Post-Brexit eta auzo lotsa

(1) Post-Brexit:

… Germany’s Schäuble said that Portugal may see another bailout too, saying “It would have to apply for a new program, which it would get. But the terms would be severe and it is not in Portugal’s interests.”

Brexit, The E.U., & The “Special Relationship” Of The U.S./U.K.

Is Europe In Trouble Again: Hints Of Portuguese, Italian Bank Bailouts Suggest Not All Is Well

The U.S. has a core interest in preserving British autonomy, but it also has a core interest in helping the European Union solve its many problems. The U.S. is not choosing between the U.K. and the E.U., except if it is forced to on specific issues by extremists in the E.U.”

Chris Wood: “It Will Take A Political Genius To Hold The EU Together”, Italy Is The Flash Point

The conclusion from all of the above is that it will take a political genius to hold the EU together in the next few years. And geniuses are in short supply. In this sense Brexit will only have accelerated something that was going to happen anyway.

Italy Granted “Extraordinary ” €150BN Bank Bailout Program To Prevent “Panic, Run On Deposits”

Brexit was nothing more than a Europe-blessed “crisis” ploy designed to achieve two things: unleash more QE, which the BOE admitted will happen (most likely with the involvement of the ECB), and ii) to facilitate the bailout of insolvent Italian banks. To wit:

Brexit will be just the scapegoat used by Renzi and Italy to circumvent any specific eurozone prohibitions. And if it fails, all Renzi has to do is hint at a referendum of his own. Then watch as Merkel scrambles to allow Italy to do whatever it wants, just to avoid the humiliation of a potential “Italeave.”

And while Angela Merkel apparently shut down the original proposal pitched by Italy, Europe – surely under the guidance of Mario Draghi – has found a way to circumvent her veto power.

As this decision and other precedents demonstrate there are a number of solutions that can be put in place in full compliance with EU rules to address market turbulence,” the spokeswoman said.”

LaTribune @LaTribune

Bruxelles autorise Rome à soutenir ses banques, mais pas à les sauver >>  par @RomaricGodin

2016 uzt. 1

Bruxelles autorise Rome à soutenir ses banques, mais pas à les sauver

(2) Brexit-en aldeko botoak eta auzo lotsa1

BREXIT: Populism and Democracy: Part 1

The reality is that the majority that voted for BREXIT was acutely aware of the elite contempt for their views and for “traditional democracy.”  That contempt is the single most important reason why a majority voted for BREXIT.”

BREXIT Part 2: Roger Cohen

The UK has a sovereign currency, the pound.  Its PMs, Tories and Labour, had the good sense not to try to get the voters to adopt the euro.  The UK does not have to follow the self-destructive idiocy of EU austerity.  The UK has a parliamentary government in which the PM almost always controls a majority in the House of Commons.  Any UK PM can, and should, routinely have full employment.  The UK should not have tens of thousands, much less tens of millions, of “poor sod[s]” consigned to the economic rubbish bin and there should be no region that is a “Nowheresville.”  The UK public should demand that result, for any PM can deliver that result through a national job guarantee program because the UK has a sovereign currency that it floats and because the UK borrows in its own currency.  A collateral advantage of such a program would be that the UK public would be less upset by immigration.”

BREXIT: Part 3: Tony Blair

Blair’s central complaint is against “populism.”  He is enraged that the UK voters “demonized” “the experts” who warned that BREXIT would cause an economic catastrophe.  He is appalled that “the left” in the UK is appalled by the conduct of the City’s bankers that became wealthy by gutting and filleting their customers to the tune of 50 billion pounds on payment protection insurance (PPI), ran the two largest cartels in world history, made hundreds of billions of pounds in “liar’s” loans, laundered money for drug cartels, kleptocrats, and terrorists, and nations trying to develop nuclear weapons, and helped elites worldwide evade paying their taxesThe bankers’ frauds made them spectacularly wealthy and drove the financial crisis.  Blair’s destruction of effective financial regulation and supervision made all of this possible.  As in the United States, the elite bankers were able to become ultra-wealthy by leading these frauds and scams with complete impunity from prosecution.  But Blair is appalled that “the left” wants to restore the rule of law to the City of London’s elite bankersBlair is outraged that after the sordid record of the bankers’ crimes, abuses, and staggering incompetence the public refused to defer to those bankers as “the experts” on BREXIT.

(3) Afera aspalditik dator:

Warren Mosler (1995ean)

#MMT (

Antoni Soy katalan ekonomialariak idatzi zuenez (Brexit eta ‘ezkerra‘),

1.- Una part de l’autonomenada esquerra continua sense entendre res: el #Brexit es produeix pel vot d’una part important de classes populars

2.- La seva reacció sovint és: anàlisis elitistes, paternalistes, suposadament cosmopolites, des de una suposada superioritat moral #Brexit

3.- Això quan no són directament antidemocràtics, antireferèndums #Brexit

Euskal Herrian beren burua ezkertiartzat daukaten gehienek (guztiek?) ez dute ezer ulertzen ez Brexit dela eta, ezta oraingo ekonomia motaz ere, nahiko daukate erabateko bluff den Varoufakis-ekin.

Okerragoa oraindik: ez dute ezer ikasi nahi!

Gabriel Arestiren Granada honetan maldan behera doa ‘ezkerra’, abiadura handian gainera.

1 Auzo lotsa sentitu dut ondoko ‘inkesta zientifikoa’ irakurtzerakoan: ¿QUIENES SON LOS 17 MILLONES QUE VOTARON POR EL BREXIT?. Ezkertiarra ote da ‘zientzialari’ hori?

Iruzkinak (2)

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