Post-Brexit, Katalunia eta RUI

(1) Post-Brexit:

Warren Mosler: “Nothing has happened yet other than the vote1

Eccetto il voto, non è ancora successo nulla

Non sono ancora fuori.

Prima il Parlamento deve votare per il Leave, il che potrebbe richiedere mesi, anni o potrebbe [addirittura] non accadere. Poi, se il Parlamento votasse per il Leave, dovrebbero essere riscritte decine di migliaia di pagine di documenti di legge, il che potrebbe richiedere molti anni.

E poi il Regno Unito ha già la propria valuta e la propria politica monetaria. Persino se alla fine usciranno, i cambiamenti riguarderanno solo le politiche sull’immigrazione e le leggi sulle banane.”

Eléo de Vulpillières@EdeVulpi

Pourquoi il est impossible de réformer l’Union européenne de l’intérieur – entretien avec le professeur Danny Nicol

Pourquoi il est impossible de réformer l’Union européenne de l’intérieur

2016 eka. 30

Albert Medina@amedinacat

La Bolsa de Londres recupera en dos días las pérdidas derivadas del ‘Brexit@lavanguardia

La Bolsa de Londres recupera en dos días las pérdidas derivadas del ‘Brexit’

2016 eka. 30

Gabriele Steinhauser @gksteinhauser

Italy is first EU government to intervene in banking system after the #Brexit vote … @valentinapop scoop w @glegorano

2016 eka. 30

European Commission Authorized Italian Government to Support Banks

The guarantees, which could be used to guarantee debt issued by banks, are separate from an Italian government blueprint to recapitalize weak lenders. Italian officials have said that the government hopes to inject up to EUR40 billion in fresh capital into domestic banks.

In contrast to liquidity support, which the commission can approve during times of market turmoil, capital injections fall under the EU’s new strict rules on bank bailouts. Those rules would require private investors, including bondholders, in the bailed-out bank to take losses.

As this decision and other precedents demonstrate there are a number of solutions that can be put in place in full compliance with EU rules to address market turbulence,” the commission spokeswoman said. She said the support program was approved under the commission’s “extraordinary crisis rules for state aid to banks,” and that guarantee programs such as the one for Italy were generally approved for six months so they could be adjusted for new developments.

(2) Katalunia:

Enric Vila@enricvd

@martaribasfrias Un Referèndum d’Autodeterminació sempre és unilateral. El RUI no és el 9N. Parlem d’autodeterminació no de fer gincames.

2016 eka. 29

Josep M.Andreu T55@Josepmandreu

@avallenc @martaribasfrias @anna_arque tots els referèndums d’autodeterminació son unilaterals pactats o no,Lleis Internacionals avalen

2016 eka. 29

Amadeu Altafaj@aaltafaj

FT’s concise and clear scene setter.

2016 eka. 30

(3) RUI agenda politikoan:

CUP #sensepor@cupnacional

“Posar data a un referèndum unilateral i vinculant d’independència pot esvair moltes de les desconfiances” #Salellas

2016 eka. 30

CUP #sensepor@cupnacional

“La CUP ja ha començat una roda de contactes aquesta setmana amb partits i moviment popular per compartir aquestes i altres reflexions”

2016 eka. 30

Diari ARA @diariARA

La @cupnacional demana a Puigdemont una cimera per acordar “com i quan” es convocarà el RUI …

2016 eka. 30

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude