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Albistea: Don’t Show Wolfgang Schäeuble This Chart1

Martxa honetan. Alemaniak diru laguntza Greziari eskatuko dio…

Alemaniako banku handien kreditu arriskua izugarri azeleratzen ari da… Greziako bankuak hobetuz ari diren bitartean.

Albistea: Is It Time To Panic About Deutsche Bank?2

2013ko apirilean: “Back in April 2013, we showed for the first time something few were aware of, namely that “At $72.8 Trillion, The Bank With The Biggest Derivative Exposure In The World” was not JPMorgan as some had expected, but Germany’s banking behemoth, Deutsche bank.”

Orain dela ia urte bete: “The Elephant In The Room: Deutsche Bank’s $75 Trillion In Derivatives Is 20 Times Greater Than German GDP.”

2015eko ekainean: Then, last June, we asked the most pointed question yet: Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?

(1 trilioi amerikarra = 1 bilioi europarra)

Oharrak (ingelesez):

(a) Here is what the stock price of Deutsche Bank has done since our first warning about the huge potential risks borne by Deutsche Bank, back in April 2013 – earlier today it touched on fresh post-crisis lows and down substantially since we first started warning about it:

(b) But the real chart everyone should be paying attention to – we certainly have been for a long, long time – is that of DB’s Credit Default Swaps, the earliest harbinger not of company risk, that has been there for a long, long time, but far more importantly of the market’s realization and admission of this risk, have been blowing up and screaming that something is very, very broken at the bank with the largest gross notional derivative exposure in the world.

So, our question for today, is it time to panic about Deutsche Bank yet?


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