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Filma: This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein eta Avi Lewis-ek eginda.

Bill Mitchell-en This Changes Everything in Friday lay day – George Osborne talks tough but is saved by ridiculous forecasts1

Mitchell-ek dioenez,

(a) Ondokoa ez da filmari buruzko iruzkinik egiteko, filmean azaltzen den mezuaz zertxobait esateko baizik2

(b) ‘Mezua’ ezker politikaz eta kapitalismo globalaz ari da3: global capitalism has rendered national boundaries irrelevant

(c) ‘Mezua’ren ondorioa: estatuaren ahalmena korporazio transnazionalek bereganatu du4

(d) Korolarioa: finantza globalizazioak estatuak zigortzen ditu ordainketa-balantzaren bitartez5

(e) Alta, hona Mitchell-en mezu argia: estatu subirano batek, bere moneta jaulkitzen duenak, ahalmena dauka korporazio transnazionalen abusuak kontrolatzeko6

Filma dela eta, maila lokalean gizarte taldeen garrantzia7 mezu nagusia da, ezker politikoak bereganatu ez duena8: izan ere, jendea korporazio oso boteretsua da9.

Filmean kasu bereziak ere azaltzen dira… austeritatearen ‘zatitu eta menderatu’ delakoaren ezaugarriak dituztenak10, non eta Grezian!

2 Ingelesez: “… I attended a screening of the new film by Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis – This Changes Everything – which is based on Naomi Klein’s book of the same name.

The book profiles several communities around the world who are fighting for climate justice against some of the large transnational corporations in the globe.”

3 Ingelesez: “One of the things that is very clear in the current research I’m doing for my next book on why the political Left has abandoned a progressive economic’s agenda in favour of weird compromises like the Third Way, New Labour, or rather variations which are now being referred to as austerity-light, neo-liberal stances, is that global capitalism has rendered national boundaries irrelevant.

4 Ingelesez: “As a consequence, the capacity of the State to implement domestic policies that advance the well-being of its citizens has been usurped by the power of trans-national corporations and the global supply chain.

5 Ingelesez: “The corollary is that the globalisation of finance has meant that a state that tries to buck against the corporate interests of these monolithic companies will be punished through the balance of payments (capital flight, currency sell-off, short-selling, and all the rest of the scary things that are alleged to accompany the wrath of these companies).

6 Ingelesez: “My next book will challenge that perception and argue instead that the State which issues its own currency retains the discretion and capacity to maintain full use of whatever productive resources the nation has and, ultimately, the power to curb the abuses of these trans-national corporations.

7 Ingelesez: “The film … demonstrates how abusive trans-national corporations can be brought to heel through organised, systematic and determined grass-roots actions at the local level.”

8 Ingelesez: “It was a very powerful message and one that the mainstream political Left parties have failed to grasp.”

9 Ingelesez: “What it tells us is that the political Left has to glean its support from progressive grassroots organisations and in turn reciprocate that support in the political process.

Ultimately, people are more powerful corporations, a point lost on the mainstream politicians, who think that appeasing the ‘markets’ is what political leadership is about these days.”

10 Ingelesez: “It was here that the divide-and-conquer characteristics of austerity came to the fore. The company appealed the decision in the Greek courts and were joined in the case by the unions that represented the gold mining workers.

The head of the workers’ union was quoted in the press as saying:

We’re awaiting the court’s ruling which we believe will vindicate us … People in Halkidiki are tired of being unemployed because of unfair decisions.

So it is clearly a case of one set of workers desperate for employment in an austerity-ridden nation undermining the well-being of other workers in the local community.

These sorts of conflicts intensify when a government fails to maintain sufficient employment for all and forces worker against worker.

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