(1) Post-Brexit:
(a) News from Paradise
Pressure on Greek gov’t to catch up on reforms1
“Creditors are pushing for progress on a series of milestones by early August. A high-ranking representative of Greece’s creditors told Kathimerini that “there will be no excuse” if progress is not achieved over the summer (…)
Meanwhile, Germany’s Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, who visited Athens last week, told Ta Nea daily that “there is no question of Grexit.” He was referring to renewed speculation about the prospects of a possible Greek exit from the euro in the wake of the Brexit decision.
The milestones that Greece needs to tick off over the coming weeks include the approval of the privatization of state-run power grid operator ADMIE and the appointment of staff to a supervisory board for Greece’s new privatization fund, as well as the transfer into this fund of a second set of public utilities.”
Grèce: Rassemblements et manifestations le 5 juillet, pour le jour anniversaire du Non au référendum2
“… le peuple grec a tiré des brûlures de l’été dernier des leçons précieuses. Il a constaté de la façon la plus claire que l’UE n’est pas « notre maison commune », mais notre prison commune. Que les amis de Monsieur Tsipras ne sont pas des « partenaires » mais des maîtres chanteurs et des seigneurs. Qu’il n’y a pas moyen de renverser l’austérité et les mémorandums au sein d’une Eurozone devenue la chambre de torture de M Schaüble. Et qu’il ne peut y avoir de victoire du non sans un oui clair, sans un plan B organisé pour une nouvelle Grèce, débarrassée des chaînes de la dette, des mémorandums et de la mise sous tutelle, avec un peuple souverain, maître de sa richesse et de son propre pays.”
(b) Microsoft Doesn’t Care About Brexit, UK to Remain Top Market3
(c) Pourquoi l’Allemagne ne veut plus de Jean-Claude Juncker4
(d) Gazteen langabezia EBn
“Paul Krugman also wrote an attack on “populist[s].”
… Brexit is probably just the beginning, as populist/separatist/xenophobic movements gain influence across the continent. (…)
Krugman doesn’t explain why independence for the Scots and the Irish is terrible given the experience of the U.S., Canada, the Republic of Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. None of those countries has a populace that considers independence a mistake. But Krugman is so sure that independence for the Scots and the Northern Irish, both of which are more likely given the sharp differences among Scotland, Northern Ireland, and England on BREXIT, would be disastrous that he doesn’t feel any need to explain why it would be disastrous. (…)”
The Guardian: Brexit is a rejection of globalisation
Nigel Farage’s post-Brexit speech to the European Parliament
“Isn’t it funny? When I came here 17 years ago and I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me – well I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you? The reason you’re so upset, you’re so angry, has been perfectly clear, from all the angry exchanges this morning.
You as a political project are in denial. You’re in denial that your currency is failing. Just look at the Mediterranean! As a policy to impose poverty on Greece and the Mediterranean you’ve done very well.
You’re in denial over Mrs. Merkel’s call for as many people as possible to cross the Mediterranean – which has led to massive divisions between within countries and between countries.
The biggest problem you’ve got and the main reason the UK voted the way it did is because you have by stealth and deception, and without telling the truth to the rest of the peoples of Europe, you have imposed upon them a political union. When the people in 2005 in the Netherlands and France voted against that political union and rejected the constitution you simply ignored them and brought the Lisbon treaty in through the back door.
What happened last Thursday was a remarkable result – it was a seismic result. Not just for British politics, for European politics, but perhaps even for global politics too.”
(N. Farage: eskuindarra bai, leloa ez!)
(2) RUI (segida):
Anna Arqué Solsona @anna_arque
RUI permet actors Intl posicionar-se a favor procés democràtic Català sense prendre partit pel Sí/No @lopezbofill @FerranArmengol1 @epaluzie
2016 uzt. 3
Anna Arqué Solsona @anna_arque
Abans d’entrar en tecnicismes, establim principis: “Referèndum unilateral, el pas endavant” http://elpuntavui.cat/opinio/article/-/984295-referendum-unilateral-el-pas-endavant.html … via @elpuntavui
Referèndum unilateral, el pas endavant
.@DemocratesCAT: “El RUI és la millor proposta per reconduir la unitat independentista” http://www.mon.cat/cat/notices/2016/07/el_rui_probablement_era_la_millor_proposta_per_a_reconduir_la_unitat_independentista_166118.php …
Anna Gabriel sobre el RUI: ‘El repte està a veure si l’entramat funcionarial assumeix la iniciativa’
Demòcrates s’afegeix a la petició de la CUP per a una reunió de partits per parlar del RUI5
2 Ikus https://itepopulaire-fr.org/2016/07/04/rassemblements-le-5-juillet-pour-le-jour-anniversaire-du-non-au-referendum/.
3 Ikus http://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-doesn-t-care-about-brexit-uk-to-remain-top-market-505929.shtml?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter.
joseba says:
Catalogna, avanti anche senza accordo con Madrid:
Esclusiva lindipendenza, Anna Arquè: “Catalogna, avanti anche senza accordo con Madrid”