Langabezia Europar Batasunean

Lan-indarraren kostu lehiakortasunak Europako krisia are gehiago txartu du.


Yves Smith@yvessmith

How the Labor Cost Competitiveness Myth is Making the Eurozone Crisis Worse: A new article makes a devastating attack on a fundamental belief driving Eurozone policy, that the member economies need to be made more “competitive,” meaning labor needs to be squeezed, for the currency union to achieve more growth. Recall that for Greece, one of the key battles that the ruling coalition lost was over labor “reforms” which were all meant to reduce worker bargaining power.

How the Labor Cost Competitiveness Myth is Making the Eurozone Crisis Worse

Warren B. Mosler@wbmosler

@yvessmith @ptcherneva Unemployment is always an unspent income story. Just hike the deficit limit to 8% of GDP and the crisis is over.

Ezaguna genuen Mosler-en proposamena. Langabezia defizit mugari dagokio. Hortaz, defizit muga hori igo behar da, besterik ez!

Halaber, badakigu, Mosler-i esker, Europako Banku Zentralak, nahi izanez gero, igoera hori beti egin dezakeela zero kostuan, konputagailu-teklatuen bidez.

Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude