The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Hasiera gisa, ikus

(a) Errealitatea eta fikzioa

(b) Economic Hit Men

(c) Economic Hit Men (2)


2015eko liburu berriaz hitz bi.

John Perkins bide beretik doa, hauxe esanez:

(1) Hitzaurrean: “It is also time for a new edition because the world has changed radically. The EHM system—based primarily on debt and fear—is even more treacherous now than it was in 2004. The EHMs have radically expanded their ranks and have adopted new disguises and tools.”

(2) Sarreran:The treacherous cancer beneath the surface, which was revealed in the original Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, has metastasized. It has spread from the economically developing countries to the United States and the rest of the world; it attacks the very foundations of democracy and the planet’s life-support systems.”

(3) Lehen kapituluan:

They prospered.

Everyone else suffered.

Money that had been budgeted for health care, education, and other social services was diverted to pay interest on the loans. In the end, the principal was never paid down; the country was shackled by debt. Then International Monetary Fund (IMF) hit men arrived and demanded that the government offer its oil or other resources to our corporations at cut-rate prices, and that the country privatize its electric, water, sewer, and other public sector institutions and sell them to the corporatocracy. Big business was the big winner.

In every case, a key condition of such loans was that the projects would be built by our engineering and construction companies. Most of the money never left the United States; it simply was transferred from banking offices in Washington to engineering offices in New York, Houston, or San Francisco. We EHMs also made sure that the recipient country agreed to buy airplanes, medicines, tractors, computer technologies, and other goods and services from our corporations.

Despite the fact that the money was returned almost immediately to the corporate members of the corporatocracy, the recipient country (the debtor) was required to pay it all back, principal plus interest.”

Bigarren kapitulutik 33. kapitulura, lehengo liburu bera azaltzen da1, oin-ohar batzuekin.

(4) 34. kapituluan: “While I was an EHM, the goals of most conspiracies were to further US and corporate interests in the economically developing countries —to do whatever it took, including overthrowing or killing government leaders, to enable our companies to exploit Resources. (…) the tools I had used in Indonesia, Panama, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other countries were now being applied in Europe and the United States. Fortified by the so-called threat of global terrorism after 9/11, these conspiracies have given excessive power to the very wealthy individuals who control global corporations. Among the most striking are conspiracies to implement “free” trade agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and the more recent Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which empower corporations to assume de facto sovereignty over governments in countries around the world; to convince politicians to pass laws that permit the rich to avoid paying taxes, to control the media, and to use media to influence politics; and to terrify US citizens into fighting endless wars.

These and many other conspiracies took the EHM system far beyond where it had been in the 1970s.”

Howard Zinn2-en eragina Perkins-engan nabaria da, 33. kapituluan hasi eta ia bukaera arte ikus daitekeen moduan.

Zinn-i kasu eginez, Ekuador eta Correa presidentea aztertu du (37. kapituluan). Halaber, Honduras (38. kapituluan) eta Banku handien aferak (38. eta 42. kapituluetan), gaur egungo Economic Hit Men nortzuk diren argituz (43. kapituluan).

Whatever it takes:

Perkins-en azken mezua hauxe da: “It is time for you -and me, us- to do whatever it takes to bury the death economy and birth the life economy.

1 Confessions of an Economic Hit Man delako liburua hemen irakur daiteke:

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