Grezia: paradisu erabat galdua

Hona hemen zenbait albiste:

(a) Albistea: Greziako erreskatearen blokeoa gainditzeko akordioa hurbil dago

(Albistea ona ote da?)

(b) Albistea: Defizitaren mamua txikitzen ari da EBn1

(Albistea ona ote da?)

(c) Albistea: “Hay que acabar con el euro”2

Autorea irtenbideetan erdi galduta dago, Podemos-en aldekoa da!?, hemengo laugarren karlistadakoak bezalaxe, baina gutxienez hauxe dio:

(Sorry, erdara batuan)

Creo seriamente que los griegos cometieron un gran error cuando firmaron el acuerdo que los alemanes les impusieron hace un año. Deberían haber amenazado a la Unión Europea con un default –impago de la deuda–. Decir: “No podemos seguir pagando. No vamos a pagar. En vez de mendigar más crédito o una renegociación. Nos perdonamos la deuda nosotros mismos”. Un Estado soberano puede hacer esto.


Si los griegos hubiesen dicho “dejamos de pagar”, ¿qué habría pasado? Algunos bancos habrían quebrado, gobiernos como los de Alemania y Francia tendrían que haber reorganizado el sistema bancario, que es algo que tendrán que hacer de todas maneras. Los griegos podrían haber vuelto a su moneda, devaluarla y pedir un préstamo para poder mantenerse a flote. Algo que no podrían negarles.


Creo que hay que acabar con el euro, es un desastre. En tanto en cuanto exista el euro en su forma actual, la situación de los países mediterráneos continuará empeorando y la de los alemanes, mejorando. No hay posibilidad de crear mecanismos igualitarios en Europa. Hay gente de los países del sur que tiene la esperanza de que en algún momento, alguien convencerá a los gobiernos del norte de que les interesa rebajar la competitividad de la economía alemana para incrementar la de la italiana. Esto es una completa ilusión.


El año pasado Schröder hizo una oferta parecida a Varoufakis, le ofreció salir del euro. Creo que Varoufakis tendría que haber preguntado inmediatamente cuál era la propuesta concreta. Porque esta propuesta de Schröder va en contra de fuertes intereses nacionales representados por el Gobierno alemán: los de los exportadores. El sector de la exportación es básicamente el de Angela Merkel: automóvil –Mercedes, Audi, BMW– y los productores de maquinaria en general.

Cuando Schröder dice: “Si el euro fracasa, Europa fracasa”. Esta santificación del euro está al servicio de los intereses de los exportadores alemanes. Cuando Schröder insinuó la posibilidad de algún arreglo flexible, estoy seguro de que Merkel en su oficina de Berlín casi se cae por la ventana. Debió pensar: “Gracias a Dios que este Varoufakis es tonto y no nos pregunta si es realizable”.”

Bagenekien Varoufakis ergela zela, ergel totala, nahiz eta Euskal Herrian oso goraipatua izan.

Todo es posible en Granada, sorry dena de posible EHn (G. Aresti).

(d) Juncker-en plana… and Varoufakis (!!)

Ikus Hype aside – the Juncker Plan – a failure from day one3.

Nor da Junker?4

Junker eta Syriza5

Junker eta Varoufakis6

Junker-engan Greziak zeukan fedea7

Irtenbidea, alta, lanpostuak sortzea zen8

Grezia desastre hutsa izan da9

Ikasiko ote dugu inoiz?

4 Ingelesez: “[Junker] is the man that is now in charge of the dysfunctional European Commission. When he was eleted to the European Commission Presidency, his main strategic initiative, which was promoted with much fanfare was the so-called €300 billion investment offensive. It was adopted in November 2014 and was accompanied with other plans to fix the banking system and improve productivity growth. The plan has been an abysmal failure like most of the initiatives that come from the neo-liberal Groupthink machine known as the European Commission.”

5 Ingelesez: “Indeed, like the centre-left bloc, Syriza was also sucked into the Juncker political spin.”

6 Ingelesez: “While denial reigns supreme on all sides of politics in Europe – no one wants to take the blame for the crazy mess they have all conspired to create – the former Greek Finance Minister (who has since shifted tack and is now touring around conducting another ill-conceived plan to ‘save’ Europe) – released a plan in early 2015 which would see Greece run a primary surplus of between 1 to 1.5 per cent of GDP.

Obviously, an economy that is being starved of aggregate spending (demand), which is why real GDP has crashed by more than 30 per cent over the last 8 years and mass unemployment remains at 25 odd per cent and will remain at that level indefinitely, cannot sustain primary fiscal surpluses that withdraw spending.

Primary surpluses in that context would be an act of gross delinquency.

So what was Syriza and the Finance Minister thinking? Well, they knew quite clearly that aggregate demand had to increase in Greece and substantially if the nation was to return to some semblance of growth.”

7 Ingelesez: “The answer they provided at the time was that the Juncker plan would inject spending into the Greece economy without adding to the Greek government spending. So while the gvovernment might be withdrawing spending by running primary surpluses an exogenous spending injection (akin to a rise in export revenue) would more than offset the fiscal withdrawal and act as a stimulus to growth.

It was a curious statement of faith in Juncker and his administration. At the time, I predicted it was an act of delusion.

8 Ingelesez: “There is a straightforward and very quick solution to mass unemployment in Greece. It is called CREATING JOBS. A government that is not being crucified by disastrous fiscal constraints could announce today that all the unemployed could immediately apply for a public sector job at a socially-acceptable minimum wage – and there would be no shortage of productive jobs that could be created and, importantly, no shortage of workers lining up the jobs.


One of the advantages of using fiscal policy as a counter-stabilising tool is that it is direct and immediate. The government spends cash into the economy and firms/people respond – spending equals income – it is that ‘simple’.

9 Ingelesez: “We now have the facts. If the situation wasn’t so tragic it would be laughable.


The decline in capital formation in Greece was already a crisis by 2011. However, the geniuses in Brussels, Frankfurt, aided and abetted by the sociopaths from Washington (IMF), saw to it that things would get worse.

The imposition of austerity has devastated investment in Greece and has undermined potential growth for decades to come.”

Utzi erantzuna

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