Brexit: erresaka (teoriko eta praktikoa)

Albistea: Left Divided on Brexit1

What the hell does it take to get you lefties to celebrate a victory?  c’mon man!!!  Time for a victory celebration of some sorts what the hell do you people want?  Now they are giving Bill shit after Brexit…


Question Spacetime @pbcqt

@billy_blog explain how voting against EU is vote against neoliberalism? UK is biggest neoliberal force in EU and still a big one out of it.

Bill Mitchell@billy_blog

Bill Mitchell(e)k Bertxiotua Question Spacetime

Yes true. But you just got rid of one unelected neo-liberal machine. You now can vote the others out & demand change

2016 eka. 24


Posted by Matt Franko


(1) John said… (June 24, 2016)

(a) Gerla luzea eta ‘berezia’ da2

(b) Xenofobiarena amarru bat izan da eta ezkerrari ez zaio entzun3

(c) Hortaz, lehen bataila irabazi da: neoliberala den EB-ko konstituzio eta erakundeetatik at egon behar zen4

(d) Argi dago Britainia Handian eskuin neoliberala dela nagusi, Alderdi Laborista ere neoliberala den moduan5

(2) Kaivey said… (June 25, 2016)

(e) Bill Mitchell eta DTM-koak ezberdinak dira erabat6

(3) John said…

(f) Ez zegoen beste aukerarik7

(4) John said… (June 25, 2016)

(g) Kontuz, ez okertu!, putre neoliberalak inguruan daude8

(h) Haiek nahi dutena: gu Grezia edo Letonia bilakatzea9

(i) Hurrengo urteak ez dira gozoak izango10

Laburbilduz: independentzia politikoak, sakona denak, alegia, EBtik kanpo egoteak ez du suposatzen arazo ekonomikoak gaindituta egongo direla.

Baina… adi, gogoratu Mosler-en proposamenak Europar Batasunerako. Gauza bertsua aplika dakioke Britainia Handiari, alegia,

…irtenbidea edo soluzioa defizit handiagoak dira”

Izan ere, Europako Banku Zentralaz eta Eurolandiaz Mosler-ek dioena11 Britainia Handiari egokituz, honela geratuko litzateke irtenbidea:

Zer egin Britainia Handian?

Britainia Handiko Banku Zentrala (BZ)

BZ libraren jaulkitzailea da, beraz ez du inongo errenta murrizketarik

BZk librak gastatu eta banatu egin ditzake, nahitara

BZk ez dauka ezelako kaudimen- edo solbentzia-arazorik

Oharra: BZk teklatuaren bidez sortzen ditu librak, nahi eta behar diren beste

Gehi ondoko hau:

Mosler-en proposamena

Urtero BZk BPG osoaren %8ko libra

ordainketak luzatzea gobernuari

BZk ELR programa, edo lan bermeko

programa (employer of last resort, alegia,

azken baliabideko enplegatzaile gisa)


Oharra: Teklatu baten bidez egin daitezke

horrelako ordainketak eta finantzaketak. Kostua zero da

Ez dago inongo misteriorik!

Horretarako, alta, dirua zer den eta nola funtzionatzen duen jakin behar da. Horretaz arduratu dira DTM-ko jendea azken bi hamarkadetan.

Ikas dezagun!

2 Ingelesez: “Matt, this is just the first battle of what will be a very long war. Voting to exit the EU does not mean we will in fact leave the EU, as strange as that may seem! Today, some of those leading the exit camp started to unveil what they mean by exit. And it is almost no different to full EU membership. There was all this banging on about free movement of people and how the UK was now at breaking point. Now the exiters claim there position was never to do anything about freedom of movement. You see, they only wanted to have the right to enforce “some measure” of freedom of movement, not that they would enforce this “small measure”.

3 Ingelesez: “So all the xenophobia and anti-immigration paranoia whipped up by the right was a ruse. Anybody who had any sense knew that it was a ruse because they’re all hardcore neoliberal austerians who believe in the rights of business not labour. The left exiters had a different argument altogether, but nobody listened to a word they said.

