Post-Brexit: Eurolandia eta NATO eztabaidagaiak

(1) Post-Brexit:

Michael Hudson: The Silence of the Left: Brexit, Euro-Austerity and the T-TIP

(a) Brexit berdin populismoa, Trump-ismoa, ezjakintasuna, eskuinekoen garaipena eta gehiago1

(b) Hortaz, zein da Brexit-en logika?2

(c) Eta ezkerra?3

(d) Zer dela eta langileen aldeko alderdiak langileen aurkako bilakatu diren?4

Hitz batez, zertan dabil ezkerra?

Gogoratu Bill Mitchell-ek dioena: Brexit bikaina da (Zer dela eta Brexit emaitza handia den).

(2) Zein da hurrengoa? Txekia?

Albistea: Is ‘Czexit’ Next? President of Czech Republic Calls for EU Referendum5

Brexit zabalduz doa…

(i) Txekiako presidenteak dioena6

(ii) Baita NATOexit delakoaz ere7

(iii) Referenduma eskatzea8

(iv) Eskuinak referendumen alde9

Garrantzitsuena hauxe da: oraingo honetan Eurolandia bera da eztabaidagaia Eurolandian bertan. Baita NATO bera ere.

Adi, hortaz, Txekian gertatuko denari!

1 Ingelesez: “The media in the United States have treated the British vote against remaining in the European Union (EU) as if it is populist “Trumpism,” an inarticulate right-wing vote out of ignorance at being left behind by the neoliberal economic growth policy. The fact that Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland to promote his golf course helped frame the U.S. story that depicts the Brexit v”ote as a “Trump vs. Hillary” psychodrama – populist anger and resentment vs. intelligent policy.

2 Ingelesez: “What is left out of this picture is that there is a sound logic to oppose membership in the EU. It is Nigel Farage’s slogan, “Take Back Control.”

The question is, from whom? Not only from “bureaucrats,” but from the pro-bank, anti-labor rules written into the eurozone’s Lisbon and Maastricht treaties.…

3 Ingelesez: “The Left, whose leaders have conflated neoliberal globalization with internationalism and solidarity, is ceding its territory to the Right as a result of losing the working class.

What used to be a socialist left has been silent about the fact that there are very good reasons for people to say that this is not the kind of Europe they want to be a part of. It is becoming a dead zone. And it cannot be “democratized” without replacing the Lisbon and Maastricht treaties on which it is founded, and removing German opposition to public spending on recovery for Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and other countries.”

4 Ingelesez: “What is remarkable is that in the face of rising resentment by the “losers” from neoliberalism – the 99 Percent – only the nationalist right-wing parties have criticized the EU’s neoliberalism and the T-TIP. The formerly left-wing Socialist parties of France and Spain, German Social Democrats, Greek Socialists and so forth have endorsed the neoliberal, pro-financial program of austerity and rollbacks on labor union power, wages and pensions. So the riddle is, how did originally pro-labor parties become anti-labor?…”

6 Ingelesez: “President Milos Zeman says his citizens must be able to “express themselves” on E.U. and NATO membership.

The Czech Republic’s President Milos Zeman has called for a referendum on the country’s membership of both the European Union and NATO, the latest example of fallout from Britain’s vote to leave the E.U.

7 Ingelesez: “Zeman says that he personally backs the country remaining in both organizations, but said on Czech Radio that he “will do everything for [Czechs] to have a referendum and be able to express themselves. And the same goes for a NATO exit too,” Reuters reports.”

8 Ingelesez: “The center-left president does not have the authority to call a referendum as it would require an amendment to the constitution. Still, the country is home to many Euroskeptics. According to a CVVM institute survey in April, satisfaction with E.U. membership was at 25%, reports Reuters.

9 Ingelesez:”Britain’s decision to leave has raised concerns that other member-states might attempt to do the same. Far-right leaders in France and the Netherlands have called for similar referenda, and the far-right People’s Party in Slovakia plan to launch a petition to hold a vote on the country’s membership to the E.U. and NATO.

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