Dirua eta Bankugintza (Money and Banking)

Sarrera: Aspaldian idatzi nuen moduan (Puntu berriak bertsolaritza berrirako),

Hiritar ‘arrunt’ askoren aurrean, ekonomia ‘akademikoaz’ ezer ez dakiten euskal hiritar anitzen aitzinean, hamaika hitzalditxo eman ditut azken bolada honetan. Jende ‘arrunt’ horiek ez dute izan inongo arazorik hitzaldiaren muina jasotzeko, ulertzeko, eta hainbat galdera horretaz egiteko. Aldiz, ekonomialari ez-arruntak ez dira gai beren eskematxoetatik irteteko,…


z) Jende arrunta izango da Euskal Herriaren etorkizunaren jabe, baita arlo ekonomikoan ere.”

Helburua : (ikus Happy new year? Urte berri on)?)

Helburu pertsonala argi daukat: gustatuko litzaidake UEUren bitartez azaldu eta azalduko den lan guztia etorkizuneko euskal ekonomialari aurrerakoiko belaunaldiei ondare gisa uztea. Hala biz!”


Noizbait baten batek lan eder bat egingo du euskaraz DTM-ren inguruan. Segur naiz. Horretarako, gutxienezko bibliografia duin bat prestatu behar dugu.

Horrela, eta soilik horrela, gai izango lirateke hurrengo belaunaldikoak ondoko sei urratsak eman ahal izateko: Sei (6) urrats XXI mendean independentista izateko

Aipatutako prestaketa horretarako, hona hemen Eric Tymoigne-k egindako lana eta berorren desenkusa oharrean1.

Zenbait sarrera Diruaz eta Bankugintzaz:

1. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/01/money-banking-part-1.html

2. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/01/money-banking-part-2.html

3. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/01/money-banking-part-3.html

4. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/01/money-banking-blog-part-4.html

7. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/03/money-banking-part-7.html

8. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/03/money-banking-part-8-private-banking-business.html#more-10135

9. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/03/money-banking-part-9-banking-regulation.html

14. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/05/money-banking-part-14-financial-crises.html

15. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/05/money-banking-part-15-monetary-systems.html

16. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/05/money-banking-part-16-faqs-monetary-systems.html

17. Partea: http://neweconomicperspectives.org/2016/06/money-banking-part-17-history-monetary-systems.html

Eta bukatzeko, honela dio Tymoigne-k azken sarreran, ikus oharra2.

1 Ingelesez: “I struggled a few years to get a Money and Banking (M&B) course together. It lacked coherency and students had difficulty linking the different parts of the class. A good part of the problem comes from the M&B textbooks that, besides having outdated presentations, are a disparate collection of chapters without a coherent core. So I gave up with textbooks and went my own way.”

2 Ingelesez: “This is the last post of this series. Many more topics need to be covered to make a full Money and Banking course, but the series should help those of us who are dissatisfied with the current Money & Banking textbooks (I don’t use any).

Here is what is coming up in the near future: I will edit all the posts for typos (most of them hopefully) and to account for comments I received. Devin Smith kindly agreed to post the changes without changing any of the links. Formatting the text from a Word doc to a webpage is actually tedious work so many thanks to Devin. An M&B menu will be created at the top of the NEP homepage that will direct readers to links for each post. I will also make a fancy-looking pdf with all the posts, a table of content, etc. It will be more textbook-like and may be more appealing for some readers.

In the long term, there is a textbook coming. When? Difficult to say. I plan to write most of the first draft of the text next spring while on sabbatical. Then, several rounds of testing (and rewriting) must be done to include feedbacks from students. A test bank and exercises must be created and tested too. So there is some work to do.”

Iruzkinak (1)

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