4 Ingelesez: “So the first battle was won: the one that unshackles us from the neoliberal EU constitution and institutions. There are many other battles now which must be fought. The newly emboldened right are gearing up for a bonfire of workers’ rights, more austerity and more privatization.”

5 Ingelesez: Voting leave by its very nature would invariably strengthen the neoliberal right. But that step had to be taken. There was no way around that. Whether the left can get its act together is another matter. The parliamentary Labour Party, which is extremely neoliberal and narcissistic that it makes Trump seem positively humble, is so devoted to the EU that they are now taking steps to remove the current leader and replace him with a Blairite zombie. The argument, would you believe, is that Labour isn’t pro-business, pro-neoliberal and pro-EU enough, and that under the amazing Blair the Labour Party won three general election but more importantly made this country a beacon of progress!
The Blairite Labouristas have total contempt for their membership, their voters and their country. Naturally, they would rather lose to the Tories, who are no different to them, than listen to their working class base – loud echoes of the US Democrats.
The leadership of the Labour Party should firstly welcome a coup. That could initiate deselection of these MPs by the party executive or by the constituencies. Without a total purge of these neoliberal, neoconservative Blairite warmongers, the Labour Party will never reclaim the millions of voters and the vast swathes of the country who have gone over in droves to UKIP. Without a very radical leftwing party promising to bring prosperity to the wasteland that has become much of the UK, this country is heading for a lot of pain – breakup, political violence and a good deal of social violence. As I said in another thread, these neoliberal maniacs have initiated the breakup of a very old country and unleashed economic, social, political and constitutional mayhem. Many congratulations. There are words for this. Traitors is one. Treason is another.”

6 Ingelesez: “I voted out and then got cold feet, not that my vote made any difference, my area voted in. But John’s reply is reassuring, and Bill Mitchell is of course very knowledgeable.
The Labour vote comes from two sources, the working class and the middleclass. The middleclass left are well educated and have well paid jobs on the whole.
Bill Mitchell and most of the MMT-ers tend to be from the Middle Class. When I watch them on YouTube I like their relaxed moderate style, so different to the spokesmen on the right, all bellicose and loudmouthed. Look at Peter Schiff?

7 Ingelesez: “Kaivey, we didn’t have a choice. We did the right thing. And what’s more, for the bloody fight ahead (…).

8 Ingelesez. “Kaivey, just remember we can only do what needs to be done if we are organised, with militant unions behind and in front of us, and with a political party agitating for the working class. If we can’t do this, then quite frankly we are lambs to the slaughter. Make no mistake, the neoliberal vultures are circling, and their eyes are firmly fixed on the NHS, pensions, transport, education, etc.”

9 Ingelesez: “They aim to make us into Greece or Latvia. In circumstances like this, the working class is just as likely to militate for the very neoliberal UKIP and Thatcherite Tory policies, which will inflict even more pain on the working class, as to make common cause with the unions and the left. So we need to get these desperate, suffering, confused and angry people to join our side.
How do you think the vast wastelands of the UK are going to react when they find out that voting to leave the EU will in fact make no difference to their lives? In actual fact their lives will be made worse because the newly empowered uber-neoliberal Tories will be further emboldened to push through their most radical pro-business, anti-worker policies while the Labour Party descends into recrimination, civil war and impotence? The Margaret Hodges, Chukka Umunnas and Liz Kendalls (taking their marching orders from the detestable Blair) are gearing up for a drawn out, acrimonious and exhausting war in order to replace the current Labour leadership with neoliberal Blairites. The Blairites are under the psychotic impression that it makes all the difference in the world if they push through the identical neoliberal policies that their identikit Tory brethren wish to push through. This is zombie tribalism

10 Ingelesez: “It’s not going to be a particularly pleasant few years. So we have a long hard road in front of us. That’s the truth. No point in hiding it or shying away from it. All in all, we need to kick every neoliberal face in, every single Blairite and Thatcherite one of them, and that’s only because we have a forgiving and gentle nature. Justice would involve far worse. After all, they happily watch Greeks die and calmly watch the rise of neo-Nazis parties if it means an extra penny profit.

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