Albistea 14 orrialdean, 7. oharrean: 20 hitz

Hau dun/k hau!

Bill Mitchell-en And further – central banks can never go broke!1

Kostata, baina azkenean hona hemen albistea2, EBZ-ren lan batean, Profit distribution and loss coverage rules for central banks, 14. orrialdean, 7. oharrean, 20 hitz:

Central banks are protected from insolvency due to their ability to create money and can therefore operate with negative equity”

Albistea Bloomberg-ek ere jasotzen du, orrialdez okertuz3:

Even Bloomberg wrote today – The ECB Explains Why Central Banks Can’t Go Bankrupt in a Footnote – (April 6, 2016):

Central banks cannot run out of money because they are the ones that create the money. And you cannot run out of something you can create yourself4.”

Bazen garaia!

Mitchell-ek afera horretaz idatzi du:

1. The ECB cannot go broke – get over it

2. The US Federal Reserve is on the brink of insolvency (not!)

3. Better off studying the mating habits of frogs

Kazetariei buruz, honela dio Mitchell-ek:

Any journalist that ever writes that central banks will run out of money or face problems of negative equity should be sacked and sued for lying

Irakurriko dugun hurrengo baieztapena honelakoa edo antzekoa izango dela dio australiar ekonomialariak:

The next statement we will see someone write sooner or later is – Currency-issuing national governments can never run out of money.

Australiako Altxor Publikoko nagusiak gobernu federalaz, heziketa publikoaren finantzaketaz eta eskola pribatuaz dioenaz, hauxe dio Mitchell-ek:

Compare that to the statements made this week by the Australian Treasurer who was explaining how the Federal Government was proposing to stop funding public education and just concentrate on funding private schools5:

You can’t promise, you can’t promise money that’s not there … the Gillard government … was spending money she just didn’t have.”

Mitchell-ek horrelako politikariaz eta kazetariaz dioena, hemen:

Not only should that politician resign in disgrace but the journalist should resign for not knowing to ask him the obvious question – yet still pretending to have the expertise in these matters to ask any questions.

Mitchell-ek hemengo politikariak, ekonomialariak, kazetariak eta progreak ezagutuko balitu, zer idatziko zukeen?

Eta inongo lotsarik gabe zentsura praktikatzen dutenez, zer esango zukeen?

2 Ingelesez: “We can dispense with the idea that central banks can ever go broke once and for all courtesy of a footnote on page 14 of a recently released ECB Occasional Paper (169) – Profit distribution and loss coverage rules for central banks – published yesterday (April 5, 2016).

We read that:

Central banks are protected from insolvency due to their ability to create money and can therefore operate with negative equity.

3 Izan ere, 14 orrialdea barik, 10. orrialdea aipatzen dute.

4 Honela segitzen du: “While it is unlikely that this paper will forever extinguish confusion over central bank capital, it does at least include a handy cut-out-and-keep footnote to be used whenever someone warns about the risks of a central bank making a loss.”

5 Ikus ‘The PM called the states’ and territories’ bluff’: Treasurer Scott Morrison:

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