or fully offset the economic implications of a large, negative shock. The future potential of this economy and its implications for jobs, real wages and wealth are not the gifts of monetary policymakers.These will be driven by much bigger decisions; by bigger plans that are being formulated by others. However, we will relentlessly pursue monetary and financial stability. And by doing so we will facilitate the adjustments needed to realise this economy’s full potential.”

Harrigarria bada ere, badirudi eskuina aldatzen ari dela… Bai, noski!, behartuta, badakigu!

Eta ez soilik Europar Batasunean…

Hona Japonian gertatzen ari dena (In Espainia aurrera bide doa…):

El primer ministro Abe, tras su victoria electoral en la renovación del parlamento, avisaba que el gobierno nipón podría impulsar un estímulo fiscal de 10 billones de yenes (casi 100.000 millones de euros), financiado con la primera emisión de deuda soberana relevante en los últimos cuatro años. Pero no se trata sólo de una nueva expansión fiscal. Se combinaría con un nuevo programa de expansión cuantitativa, es decir, más estímulo monetario por parte del Banco de Japón. Mientras el Banco de Japón está listo para anunciar una ampliación de sus compras de bonos y acciones mensuales éste 29 de julio, Abe probablemente introduciría el estímulo fiscal a final de año. Se trata de una combinación de relajación monetaria extrema y relajación fiscal. Se aproximan a la Teoría Monetaria Moderna, pero no es lo mismo porque siguen generando más deuda, siguen beneficiando a bancos zombies, siguen manteniendo la vulnerabilidad de los distintos agentes económicos, y siguen sin asumir quitas de deuda.”

Eta aurreko sarrera horretan, iruzkinetan, Ben Bernanke-k, eskuinekoa denak dioena1:

Bernanke at the Tuesday meeting said Japan should carry on with Abenomics policies by supplementing monetary policy with fiscal stimulus, …

Bernanke told Abe that the BOJ still has instruments to further ease monetary policy,…

Honda, 61, said he told Abe about Bernanke’s views after his April meeting.

I told him now is the time for Japan to expand fiscal spending and at the same time, additional monetary easing should be taken,” Honda said. (…)”

Non dago ezkerra?

Europan, Syriza?

Desastre hutsa! Mesedez!

Espainia una, grande y libre-n, Podemos?

Arren! Hyper espainolak, Brexit-en aurka, Syrizaren alde… Kaka hutsa!!!!!

Non dago ezkerra? Esadazue, arren!

Eta Euskal Herrian?

Non? Nor? Zein alderditan? Zein lekutan?

Bai, badakit, dena da posible Granada honetan, sorry EH honetan….

PS: James Petras, Granada honetan ezaguna bide dena, eskuinekoa?

Brexit: A Workers’ Response to Oligarchs, Bankers, Flunkies and Scabs:

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