DTM-z, liburu berria

DTM hedatuz eta sakonduz doa.

Hona hemen beste etsenplu interesgarri bat.

Albistea: The Millennials’ Money is Published1

Liburua bera: The Millennials’ Money

Webgune berria: http://jdalt.com/

Liburua: http://jdalt.com/book/the-millennials-money/

Lehen kapitulua: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gox0tsyzim4oeyu/millennialsmoney_chptr1.pptx?dl=0#

Autorea arkitektoa da:

Why is an architect writing this book rather than an economist? Two reasons: First, as already noted, modern fiat money isn’t a new economic theory but, instead, is a reality which I discovered could be visualized with a series of simple “architectural” diagrams. Second, at its core modern fiat money is about building things—real, concrete, structures and systems and services—that our collective society can greatly benefit from. As an architect who spends much of his time imagining and visualizing how we might build a better world, I feel a renewed sense of energy and purpose knowing, now, that we can actually afford to do it!

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