Mariana Mazzucato-ren lanez hitz batzuk

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Etorkizun hurbilerako berriak

Ezjakintasunetik enpresari-estatura1

Esperientzia berri baterantz?

Financing the Capital Development of the Economy: A Keynes-Schumpeter-Minsky Synthesis2

Everything You Should Know about Government, Innovation and Entrepreneurship3

“…the reality, as I explain in my work on The Entrepreneurial State: debunking public vs private sector myths, the state has actively shaped and created markets, not just fixed them. It has done so by being an active investor along the whole innovation chain: not only in basic research but also even in downstream areas like applied research and early stage financing of companies. Ignoring this key market shaping and market creating role (not only market fixing) is having today two effects: (1) it is hurting future innovation possibilities (making some countries think they can simply use public money to indirectly incentivize private sector investment), and (2) it is contributing to the increase in inequality.
Understanding the state as market maker not just fixer means understanding that in the few areas of the world which have achieved innovation led ‘smart’ growth—what so many countries say they want after too much short-run, speculation-led growth—the state has played the role of strategic investor, not only spender; catalyzer not only de-risker.

Minsky-ri buruzko gehigarriak:

(1) Zer dela eta Minsky garrantzitsua den, oharreko linketan4.

Although a handful of economists raised alarms as early as 2000, Minsky’s warnings began a half-century earlier, with writings that set out a compelling theory of financial instability. (…) Randall Wray shows that by understanding Minsky we will not only see the next crisis coming but we might be able to act quickly enough to prevent it.

Minsky’s most important idea is that “stability is destabilizing”: to the degree that the economy achieves what looks to be robust and stable growth, it is setting up the conditions in which a crash becomes ever more likely.

Minsky does a better job of explaining the global financial crisis–and why it isn’t over yet–than anyone else.”

(2) Review: Another “Minsky moment” may be on the way5

1 Ikus

3 Do we want limited government or an entrepreneurial state?:

Iruzkinak (4)

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