Hitz gogorrak

Dakienak badaki, ez dakienak baleki. Ongi. Baina ez baldin badakite, eta oso argi dago ez dakitela, zer dela eta hitz egiten duten, idazten duten, pontifikatzen duten,…?

William (Bill) Mitchell-ek asko daki, ia egunero idazten du bere blogean, DTM-ko aitaponteko bat da… baina pazientziak ba omen dauka muga bat…

Hitzak argi daude, argiago ezin:

(i) In IMF groupthink and sociopaths1

Any journalist that ever writes that central banks will run out of money or face problems of negative equity should be sacked and sued for lying.


Not only should that politician resign in disgrace but the journalist should resign for not knowing to ask him the obvious question – yet still pretending to have the expertise in these matters to ask any questions.”

(ii) In Don’t fall for the AAA rating myth2

Another very depressing week following economic matters in Australia. The problem is that all this lying and ignorance leads to elevated levels of mass unemployment and underemployment and actually ruins the lives of millions.

Prison is really too good for these fraudsters – which includes the economists who perpetuate the myths, the politicians who mouth it for their own gain (and the gain of the corporate interests they serve) and the ridiculous journalists who just are mindless mouthpieces for this sort of nonsense.

Politikariak, kazetariak, ekonomialariak, denok sendo eta gogor salatzen ditu Mitchell-ek, behin eta berriz.

Eta Euskal Herrian? Zer gertatzen da gure paradisu txiki honetan?

Zertan ari dira gure progreak?

Salatuak izan al daitezke? Noiz? Nola? Non? Nork nor?

1 Ikus http://bilbo.economicoutlook.net/blog/?p=33300.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude